Media outlets are reporting that Israel has agreed to terms for a Gaza ceasefire. There are two...
חשיפה: הפקודה הסודית של קבינט המלחמה, “אוי לרשע ואוי לשכנו”, קובעת כי כל שכונה עזתית שבה מוחזקים...
Despite rosy assessments offered to global media about Israel’s military successes in Gaza and the gradual tightening...
UPDATE: I just published my first piece at TRT World on the unholy alliance between Israeli and...
Right now, the Gaza-Al Aqsa conflict looks like it could go one of two very different ways. ...
.חשיפה: הקצין הבכיר שנהרג בעזה הוא סגן מפקד סיירת מטכ”ל, סא”ל מחמוד ח’יר א-דין מהכפר חורפיש Today,...
The IDF’s intelligence unit, AMAN, is warning the Netanyahu cabinet that it is rapidly running out of...
I’ve read three separate major news developments over the past several hours. Though none appear directly related...
The Who’s Won’t Get Fooled Again is a repository of truth and wisdom about political reality in...
You’ll recall a few days ago I posted a tantalizing clue from Haaretz’ Amir Oren which noted...
There have been several important developments regarding Israel’s Mohammed Deif assassination plot. Two Arab publications published stories (English language...
That’s a Biblical allusion to Ecclesiastes: “Of the making of many books there is no end.” But...