Despite rosy assessments offered to global media about Israel’s military successes in Gaza and the gradual tightening...
In 2015, the Dawabshe family was murdered in an arson attacked carried out by a seven-member settler...
Links to my pieces and interviews about the Israeli elections: Middle East Eye: Israel election: West must turn...
DONATE: If you value my reporting stories you often cannot read either in Israeli or US media...
The Shin Bet continues its deliberate campaign to criminalize humanitarian aid work in Palestine by arresting yet...
UPDATE: Middle East Eye just published my latest piece about the J Street national conference. Though the...
אלישע אודס (“הקטין” הנאשם במעורבות בפיגוע בדומא) עומד להתגייס לצה”ל DONATE: If you value the fact that...
NOTE: I would like to offer full identification of the Shabak officer, N., responsible for the pending...
There is an influential group of pro-Israel think-tank mandarins who ply the Democratic foreign policy circuit. They’re...
להורדה: קטעי הפרוטוקולים שהודלפו מתוך הדיונים החשאיים בבית המשפט על עינויי השב”כ בפרשת דומא The entire settler...
There are myriad ways in which Israeli academic institutions promote the Occupation and the national security state. ...
Several weeks ago, the Shabak investigated a French embassy driver suspected of smuggling weapons from Israel into...