9 thoughts on “Right-Wing Media Assault Against Evergreen College Provokes White Supremacist Mass Murder Threats – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. I can’t tell if this article is serious or not.

    First; there’s zero proof that the threats of a gun attack were made by a right-winger. I’d be willing to bet it was one of the students creating a hoax to gain sympathy for their fears against the evil boogeymen and “white supremacists” (i.e. people with differing views).

    Second; the reason for the weapon ban was directly because of leftist students “patrolling” the campus with baseball bats.

    From what I’m reading of this article, anybody who questions the ridiculous protests, attacks and vandalism by race-baiting, immature students is a “white supremacist.”

    1. @ Ralphie:

      there’s zero proof that the threats of a gun attack were made by a right-winger.

      You mean other than the white supremacist lingo spouted, the homophobia, and racist terminology? You mean other than THAT there’s no proof?

      the reason for the weapon ban was directly because of leftist students “patrolling” the campus with baseball bats.

      Where’d ya read that? Fox News? Or Breitbart? I’ve read scores of articles about the events at Evergreen and NONE mentioned this factoid of yours.

      anybody who questions the ridiculous protests, attacks and vandalism by race-baiting, immature students is a “white supremacist.

      That’s just about right. You are a white supremacist without any doubt.

  2. “A white (Jewish) faculty member refused.”

    not sure why you chose to put JEWISH in parentheses. If it is relevant, then just write it, if it isn’t, leave it completely out

  3. [comment deleted: off topic; you are currently moderated; be sure to respect all comment rules or your privileges to comment may be jeopardized.]

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