In the midst of Israel’s onslaught against Gaza, the country is trying to put together a government...
Israel has once again passed another milestone in corruption. For the first time, the president has tasked...
Recently, the Telegraph published what it billed as a major expose of Turkish collusion with Hamas to...
NOTE: I did a new interview for Real News Network about the near-murder of Palestinian prisoner, Samer...
ישראל קונה נפט בסתר מהאיש החזק במזרח לוב, הגנראל ח’ליפה חפתר اسرائيل تشتري النفط من الرجل القوي...
חשיפה: המקור הישראלי העיקרי שלי עד 2014 היה בנימין (“פואד”) בן-אליעזר ז”ל NOTE: This is a longer...
The New Yorker features a new piece (in many cases if a publication has a paywall you may...
Donald Trump just made one of the most hypocritical speeches in American political history: and that’s saying...
وزير الدفاع الاسرائيلي السابق يعلون يقر لاول مرة بوجود قناة اتصال بين بلاده وداعش في سوريا שר...
This video is a PressTV interview I did critiquing Netanyahu’s abuse of the Book of Esther to...
Israel's troops sneak into Syria to gather intel. by presstv It’s commonly and falsely reported in the...
Mossad chief, Yossi Cohen, executed a Hamas flight engineer, Mohammed al-Zoari, in Tunisia several days ago. Almost...