17 thoughts on “The Zionist Fallacy – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. It was not God, but the League of Nations that granted Jews the right to emigrate to a homeland in Palestine, which homeland would become a State when demographics allowed for a Jewish majority.

    ” a genetic claim: that the DNA of current Jews shows a direct link back to the ancient Hebrews. This claim too is attenuated by scientific evidence: ”

    Well, according to your quote of Harry Ostrer, a professor of genetics at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and University of Arizona geneticist Michael Hammer showed that most Ashkenazis, Italians, North Africans, Iraqi, Iranian, Kurdish and Yemenite Jews share common Y-DNA haplotypes that are also found among many Arabs from Palestine, Lebanon and Syria. Only a small percentage of the Y-DNA of Jews originated outside of the Middle East—some in the Caucusus.

    Right, Jews originated in the Middle East and migrated, and some Arabs are crypto Jewish, having converted to Islam.

    1. @ JohnCR: No. The League of Nations has not existed for nearly a century. We can argue what the original ruling meant, but it’s irrelevant. The successor to the League was the UN and while it recognized Israel as a state, it offered no comment on, and did not grant any special right to Jews regarding that state. In fact, it proposed a partition giving Palestinians and Jews their own separate states which was never realized.

      “The Jews” of today did not physically originate anywhere except where they were born. Genetics is not ownership. It has no historical or practical validity.

      You may post one comment in each thread. You have published your one comment in this thread.

        1. @ Zionistist: Because Ben Gurion knowingly destroyed Partition by declaring statehood. Not to mention that he explicitly said that accepting Partition was a ploy. A first step to eventually gaining sovereignty over all of the area partitioned.

  2. Richard said:

    ” The successor to the League was the UN and while it recognized Israel as a state, it offered no comment on, and did not grant any special right to Jews regarding that state. ”

    The UN General Assembly Resolution 181 (Partition Plan) November 29, 1947, does not recognize the State of Israel, but rather, it recognizes an independent, ‘Jewish State’, and does so forty times in the body of the document.

    Why you even introduced Eran Elhaik into this conversation is beyond me.

    The UN, by it’s words and deeds, recognized the new State as belonging to the Jewish people, and having a singular, Jewish character.


    Richard also said:

    “The Jews” of today did not physically originate anywhere except where they were born. Genetics is not ownership. It has no historical or practical validity.”

    Leaving aside that most of the Jews of today live in Israel, its axiomatic that genetics are not ownership, but nonetheless, the genetics, collectively, of today’s Jews shows that today’s Jews have an origin story and originated in Eretz Yisroel many thousands of years ago.

    1. @ Chad: It doesn’t matter what the Partition agreement said because Ben Gurion rejected it. Not only did he reject it, he did not accept a the Arab/Palestinian territorial claim. You don’t get to use the UN to legitimate your claim when Israel rejected the UN plan.

      I didn’t mention Elhak. In fact I quoted Harry Ostrer, who criticizes Elhaik. Don’t criticize me for things I didn’t say.

      I have no interest in genetic claims. They prove nothing. Origin stories are a literary device. Not a historical claim. Because someone lived somewhere 2000 years ago doesn’t give you, me or anyone else a rightful claim to anything; whether we’re related to them or not. And just because you believe in fairy tales and myths doesn’t mean anyone else needs to believe it.

      1. Greco-Roman Judeans are ancestors of modern Palestinians and not of Rabbinic Jews.

        Bar Kochba and Tannaim like Rabbi Akiba completely discredited Biblical and Tannaitic Judaism for the peasantry because Bar Kochba persecuted the peasantry and the Tannaim supported him. The Palestinian population, which had practiced Biblical Judaism, converted entirely to Christianity and subsequently mostly to Islam, which is a slight variant of Judean (Jamesian) Christianity in which Jesus is the messiah but not divine. By the beginning of the 3rd century CE most of the Judean peasantry (90% of the population) practiced some form of Judean Christianity.

        The Roman Exile is a metaphor for the transformation of Judaism from the religion of Judea into a religion that only descendants of non-Judean converts practice.

        A Zionist propagandist tries to use the fairy tale of the Roman Exile in an active defense to the accusation of genocide. Even if the Roman Exile were something historical, this defense would not be cognizable.

        The best most recent study (High-resolution inference of genetic relationships among Jewish populations) shows that Rabbinic Jews and their descendants have no genetic connection to Greco Roman Judeans and have only limited connection from one major community to another major community.


        1. @ Jonathan: Please make your comments directly related to the post topic. Do not wander far afield as you have here. As interesting as this may be to you, it may bore others silly; or leave some mystified by your comment. The subject of this blog and the post is not Tanaitic Judaism Judean Christianity or almost all of what you published here.

          1. Sorry, I was replying to Chad’s reference to obsolete genetic anthropological claims. You replied to this reference, too. I also don’t have much interest in such a reference except to bury bad science. I only pay attention to such a reference when it seems to be used in a bizarre active defense to a charge of genocide.

