This week commemorates the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, when 750,000 indigenous Palestinians were violently expelled from...
בשב”כ חושדים: התארגנות קיצונית יהודית חדשה פועלת “מתחת לרדאר”, ברשתות החברתיות ודורשת גירוש הפלסטינים בכוח. Israel’s...
Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu yesterday welcomed the newest MK to his ruling coalition, Avichai Buaron, formerly of...
Yesterday, a Palestinian gunman killed two Israelis outside the village of Hawara. The murders were in retaliation...
I’ve been reporting on Israel here for two decades. I’ve been through wars and even what I...
Sign the petition demanding the Pres. Biden denounce Israel’s fascist government and declare those convicted of crimes...
When I read that Eli Valley had been named Anti-Semite of the Week by an obscure group...
Trump, speaking to the Israeli American Council: “You’re not nice people at all, but you have to...
Many years ago, I was researching the history of political assassinations within the Zionist movement for an...
The American Jewish community has long been known for temporizing when it comes to the excesses of...