8 thoughts on “Torygraph’s Credulous Reporting Straight from the Horse’s Mouth: Israeli Intelligence – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. This Haniyeh’s trip abroad will also include Malaysia, Russia, Qatar, Lebanon, Mauritania and Kuwait. Will “they in Jerusalem” make in British media equal articles about meeting these “dictators”? We can have and have a less admiring opinion of Erdogan’s policies and decisions, but he is hardly an dictator. He was democratically elected. Surely Erdogan is a strong nationalistic religious leader, but so is Netanyahu (and all other former Israeli leaders). And so is Trump in USA, but maybe not so religious.

    In the middle of this Telegraph article by Raf Sanchez is an “offer”

    Letter from Jerusalem
    Sign up for Letter from Jerusalem and get Raf Sanchez’s exclusive newsletter sent straight to your inbox.

    Neutral analytical information from Jerusalem or Zionist propaganda and fake news?

  2. What always surprises me is the idea that people occupied by a foreign force must not defend themselves. During WW2 underground movements against the German occupation forces where thought to be courageous and necessary. However, if you are a Palestinian you must not protest and just let the occupying force do as it wishes. The Western Democracies seem to have lost all sense of justice when it concerns the Middle East. How far this loss of democratic ideas has now gone is shown by the head of the BBC suggesting that people who criticised the BBC during the elections should be purged from the internet. The Guardian newspaper seems to have similar thoughts as far as its critics are concerned.

  3. Hi Richard,

    I read the Sanchez piece, and it has it’s strengths and weaknesses same as any piece of journalism.
    Out of curiosity, what has Sanchez said here that you outright don’t believe?

    Also, in your preceding article, you write off Hillel Neuer as an Islamophobic, ‘Judeo-Fascist’, lumping him with the likes of Frank Gaffney.
    I don’t believe this is fair. Hillel Neuer has come to the defense of persecuted Uighur Muslims in China, and has received many awards for his activism.

    Other than accept ‘dirty money’ from Merona, what has Neuer done to deserve being called an islamophobe or Judeo-Fascist?

    You also said that, “There is no difference between Israel’s terror operations and Hamas”, which statement is unfair and erroneous, IMHO.

    Hamas has nearly always targeted Israeli civilians, and Israel nearly always targets Hamas militants, usually, but not always, in the course of a military operation (in order to stop rocket attacks).
    Of course, this distinction means nothing if you are an innocent Gazan or Israeli civilian being bombed, but that’s not the point.

    Have a great day,


    1. @ Dean Dyer: No, there is very little in the piece that is useful. Hamas is reaching out to governments throughout the region. Haniyeh has visited numerous regional capitals for meetings similar to those in Istanbul. The real news here is that Israeli intelilgence is contributing to the demonization of Turkey because of its increasing sympathy for the Palestinian cause. It’s increasing willingness to become a public champion of the cause. Israel is threatened by Hamas political successes and wishes to demonize any country seen as softening its position regarding Hamas. That, of course, Sanchez leaves out of his piece. That would be a real contribution to the debate.

      As for Hillel Neuer, curious that you omitted any critical perspective on his pro-Israel shillery. Let’s try this source (formerly Right Web) to offer some needed background:

      Hillel Neuer is a Canadian-born activist and lawyer who directs the “pro-Israel” watchdog group UN Watch, a controversial Geneva-based organization…A former law clerk in the Israeli Supreme Court, Neuer has earned a reputation as a divisive opponent of Israel’s critics within the UN Human Right Council (HRC).

      In his commentaries regarding HRC members and candidates, Neuer often argues that use of any council resources for investigations of Israel—particularly if human rights abuses are occurring anywhere else on the planet—reveals an anti-Semitic “obsession.”

      …While human rights issues related to Darfur or torture make it onto it radar screen, the organization focuses mainly on what it sees as anti-Israel sentiment.

      …UN Watch has increasingly adopted a worldview closely aligned with U.S. neoconservatism.

      …In his Guardian blog, commentator Ian Williams argued that UN Watch has been…”guilty of hypocrisy…He wrote: “Anyone carrying a hypocrisy detector through the UN would be distracted by its continuous beeping…passing UN Watch’s office would set it beeping as well. If the organization could point to a single occasion when it had condemned manifest Israeli transgressions of the human rights of Palestinians, it would give itself a secure platform from which to criticize the human rights council.

