Donald Trump just made one of the most hypocritical speeches in American political history: and that’s saying something. The same person who told the American electorate that Islam was a religion of violence and evil, and that America must close its doors to all Muslims because, as far as he was concerned, they were all likely terrorists–this same guy fawned and curtsied before the Saudi monarch who’s the protector (not a very good one, I might add) of the Muslim holy sites.
This speech and his attendant business deals signed while in the Kingdom, are a triumph of commerce over values. Jobs and lucre and the only things this President cares about. If he can hawk THADD missile systems to the Devil himself he’ll descend into Hell to do it.
Iran—fresh from real elections—attacked by @POTUS in that bastion of democracy & moderation. Foreign Policy or simply milking KSA of $480B? pic.twitter.com/ahfvRxK3HV
— Javad Zarif (@JZarif) May 21, 2017
As I’ve written here in the past week, the speech is the capstone to a major U.S. pivot away from rapprochement with Shia Iran and towards the Sunni kingdoms. In doing so, Trump will be forced to embrace all the vices of his new allies: their homophobia, misogyny, corruption, nepotism, intolerance, and brutality. He will also be forced to acknowledge something he’s conveniently avoided in this speech: that his new pals themselves have been the greatest supporters of terrorism in the region. Who founded al Qaeda? Whose money, recruits and leadership created it? Who funds the most vicious Islamist rebels of ISIS and al Qaeda in Syria? Yep, your pals in the glittering palaces of Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
You think because you’ve called these Islamists bad boys that their patrons will immediately abandon them? Nah. It would be one thing if you called out the Saudis, told them to stop funding ISIS in Syria, and advanced a plan for peace there that would involve negotiations among the different players. But no, you didn’t do that. You merely denounced ISIS as if it was a separate, independent entity; and not dependent on the funding and weapons of its patrons in the very Kingdom in which he spoke.
The speech was not just ahistorical, it was bereft of the least understanding of the nature of terror in the Muslim-Arab world. Here’s a choice example:
This is not a battle between different faiths, different sects, or different civilizations.
This is a battle between barbaric criminals who seek to obliterate human life, and decent people of all religions who seek to protect it.
This is a battle between Good and Evil.
Of course it is a battle between different civilizations and faiths. Or at least a battle between extremists who embrace one religion and who have declared war on another. The juxtaposition of the “us” who is “good” and “them” who is “evil” is not just useless as a tool for understanding this conflict–it is profoundly dangerous. It lulls us into the false faith that we are good and all we do must be good, because we are fighting an enemy who is wholly evil. You can see where this sort of thinking leads: to My Lai and Abu Ghraib. And don’t worry, Trump will take us there is we give him enough time.
One of the most pitiable passages in Trump’s address is this:
Our partnerships will advance security through stability, not through radical disruption. We will make decisions based on real-world outcomes — not inflexible ideology. We will be guided by the lessons of experience, not the confines of rigid thinking. And, wherever possible, we will seek gradual reforms — not sudden intervention.
We must seek partners, not perfection…
Here read “stability” as brutal strongman rule and “radical disruption” as populist yearning for democracy. Trump derides the “pointy-headed” concepts of human rights as the “inflexible ideology” of Pres. Obama. But in reality, of course, it is Trump’s Islamophobia that constitutes one of the most rigid of ideologies. And as for “gradual reforms,” that term is meaningless. It really means the stultifying, suffocating status quo. What Trump has endorsed here is a U.S. policy of crony capitalism: we give you all the weapons you need to kill each other. You give us your oil wealth and fund our military-industrial machine. Beyond that, we could care less what you do or how you do it.
You want to kill 10,000 Houthis? Go right ahead. Join with Bashar al-Assad to massacre 250,000 Syrians? You have my blessing. Go to war with Iran? No problem.
Above all, America seeks peace — not war.
What a joke. Says the president who just signed a $300-billion deal to send Saudi Arabia our most advanced weapons systems over the next decade. What does he think those missiles will be used for? Building schools and hospitals?
Amidst all of Trump’s fulminations against “Islamist terrorism” (“That means honestly confronting the crisis of Islamist extremism and the Islamist terror groups it inspires”), there was nary a word about western terrorism. We too have our own homegrown terrorists: white supremacists and the alt-right. They have killed almost as many westerners as Islamist militants have. Yet why not a word of denunciation concerning them? Why not admit that we have our own brand of terror to fight, just as Muslims do? You know the answer without my telling you.
Here Trump rhapsodizes about refugees, calling them “human capital” for a “brighter future.” Of course, while ignoring the massive suffering they endure in the god-awful present. In the process he makes one of the most hypocritical statements in the entire address:
I also applaud Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon for their role in hosting refugees. The surge of migrants and refugees leaving the Middle East depletes the human capital needed to build stable societies and economies. Instead of depriving this region of so much human potential, Middle Eastern countries can give young people hope for a brighter future in their home nations and regions.
