Zionist apologetics is based on two sets of claims which are each problematic. One is nationalist and...
Barak Ravid has just published a series of tweets in Hebrew and English that raise serious questions...
[metaslider id=”77528″] The Jewish Electorate Institute (JEI) is a Democratic-leaning poll which regularly measures American Jewish views...
UPDATE: Based on reporting in JTA and a statement of support for Prof. Halperin from Jewish Studies...
The circus that is Israeli politics continues, with Netanyahu hosting a cabinet meeting at which he forced...
Originally, I conceived this post as a critique of Trump’s withdrawal from Syria, which is itself part...
Saudi Arabia oil supply was attacked. There is reason to believe that we know the culprit, are...
There’s a mystery hovering about today, in the aftermath of a major attack on several Saudi oil...
Here’s a thought you will never hear uttered from a synagogue bima or any other Jewish institution. ...
As I write this, I’m on a plane returning from Berkeley to Seattle, after attending an Islamophobia...
Before beginning this post, let’s make clear that the recent chemical attack which killed over 40 Syrian...
פעילי זכויות אדם דורשים מהמוסד לחשוף את הידוע לו על נסיבות מותו של מזכ”ל האו”ם דאג המרשלד...