      …A non-exhaustive Right Web investigation of IRS Form 990 filings from 2002-2009 revealed more than $2 million in donations to UN Watch and its U.S. fundraising arm, American Friends of UN Watch, from “pro-Israel” and conservative-leaning foundations. These include the Newton & Rochelle Becker Foundation, which has supported other neoconservative outfits like the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) and Daniel Pipes’ Middle East Forum, and the Shillman Foundation, which has also supported MEMRI. The Becker Foundation has been described by the Center for American Progress as a primary funder of the so-called “Islamophobia network,” an informal grouping of prominent foundations, opinion makers, and media personalities that spread negative impressions about Islam and Muslims in the United States. MEMRI, like UN Watch, is a “nonpartisan” watchdog group with an identifiable right-wing and Israel-centric slant. (For Right Web’s full report on UN Watch’s 990s, click here).”

      And how about this outrageous attack on Naomi Klein:

      Neuer then compares Klein’s article to the notorious Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels, contending that it expresses “Goebbels-like venom.”

      Further criticism of Neuer here.

      As for Neuer’s supposed championing of the Uighurs, don’t make me laugh. He championed Darfur when it was in vogue. Now the Uighurs are the flavor of the month. Neuer is a carpetbagger who takes up causes strategically so he gets the most bang for his buck. He needs to take up a Muslim cause every once in a while so he can do precisely what you’re doing–say the Muslim world has no right to attack Israel because there are other Muslim causes far more worthy of their attention. THen he can say: get your own house in order before you attack Israel. It’s a sham really. And you are aiding and abetting the sham.

      Finally, by their company so shall ye know them: if Hillel Neuer was the angel you made him out to be he would not be lying down with the flea-bitten dogs at Merona. He has, so he is (one of them).

      Hamas has nearly always targeted Israeli civilians, and Israel nearly always targets Hamas militants, usually, but not always, in the course of a military operation (in order to stop rocket attacks).

      Absolutely not true. Hamas in fact often targets the IDF. And Israel often targets civilians. Even if it didn’t, the indiscriminate and massive lethality of its weaponry guarantees massive numbers of civilians will be killed. And they are. 70% of the dead in the 2014 massacre in Gaza were civilians.

      And let’s dispense with the hypocrisy that only Hamas targets civilians: in pre-state Palestine Israeli Jewish terrorists willingly targeted and killed civilians. Of course it also killed British police and military when it could. But it was just as willing to kill British and Palestinian civlians and did so with abandon. So don’t forget your history as is convenient for hasbarists like you to do.

  4. “And Israel often targets civilians. Even if it didn’t, the indiscriminate and massive lethality of its weaponry guarantees massive numbers of civilians will be killed.”

    Apropos of 2014, “Palestinian armed groups have stored munitions in and fired indiscriminate rockets from residential areas in the Gaza Strip,” an Amnesty report noted recently. The groups have also “reportedly urged residents in some areas of the Gaza Strip not to leave their homes” after Israel had warned it would attack the area, all of which have the effect of putting Palestinians at risk in the fighting.


    And, we must remember that Israel does make extraordinary efforts to minimize civilian deaths with leaflets, phone calls and ‘roof knocks’, that warn Gazan civilians of impending attacks.

    “And how about this outrageous attack on Naomi Klein”.

    For someone who regularly calls some Zionists ‘Judea-Nazis’ and ‘Judeo-Fascists’, you really shouldn’t criticize Neuer for accusing Klein of ‘Goebbels-like venom’.

    Lastly, nothing you’ve written or quoted regarding Neuer justifies calling him a Judeo-Fascist or Islamophobe. You’ve simply failed to prove that argument.
    Being, in your words, a ‘carpetbagger’ or a shill for Israel, isn’t the same as being Judeo-Fascist or Islamophobe.

    By doing so, you lower the bar and dilute the case against real Judeo-Fascists and Islamophobes.

    I’ve said all I have to say here.

    Have a great weekend.


    1. @ Dean Dyer: You’re regurgitating the same old foolish argument hasbaroids have used over the past five years. The weapons Hamas supposedly stores in Gaza are meant to defend Gaza both in the event of Israeli invasion and when Israel violates ceasefires and assassinates its leaders, as it does on a regular basis.

      Further, Hamas is under siege in Gaza. It doesn’t exactly have a huge amount of territory to choose from to store its weapons. I’m sure if Hamas had the amount of territory Israel does it would be happy to store them away from civilians. But it doesn’t have that luxury. Further, internatioal laws of war do not say a country may indiscriminately kill civilians if its enemy stores munition in civilian areas. It says it is a war crime to kill civilians in the manner Israel has. So your defense isn’t much of one I’m afraid.

      we must remember that Israel does make extraordinary efforts to minimize civilian deaths with leaflets, phone calls and ‘roof knocks’, that warn Gazan civilians of impending attacks.