Well of course they can. If Trump’s own allies hadn’t turned Syria into a killing field and charnel house. But if you’re going to applaud Middle Eastern nations for accepting refugees, why not your own country? Is the Middle East the only part of the world responsible for refugees generated there? If there’s one thing we learn from civil wars wherever they happen: they are global phenomena. You cannot build a wall around a failing state and isolate the suffering it generates to a small bit of territory. All that suffering radiates outward and afflicts the entire world. That’s why Trump’s view is mypoic and ahistorical.
The truly worst portion of the speech was reserved for Iran. As you can see above, his rhetoric matched the false rhetoric of George Bush père et fils: the former called Saddam Hussein “the new Hitler.”
His rant begins thus:
For decades, Iran has fueled the fires of sectarian conflict and terror.
It is a government that speaks openly of mass murder, vowing the destruction of Israel, death to America, and ruin for many leaders and nations in this room.
Actually, none of the above statements are true. I have no idea what Trump refers to as Iranian advocacy of “mass murder.” Nor has Iran ever vowed to destroy Israel. As for Iran’s supposed vow to “ruin” Sunni nations–that compliment has been returned many-fold by all those leaders listening to his speech. This is a Sunni-Shia religious conflict as well as a conflict for regional dominance. To divorce this rivalry from its historical-religious context is an offense against reality. And it will perpetuate the noxious policies and rain of death which afflicts the region today. Conflict may be mediated through discussion and negotiation. But if you demonize your rival, then only war and death is possible. That is the path the Sunni states have chosen and which Trump has ratified. Remember it is Iran which called for talks with Saudi Arabia over their differences; and the Saudis who rejected the offer.
Here’s another bit of false history akin to Trump’s painting of America’s minority communities as “ghettos” and “war zones” characterized by nothing but suffering and poverty:
…The people of Iran have endured hardship and despair under their leaders’ reckless pursuit of conflict and terror.
If Iranians have endured hardship it is largely of the making of Trump and his western allies who’ve put the country under lockdown economically, financially and commercially. And as for pursuit of conflict: Iran is not the only party pursuing conflict. We have certainly done our share as has Israel and all those Sunni allies he was celebrating. The failure to recognize blame as two-sided is yet another severe weakness of the Trump world-view.
Oh the irony of Trump calling for regime change in Iran, when it is one of the few democracies in the region:
…Pray for the day when the Iranian people have the just and righteous government they deserve.
Well, in fact Iran has the government it deserves. The people just elected that government. Something which has never happened in his host country, Saudi Arabia. Trump’s arrogance and ignorance is unbounding.
A nice little jihad will keep Islam divided for our Christian/Zioni$t reconquista.
Besides….its good for the portfolio.
Onwards to Moscow and Beijing with Natzo uber a££€$.
Now they are targeting our children.
What’s the link to the article ? ‘They’ ‘our children’, if we needed any confirmations that Barbar is all into the clash-of-civilization BS, or maybe his teenage kids were present at the concert in Manchester.
Palestinians could say the same about the IDF: “they are targeting our children and they’ve done so for a very long time”.
@Ilene: This is a racist comment and off-topic. And “they” are targeting “our” children no more than Israel targets “their” children.
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While the death of any child is a tragedy, most people would agree that there is a difference between shooting a youth involved in a violent protest or trying to stab a soldier, and, with cold premeditation, ripping apart the lives of innocent young people simply out enjoying themselves.
You do see the difference?
@ Ilene: You mean the death of any Jewish, white or western child is a tragedy. Arab children–not so much.
Israeli soldiers murder children in many ways beyond the two you offered. They shoot them in cold blood. They blow their brains out while walking home from school carrying their book bags. They tie them to the hoods of jeeps as human shields. And no there’s no difference between Israeli murder of Palestinian children & ISIS murder of children through bombings in the west except that Israel does it through grenades, bullets & missiles, while ISIS does it through bombs. The fact that you don’t see this illustrates your own racism & Islamophobia.
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Foreign policy for sale, plain and simple. At least he is more honest, with less sugar coating compared to his predecessors. Human rights? Are you kidding? Remember Madeline Albright? It is worth it, no matter who in charge.
The amount of anger and disgust at these “rulers” among ordinary people, me included, is unprecedented. Acting on it is another story. Dont hold your breath.
I had a different take on Trump’s speech, as nauseating as it was. Basically, he has affirmed that US policy towards Saudi Arabia will be unchanged. This was a policy began by FDR and modified by Nixon with the establishment of the petro-dollar. Trump will continue what both Bushes, Clinton and Obama did. Shrub Bush and Obama completely ignored the fact that Saudi Arabia was the major backer of Al qaida (that split into ISIS under Obama). Yes Trump’s ignoring this reality is scandalous but it is not new.
I doubt a word of it was actually written by Trump. His handlers must have been well pleased they were able to persuade him not to say what he really thinks – or whatever he thought at that particular moment.
@Mary Hughes Thompson: The speeches were written by Stephen Miller, who’s a known Islamophobe. If possible, he’s more alt-right than Trump and at least as bad as Bannon.
Realpolitik as we’ve seen on display, especially with #45, is strictly self-interest…not for the stated ideals of the country, not for the country itself, or for all citizens in the country, just for people like the occupant of the office. whether it’s Erdogan, The Family, The Kingdom, the Sultan – Assad, trump, – all, all of a piece throughout.
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