Zionism is dying, before our very eyes. With every murder of every mother and child in Gaza,...
anti semitism

Earlier this month, the Maccabi Tel Aviv football team traveled to Amsterdam for a match with one...
The evil spawn of Project 2025 is Project Esther (PE), a plan to criminalize pro-Palestine activism in...
UPDATE: The police riots on college campuses are aimed to smear the student protest movement by associating...
The answer to that question is Yes…and No. I’ll explain. The prayer book and Jewish holidays like...
Israeli President Isaac Herzog will address a Joint Session of Congress on July 19th. In his speech,...
Despite its acceptance by numerous US states and European parliaments, the IHRA “definition” of anti-Semitism rightfully elicits widespread...

NOTE: The server hosting the site had some unforeseen issues that forced my web host to restore...

New Article: My latest piece for The New Arab, The fatal flaw of Israel’s anti-government protests, was...

Oh the misogyny! Oh the Islamophobia! Oh the racism! The Republican party has hit the trifecta of...

[metaslider id=”77528″] The Jewish Electorate Institute (JEI) is a Democratic-leaning poll which regularly measures American Jewish views...

Over the past two decades a wave of religious nationalism has swept the world. Supremacist, and even...