As the Palestinian-Israeli hostage exchange unfolds, it’s instructive to review media coverage of the events. As I...
CNN has a roundtable talk show, CNN NewsNight, hosted by Abby Phillips. Last night, her guests featured...

I’ve been reporting on Israel here for two decades. I’ve been through wars and even what I...
One of George Carlin’s most famous comedy “monologues” was titled, The Seven Dirty Words You Can’t Say...
Amidst the horrible news from Israel–Bibi giving Ben Gvir his own private Brownshirt militia, a massive increase...
Amidst the Israeli back-slapping over the “success” of its attack on Gaza, in which the IDF murdered...
NOTE: The New Arab published an abridged version of this post this week. Read it here. What...
Before 1948, Tantura was a Palestinian coastal fishing village of 1,500 residents located just north of the...

I recently participated in an online panel that accompanied the screening of the film documentary, Yiddish: the...

Tonight, a small detour from my usual subjects. When I was a UCLA graduate student in 1978,...

DONATE: This is your last chance this year to make a gift supporting the reporting and research...
Many of us know that Israel is a corrupt society and that the corruption stems in large...