9 thoughts on “Bibi the Maccabee – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Your commentary Rabbi, helpfully reminds us that Zionist assertions, are not logical – even when they appear in a White House Executive Order.

    Take the word “anti-semitism.”

    “Semitic” is a word that refers to a family of related languages, not to a distinct people. The gist of denouncing someone as an anti-Semite would logically mean you are critical of someone for disliking a family of languages. Someone who dislikes the spoken languages, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese may be a horrible Anti-Romance-ist but not a racist.

    Take the phrase “Jewish state.”

    This jargon is a rhetorical pretext often aggresively invoked by racists to justify any segregation, prejudice, brutality or Apartheid directed by agents of the State of Israel against non-Jews, in Israel. As is well-known, the United States for decades has protected Israelis from prosecution under international law for this kind of violence, practiced by a Jewish state. Now where’s the logic in protecting a brutal, apartheid self-declared Jewish state from the application of international law?

    Take the phrase “self-determination.”

    Representatives or partisans of the “Jewish” state aggressively assert that Jews are entitled to self-determination – but in Palestine this can only mean Palestinians are to be denied self-determination. No justice or logic here unless someone assigns approving logic to the attitudes, rhetoric, and the horrific conduct directed against others who lack self determination, with this unjust restriction promoted by a racist ethnocracy, which Israel is and has always been.

    Now, pursuant to President Trump’s December 11, 2019 Executive Order, anyone on a college or university campus, who denounces the abuses suffered by Palestinians at the hands of the racist Jewish State is to be sanctioned, as an anti-Semite – a hater of Semitic languages.

  2. This is EXACTLY the core to the story. CRITICIZING ISRAEL GOVERNMENT OR ISRAELI PERSONS. are NOT ANTISEMITISM. eg. should a superior arab israeli citizen for whatever reason be elected as prime minister and subsequently be researched for anything. what would that be, also antisemitism, or would the “jews” just lift their shoulders, who cares he is just an arab. Therein lies the hypocrisy of the “antisemitism” canard.
    How many christians, muslims, buddhists has the ICC prosecuted, AND YET NOT ONE RAISED THE CANARD OF RELIGION PERSECUTION.
    further instead of confronting and cleaning the chronic and endemic corruptionSSS that start at the top to clean the JEWISH famous ugly face IT IS MUCH MUCH EASIER TO BEAT A CHEST AND CLAIM , THE WORLD IS AGAINST US, THEY ARE ANTISEMITES. it is time to drop the chip from the shoulder and take place among the rest of the world citizenry and not pretend we are a better race, a superior race a different breed. NO WONDER WE ARE EQUATED TO NAZIS with such claims.

  3. n. dayan

    You did not mention what the Chinese did to the Tibetans. You opinions are very selective and you obviously have grievances.
    It seems to me the English is not your mother tongue at least syntactically. I do read your posts but if you can have a native Anglo edit them they would be clearer.
    I don’t mean this as criticism. I just would like to get the ‘clear’ gist of what you are saying as I also live in a place in Israel which has had many objects ‘lobbed’ at it. BTW I have a married daughter in Ashdod with five girls. The second youngest has PTSD ‘petit mal’ from the sirens etc.

    1. @ avram:

      You did not mention what the Chinese did to the Tibetans

      C’mon buddy, your using Hasbara tactic 101.6. No has to solve all the world’s injustice before they criticize Israel.

      It seems to me the English is not your mother tongue at least syntactically

      Clearly, someone who could write a sentence like the one you did–English isn’t your mother tongue either. We don’t point out linguistic deficiencies around here. To be transparent, I sometimes (rarely) do when I truly can’t understand someone’s English; or when I feel they’re insufferable and need to have the hot-air in their balloon popped. But I do not approve of people criticizing commenters who are not native speakers.

      I have a married daughter in Ashdod with five girls. The second youngest has PTSD ‘petit mal’ from the sirens

      First, sirens don’t generally cause petit mal seizures. But even if they did, who is sounding the sirens? Your own government. So you ought to talk to them about your granddaughter’s seizures. I’d suggest that you also tell your government to stop attacking Gaza and assassinating its leaders. If it stopped and honored a ceasefire it signed, there would be no Palestinian rockets causing sirens to sound. But most important: for every Israeli child who has seizures, there are 100 Palestinian children who’ve lost a mother or father from Israeli slaughter. But I don’t hear a single bit of regard for them. So pardon me, but when I can hear you express 1/10 the sorrow you feel for your own granddaughter, then I can empathize with you.

  4. Mr. Baldwin Cooke

    And a “White Supremacist” is a fan of White Castle Chicken Supreme sandwiches.

    Antisemitism is implicitly understood as hatred of Jews and things Jewish and has been for the past 150 years.

    It has nothing to do with the Semitic “race” or group of languages – it is and has always been the good old hatred of Jews and things Jewish wrapped in a modern (~1870) wrapper.

    That being said, criticism of Israel is not antisemitism.

    Singling out Israel for evils that are common around the world, while denying its right to exist and ignoring the evils of those criticizing it – is.

    1. @ Luciano:

      criticism of Israel is not antisemitism.

      Singling out Israel for evils that are common around the world, while denying its right to exist and ignoring the evils of those criticizing it – is.

      No, no, no. There are certainly evils ‘common around the world.’ But we don’t have to solve them or even debate them all before we criticize Israel for its own evils. We can walk and chew gum at the same time here. The idea that no nation’s sins can be condemned unless all are condemned and ended is ludicrous and a perfect Hasbara tactic.

      Neither the ICC nor the PA which brought the ICC case “denies Israel the right to exist.” That’s pure malarkey. Israel clearly has a right to exist…as a democratic state offering full equality to all citizens regardless of ethnicity or religion. If it is not such a state, then it will eventually have to become one. If it does not then no one will have to deny Israel’s right to exist. Eventually, it will not exist just as East Germany, Yugoslavia, and the Soviet Union no longer exist–having been replaced by a system that, while not perfect, is more normalized.

  5. Bibi’s blather aside, Israel needs to ‘lawyer up’, and send an amicus curiae to represent her at The Hague.
    Full cooperation on Israel’s part during the investigation is necessary.

    The simple fact is, that the IDF does commit incidental war crimes as she defends herself from her enemies, and unlike terrorist organizations such as Hamas, IJ and PFLP, who commit war crimes as part of their war strategy.

    What concerns me more then the ICC, are existential threats like climate change, and the fact the President Trump is ’tilting at windmills’.

    1. @ Dean Dyer:

      the IDF does commit incidental war crimes as she defends herself from her enemies

      Nope. IDF war crimes are not ‘incidental.’ In fact, they are integral to Israel’s pursuit of its own interests in the region. War crimes and mass murder of civilians are deeply embedded in Israel’s military tactics and strategy. That’s why, barring any unforeseen intervention, both Israeli generals and leaders; and Palestinian militant leaders and commanders will join each other in the Hague, where they both belong.

      Your last comment in this thread.

  6. avram :
    i gave the examples ONLY to give examples, it was not intended to be a wikipendia compendium
    SECOND, you are criticizing my english writing style, that goes beyond the uppity underhanded nitpicking. as usual you are concentrating on the messenger rather than the message.
    as for your family’s maladies i am in the same boat, further for 66 years of my life i had zero need for hospitals and yet after been hit by a kid messenging while i was on a zebra i have had further than 16 hospitalizations (read surgical operations), i do not compare nor do i ask you to shield yourself behind someone else’s issues nor do bring them to the table for they have zero relevancy to the antisemitism issue being discussed.

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