    2. Correction: UNGA 182 is a nullity. It was a proposal for Security Council action and did not partition Palestine as the Israeli founding myth proclaims. See the resolution: “The General Assembly … [t]he Security Council take the necessary measures as provided for in the plan for its

      The Security Council never did so, stopped by strenuous objections by the Arab States that the partition would violate the procedures established by the U.N. Charter for mandate territories to become independent nations (the goal of self-determination). See Charter, Chapter XI, “Declaration Regarding Non-Self-Governing Territories,” https://www.un.org/en/about-us/un-charter/full-text (.)

      Under that argument, the Security Council was powerless to impose its will on the people of Palestine. Under the Chapter 11 procedures, only a vote of all Palestinian residents (including Jews) could establish a new government or partition Palestine. See Legal Consequences of the Separation of the Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius in 1965, International Court of Justice (25 February 2019), pg. 38, https://www.icj-cij.org/files/case-related/169/169-20190225-01-00-EN.pdf (“States have consistently emphasized that respect for the territorial integrity of a non-self-governing territory is a key element of the exercise of the right to self-determination under international law. The Court considers that the peoples of non-self-governing territories are entitled to exercise their right to self-determination in relation to their territory as a whole, the integrity of which must be respected by the administering Power. It follows that any detachment by the administering Power of part of a non-self-governing territory, unless based on the freely expressed and genuine will of the people of the territory concerned, is contrary to the right to self-determination.”)

  3. A remark and a question.

    “The promised land’” – according to the explanation of the late Henri Veldhuis, a prominent Dutch theologian- is not any given physical entity. It’s everywhere where people live up to the Thora. The promised land can be the street around the corner of your house, or even your house itself .

    Pushing aside others because your religion or mythology or your leaders tell you, you have special prerogatives, is nothing short of hubris and fundamentalism. Others do not have to subordinate to your selfperception and give up any rights because of that. Why should they give in? You’re not any type of Übermensch. Jews don’t have any divine prerogative over non-Jews. They’re not better human beings deserving a special place of their own in the universe, at the cost of others, whatever selfperception might lead them conclude just that. A G’d prioritizing jews over others is not even a despicable G’d , it’s a self-serving phantasy., Not a thousand Biblebooks can change that simple human reality. At the end of the day, there’s nothing but reality of a human origin.

    1. @ Chad: Nope. He claimed to have accepted the Plan, but rejected the Plan’s borders. That means he rejected the territory alloted to Palestinians for their own state. Hence, he rejected it. You can’t have a plan for two states and say I only recognize my state but not the other guy’s. The Plan isn’t a la carte. You either accept it in its entirety or you reject it. You can’t be half pregnant.

      1. Ben Gurion accepted the partition plan, but did so using the term ‘frontiers’ in favor of the term ‘borders’.
        Ben Gurion did this because he knew with certainty that the Arab rejection of the partition plan would take the form of armed attacks on Jewish settlements, towns and cities by armed Arab bands.

        Those armed attacks began in earnest only days after the Resolution passed.

        1. @Chad: As I think you know, there is no such thing as a “frontier” that is a “border.” So he in effect recognized nothing.

          In fact, the only reason the attacks began was because BG declared independence. The Arab states and Ralph Bunche warned that this would mean war. And he proceeded because he knew the Haganah was stronger than any Arab force at that time. If he waited, he anticipated the Arab forces would strenthen & increase in size and skill. He knew an immediate war would result in Israel gaining much more territory than partition promised. Which is why he would never accept any territorial limits. And as he was a Greater Land of Israel guy, he wanted maximal borders. It was cynincal and unprincipled. But that’s BG (and Israel) all over.

          I’m glad you at least tactitly concede BG rejected Partition.

  4. The LoN Mandate for Palestine defined a hostile occupation whose purpose was replacement genocide of Palestinians.

    When the international community banned genocide on Dec 11, 1946 and made this ban jus cogens, any international instruments’s clause that violated the ban on genocide was voided. This ban explains why the Nov 1947 Partition Plan was optional and non-binding. The Palestinians had to agree to any international agreement on sovereignty that might result in a population transfer or exchange. Otherwise the international agreement would give legal status to replacement genocide.

    What is replacement genocide? It is defined in Count Three (the Genocide Count) of the Indictment of the 1945-1946 Nuremberg International Tribunal but is unfortunately called Germanization. Germanization becomes no less an international crime and no less an act of genocide by renaming it Judaization.

    In certain occupied territories purportedly annexed to Germany the defendants methodically and pursuant to plan endeavored to assimilate those territories politically, culturally, socially, and economically into the German Reich. The defendants endeavored to obliterate the former national character of these territories. In pursuance of these plans and endeavors, the defendants forcibly deported inhabitants who were predominantly non-German and introduced thousands of German colonists.

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