The tentacles of the Efi Naveh influence-peddling scandals have reached into the highest echelons of the Israeli...
Year: 2019
חשיפה: השופט הבכיר החשוד בשחיתות בפרשת אפי נווה הוא איתן אורנשטיין, שמונה (על פי החשד) בסיועו של...
DONATE: This is your last chance this year to make a gift supporting the reporting and research...
If we’ve learned anything, it’s never to be shocked at the depths to which Giuliani and his...
Happy Hanukah to all: more light, less darkness! Earlier today, Bibi Netanyahu stood before a hanukiya at...
The International Criminal Court chief prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, announced last week that she planned to open a...
Many of us know that Israel is a corrupt society and that the corruption stems in large...
Recently, the Telegraph published what it billed as a major expose of Turkish collusion with Hamas to...
When I read that Eli Valley had been named Anti-Semite of the Week by an obscure group...
From its launch in 2003, Tikun Olam has spoken boldly and provocatively for a progressive Jewish view...
The NY Times published a story this week about a massive cyber attack against three major Iranian...
חשיפה: הגוף הביטחוני שכמה מבכיריו נאשמים בשערוריית השוחד בהיקף עשרות מיליוני שקלים הוא המוסד חשיפה: החקירה הפלילית...