In light of yesterday’s Supreme Court decision upholding Obamacare and today’s decision legalizing gay marriage, prevailing wisdom...
Month: June 2015

This post expands on my original one reporting this incident. Some of the material in it may look familiar...
Recently, Israeli TV aired an interview (Hebrew, at the 2:00 mark) with a wounded Syrian fighter who was treated...
Judy Mozes, never one to learn from her racist mistakes, or even to care about them, has...

Judy Mozes, the wife of Silvan Shalom, the Likud minister responsible for the peace negotiation process with...
Leave it to the Jerusalem Post to keep us up to date on the right-wing ex-leaders who’ve...

Israeli media reports (a more bare-bones report in English) that Jewish terrorists have set fire to the historic...

In March 2014, the IDF murdered a 14 year-old boy , Yusuf a-Shawamreh, who crossed the Separation Barrier...

Seattle’s Mayor Ed Murray, one of the first “out” gay mayor’s of a major American city, has...

The following is an op-ed written by Yediot Achronot reporter, Shai Zamir. To my knowledge, it has...

A few weeks ago, a knowledgeable Israeli security source told me that the Shin Bet was launching...

Though the Shin Bet is reporting a major success in thwarting a Palestinian effort to smuggle funds...