I tell you, folks, it was nip and tuck all the way to the end. Two worthy candidates fought all the way through for the bragging rights to being Islamophobe of the Year. But this year, age and experience won out over callow youth, as Sheldon Adelson took 86 of 413 votes or 21% followed by Yair Netanyahu with 68 or 16%. There were so many fine candidates this year, it’s hard to narrow the winner down to just one (as the NY Times had trouble doing in its presidential primary endorsement!). But Adelson’s powerful impact both in U.S. politics and Israel guarantees he’s the Islamophobe to beat.
You’ll recall that I was driven to launch this major initiative to promote our favorite Islamophobe by an Adam Milstein funded competition smearing the “Anti-Semite of the Year,” who turned out to be…imagine my shock and surprise: Ilhan Omar! What’s good for an ex-felon is good for an Islamophobe!
In honor of @AdamMilstein‘s “Anti-Semite of the Year” poll, I’m conducting a completely scientific poll to “honor” the Islamophobe of the Year.
— Tikun Olam (@richards1052) January 15, 2020
You have to give Young Yair credit. He came from out of nowhere. He was hardly a prospect last year. And now look at him! He’s making up for lost time with his fiery denunciations of not only his father’s mortal enemies, but his fellow Jews and Israeli Palestinians as well. Baby Bibi, as I call him, has the extra distinction of being one of the few nominees this year who is both an Islamophobe and anti-Semite, given his embrace of conspiracies smearing Holocaust survivor, George Soros. In truth, Netanyahu might have won this thing. But the Twitter poll I created only permitted four nominees and he wasn’t included in that one.
Stephen Miller was a worthy runner-up as the architect of Trump’s anti-immigrant policies, including his Muslim travel ban and the recent detention of 200 Iranian-American citizens crossing from Canada back to their homes in the U.S. after we assassinated Qassem Soleimani. But whatever you have to say about Miller, you have to admit he’s come a long way since his days at ol’ Santa Monica High, when he was relegated to making student speeches demeaning the janitorial staff (most immigrants no doubt). Steve got 12%.

So many worth choices and so little time…Miller was closely followed in fourth place by Adam Millstein, who earned 11%. I could wax on and on about Adam’s virtues, but I’ll just let the post I wrote extolling his finer virtues speak for itself.
Not to be outdone, Reb Shmuley Boteach, America’s sweetheart rabbi, drew 43 votes and 10% of the vote. It’s really unfair to hold a separate spot in the running for Reb Shmuley since he’s really a creature of Sheldon Adelson, who funds all those full-page ads in which Shmulik rants about the perfidy of Democrats and how they’re going to bring on the next Holocaust. But I felt so sorry for him after his best-bro, Cory Booker ditched him during the presidential primary. Now, Shmuley will have to co-opt a new Black friend so he can pretend he loves Blackfolk.
At 8%, but comin’ on strong was Seb Gorka, Donald Trump’s main-man when it comes to Hungarian Nazis. Seb has fallen out of favor somewhat since he and his bosom buddy left the White House earlier in Trump’s first term. But ya gotta hand it to this guy: he doesn’t hold anything back. He’s proud of the Viczeni Rend Nazi medal dangling from his jacket pocket, as well he should be. I would’ve thought that ersatz PhD he ‘earned’ from the third rate Hungarian university might have stood him in greater stead. But, as they say, better luck next year.
I was really disappointed by David Horowitz. A worthy competitor with good Judean bloodlines sired out of Kahane. I surely expected more of him. He only took 7% of the vote. I’d suggest putting him out to pasture for some more seasoning.
Out of the running entirely was our only female entrant this year, Pam Geller. She took a mere 27 votes, just under 7%. Pam once provoked entire Muslim pogroms with a mere whisper. But she just doesn’t seem to have it anymore. The cameras are gone. The crowds a far cry from the past when she could, like Hitler in the good old day in Munich, fill entire beerhall to the rafters. But who knows, she may surprise us with some new provocation in the coming year which will bring her the fame she truly deserves.
There were a few stragglers who barely passed the threshhold: Narendra Modi, Stephen Pollard and Bezalel Smotrich tallied votes in the low one-figures. I really feel for Modi. What’s a guy gotta do to score some points in this thing? He annexed Muslim Kashmir, placed it under military occupation, and suppressed local Muslim dissidents. Not to mention he’s laid the groundwork for transforming India into a Hindu supremacist state. You’d think that all of our voters would appreciate what a fine job of Muslim-bashing he’s done and give the guy a break.
NOTE: I wouldn’t want to deprive anyone of the opportunity to cast such a decisive vote honoring such a significant figure. You can still vote in the competition just in case you missed it earlier here or here.
Sorry to go off topic, but I was just watching our old friend Dershowitz wriggle and squirm on Anderson Cooper. (The show, not the guy lol). He gives a textbook example of Narcissistic historical revisionism, along with “victimhood” as he accuses Cooper and Toobin of bullying him! The look on Cooper’s face is priceless towards the end as Dersh’s lies continue to trip him up. Dersh’s mask has slipped and a totally corrupt, venal face emerges. Good luck Trump with this guy and Rudi defending you.
It is unfair for Yair N. as he wasn’t on the Twitter poll.
@ Dani: It is true. Next year, I’ll be sure to have a method of polling that gives everyone an equal chance. If Baby Bibi had been a Twitter choice he might’ve won!
I’m a bit late to this conversation, but regarding the comment about the “smearing” of George Soros by Yair Netanyahu. That Yair is a disgrace, is an absolute fact, but, considering that many Holocaust survivors living in Israel are doing so in abject poverty, with little to no support from THE government most willing to indulge in the use of the Holocaust for personal gain. That, is an obscenity. I’m surprised that the government of Netanyahu didn’t make it on the Anti-Semite of the year list.