URGENT: Gaza is burning. The MSM is not just missing the story, it’s a propaganda arm of...
islamic jihad
Yesterday, Pres. Biden announced he was sending a naval strike group, including America’s first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier,...
The IDF drove into a hornet’s nest of resistance during one of its daily invasions of Palestinian...
UPDATE: Palestinian resistance groups in Gaza have confirmed a ceasefire. The only benefit they seem to have...
The UN Security Council, and specifically the US and UK, have sunk to new lows in blocking...
Gaza, last night, became a House of Slaughter. An Israeli targeted assassination destroyed a floor of an...

UPDATE: Egypt has brokered what’s being called a ceasefire between Israel and Islamic Jihad, which has cost...

DONATE: Please support Tikun Olam with a donation. This article and others like it cannot be found...
In a groundbreaking ruling, a three-judge ICC court has found that the chief prosecutor may commence a...

The International Criminal Court chief prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, announced last week that she planned to open a...

Sun Tzu had the Art of War. Von Clausewitz had On War. Britain used divide and conquer...
חשיפה: משת”פ של השב”כ מילכד את האופנוע של שני אנשי הג’יהאד האסלאמי שנהרגו אתמול בעזה حصري: عميل...