      This is the equivalent of taking a dump in the comment thread and sprinkling it with rosewater and saying how wonderful it smells. Israel does not take extraordinary or any other efforts to minimize civilian deaths. It warns civilians to leave their homes without offering them refuge anywhere else. Then when they do leave their homes it mows them down as it declares their neighborhoods a free fire zone in which civilians may be killed. How else do you think 1,600 civilians were murdered in Gaza in 2014? Did they all spontaneously shoot themselves with artillery shells and F-16 munitions?

      As for calling people Judeo-fascists, when they are I call them that. Hillel Neuer used Nazi smears against Naomi Klein. Therefore he is a Judeo-fascist. As for his being an Islamophobe, one of the sources I quoted called him just that and offered evidence for the term. You somehow missed that. I wonder why.

      Do not comment in this thread again. If you choose, you may comment in other threads. And do read the comment rules which tell commenters to stay on-topic. This one of yours strayed far from the original subject of the blog post.

  5. I only have one problem with your article: You are pushing for the normalization of Hama’s military tactics. You are trying to make it look “Ok” that they have rockets. The truth is that Palestinians are not interested in having military offensive against Israel. All of those rocket attacks against civilians do NOT work in favor of Palestinians. If anything, it destabilizes the region, it harms Palestinians, it gets them killed, it gets their homes demolished, it terrorizes the local population, etc.

    The simple truth is that people are like all other people – who would have believed? They just want to raise their children in peace, they want good schools, they want clean streets, good roads, they want a good medical infrastructure, they want to just wake up in the morning and go to work and make money and buy food and clothing for their children…

    Ask any Israeli Arab if he wants to fight Israel. Ask any Israeli Arab if they prefer to be ruled by Jordan or Syria.

    They need to simply STOP their acts of violence, accept whatever borders exist right now, and then take the same path Native Americans took with the invading Europeans who created the United States of America. They went through the court system and got their own lands ratified and formalized and they are now left alone to live their lives in peace (Native Americans have massive lands in the US, and they are exempt from the Federal Government rules and regulations).

    The involvement of foreign regimes in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is what’s keeping it alive. If nobody was funneling money and weaponry into the region, the conflict would be concluded years ago.

    1. @ Skaag:

      I only have one problem with your article

      I have far more than “one problem” with your comment.

      You are pushing for the normalization of Hama’s military tactics

      Don’t tell me what I’m doing. Don’t summarize what I think or believe. You’ll inevitably be wrong as you are here. I have not normalized Hamas’ tactics. I have merely pointed out that they are roughly the same tactics used by the pre-state Israeli terror underground. And pointed out that the state of Israel have far more massive firepower than Hamas. Beyond that I have explicitly said I’m opposed to violence on both sides.

      You are trying to make it look “Ok” that they have rockets.

      Nope. But hey, if you’re OK with Israel having nukes, then why shouldn’t it be OK for Hamas to have rockets?

      The truth is that Palestinians are not interested in having military offensive against Israel

      Do NOT try to tell us what Palestinians are interested in. Inevitable, you will be wrong. Do not speak for Palestinians. Do not tell us what they believe or think. That is beyond chutzpah.

      All of those rocket attacks against civilians do NOT work in favor of Palestinians

      And you, the champion of Palestinians, are going to tell them what works in their favor and what doesn’t. Presumptuous, much?

      The simple truth is that people are like all other people – who would have believed?

      Yes, we’re all alike. Except that some of us are more alike than others. For instance, Palestinians are six times more likely to be killed by Israelis than the other way around. For instance, Israel has nukes and Hamas has bows and arrows.

      They just want to raise their children in peace,

      To quote Reagan: there he goes again! Tell us what Palestinians want. I’ll tell you something they want that will blow your mind: justice, a land of their own, national rights, freedom. All things they don’t have. All things Israel deprives them of.

      Ask any Israeli Arab if he wants to fight Israel.

      They’re not “Arabs” to you. They’re Palestinian. And again, telling us what all of them believe. Shame on you!

      Ask any Israeli Arab if they prefer to be ruled by Jordan or Syria.

      I’ll tell you who Israeli-Palestinians would like to be ruled by: Israeli Palestinians (and Israeli Jews and Christians, too). In other words, they want to be ruled by rulers who represent them fully and equally. Not as it is now where they are ruled by Israeli Jewish politicians who hate them.

      hey need to simply STOP their acts of violence

      No, you need to stop telling them what to do. Shut up and listen to them for a change. Would that kill you?

      They need to simply…take the same path Native Americans took with the invading Europeans…

      Indeed they do. And 2 million dead later Native Americans have shrunk to a tiny number compared to pre-white colonization. They suffer from alcoholism, domestic violence, and other major public health plagues. Thanks to white genocide against them. So yes, Palestinians should just sit back and take whatever punishment the Israeli Jewish white man metes out to them.

      You have had your say in this thread. Do not comment here again. You may comment in other threads if you choose.

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