Amazon launched a shameless bid for corporate welfare last week when it announced plans to build a...
The Seattle Jewish federation had planned to hold its annual community meeting tonight at the University of...
Over the past week, white supremacists have launched repeated death threats against Washington’s The Evergreen State College...

The local Seattle Jewish “lifestyle magazine,” Jewish in Seattle, features a story this month promoting a “Jewish...

Today, the Seattle Times reported that Seattle Mayor Ed Murray stands accused of buying sex from teenage gay prostitutes...
Back in 2012, StandWithUs and another pinkwashing NGO, A Wider Bridge, brought a group of gay Israelis,...

Thanks to Real News Network for inviting me to do an interview, How Pro-Israel Politics and Anti-Semitism...

In Seattle, if you commit a politically-motivated crime, the charges against you depend on who you targeted....

January 27th was International Holocaust Remembrance Day (not to be confused with Yom HaShoah, which is explained later),...
I’ve reported over the past week about the suspected alt-right shooter, Marc Hokoana, who critically injured UW...

To many Americans outside of alt-right circles, Pepe the Frog is either a cute cartoon figure or...
NOTE: After I asked Daniel Berman, the photographer whose photo of Marc Hokoana at an Olympia gun...