בשב”כ חושדים: התארגנות קיצונית יהודית חדשה פועלת “מתחת לרדאר”, ברשתות החברתיות ודורשת גירוש הפלסטינים בכוח.
Israel’s Shin Bet largely focuses on what it calls “security threats” posed by Palestinians. But there is also a unit that investigates crimes and potential threats posed by Jewish terrorists. It’s not nearly as effective, largely from lack of will within the agency and Israeli society itself to police and punish Jewish terror.
[Palestinians] “want it all for themelves”This unit discovered this YouTube video which can only be called a Judeo-Nazi production. It explicitly calls for Jewish race purity and repeatedly praises the purity of blood running through the veins of Israeli Jews.
It denounces miscegenation as a pollution of such purity and a grave threat to Jewish existence. The video declares there is only one people that will rule
Israel: Jews. Any others living there are mere guests. And guests who don’t understand their inferior status, it warns, will be expelled–by force. To reinforce the point, it shows thugs smashing the windshield of a car presumably driven by a Palestinian.
It denounces miscegenation as a pollution of such purity and a grave threat to Jewish existence. The video declares there is only one people that will rule Israel: Jews. Any others living there are mere guests. And guests who don’t understand their inferior status, it warns, will be expelled–by force. To reinforce the point, it shows
“We will expel them by force”
thugs smashing the windshield of a car presumably driven by a Palestinian.
It is really a tour de force of its genre. A pure manifestation of Judeo race-hate worthy of Der Stürmer. If I were to guess I would say, as art critics do when they attribute paintings, this is from the studio of Ben Gvir. Though he’s developed enough sophistication to avoid some of the most extreme of the views voiced here.
“Jewish blood in Jewish veins”
I’ve translated it here:
All of us as Israelis recognize that the Land of Israel is the historic homeland of the Jewish people and that the right of nationl self-determination in Israel is unique to the Jewish people. The Land of Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people and no other people. Because God promised all this land to us and only to us.
In order to secure the the future of the Jewish state, we must strengthen the national rights of the Jews in their homeland. Only affirmative action which gives Jews an advantage [superiority] in employment and academia will guarantee the preservation our social and economic superiority.
A prohibition against marriages between Jews and non-Jews [ie Palestinians] is the only way to protect us from the danger of assimilation. Decreasing the non-Jewish birthrate in Israel is the only way to guarantee our demographic
Cut the Palestinian birth rate to preserve Judeo-demographic supremacy
majority. So that Jewish blood will continue to flow in the veins of the majority of its citizens.
Because in the land of the Jews, equality is for Jews alone. Non-Jews are only guests here. And guests must behave appropriately. And if they do not behave appropriately, we will not hesitate to expel them by force. From Taibeh to Tira, from Jaffo to Ahad [Arad], Israel is the home of the Jews and no other people. Because Jewish blood flows in the arms of the Jewish people.
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“No to miscegenation”
It’s easy to see why the Shin Bet is alarmed at this neo-Nazi manifesto. But it may even be more alarmed about how it will be received among the Palestinian population; the incitement it will arouse. They will view such hate speech as fuel to ignite their own national pride, including acts of armed resistance against Judeo-Nazis like those who produced this hate manual; those who would engage in genocide and ethnic cleansing against them.
Israel may ask YouTube to remove this video. If it does, I have downloaded it and will restore it here.
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16 thoughts on “Israeli Video Calls for Jewish Racial-Blood Purity, Expelling Palestinians “by Force” – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم”
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Someone is either clueless or has a surreal sense of humor. They chose the ‘International’, the anthem of international socialism, the song that contains the words ‘no more tradition’s chain shall bind us’.
@ Deborah: The weird strategy behind this video was to take “woke” views of the anti-Zionist left and Palestinian nationalists and insult them. I hadn’t noticed the Internationale. That’s a great catch on your part. In addition, at the end where the narrator declares all the territory of Israel to be for Jews, he uses an Arabic pronounciaton for the towns and villages he mentions. As if to say, you can call this whatever the hell you want. Your names are irrelevant, because it is ours.
Miscegenation or ‘endogamy’ is a לאו דאורייתא and is paralleled in Islam by not marrying a non-Moslem unless he/she converts. So, nothing new here as the Moslems want Israel free of Jews and all non-Moslems=infidels.
Moslems want Israel free of Jews and all non-Moslems=infidels.
First, you don’t have a clue about what Islam is. You’ve dredged up some Islamophobic claim and pretended it represents Islam, when it doesn’t. Second, NO Palestinians want Israel free of Jews. The vast majority of Palestinians, including much of Hamas, accepts the presence of the Jews currently in Israel. Third, not all Palestinians are Muslim. So your assumption that they are is false and again shows your ignorance of both Islam and Palestinians. Fourth, I am concerned about what Israelis and Judeo-Nazis believe. They are far more capable of implementing genocide. Palestinians could not do so even if they wanted to (and they don’t).
Miscegenation or ‘endogamy’ is a לאו דאורייתא
Interesting you claim miscegenation is not from the Torah. Judeo-Nazis disagree. They would not hold such a repugnant belief unless they could justify it from the Torah itself. And believe me that is just what they do. There are many parts of the Torah narrative that would readily support this view. They are rejected by the vast majority of Jews. But Judeo-Nazis see those stories as a source for their race purity obsession.
You are permitted a single comment per thread. This was your single comment for this thread.
“Germany Germany how beautiful you can be with nowhere around a single Jew to see” – a verse from a Nazi song quoted by Holocaust survivor Hajo Meyer, who heard this “often as a Jewish boy in Nazi Germany.” Meyer writes that “social ethics” is the great achievement of Judaism and denounces the Nazi race hatred mimicked by Israel against the Palestinian population. Meyer titled his book, THE END OF JUDAISM.
The author mischaracterizes the following, the only statement with any suggestion of violence, as “Nazi” (“Judeo-Nazi”):
“Non-Jews are only guests here. And guests must behave appropriately. And if they do not behave appropriately, we will not hesitate to expel them by force.”
The Nazis didn’t care about how Jews behaved and certainly didn’t want them as guests or under any other circumstances. They had one goal — to make Jews (all of them) disappear from the face of the earth.
That is not at all what the people cited here claim to want. And their forecast that uncontrolled demographics will eventually destroy Israel’s identity as a Jewish nation is merely logical and rational.
the only statement with any suggestion of violence, as “Nazi” (“Judeo-Nazi”):
Why should we limit comparison of the video to violence alone? Nazism was a complex ideology with many facets. Violence being only one of them.
The Nazis didn’t care about how Jews behaved and certainly didn’t want them as guests or under any other circumstances. They had one goal — to make Jews (all of them) disappear from the face of the earth.
1st, this is only partially true. Until 1942, Nazis were perfectly willing to get rid of the Jews through expulsion or other means of ridding their territory of them. Only at Wansee did they adopt the Final Solution. Second, I am not arguing that Judeo-Nazis are ready to implement genocide today. Only some are prepared to create extermination camps and kill as many “Arabs” as possible. Most are still in the pre-genocide mode of the pre-1942 Nazis. BUt this could fairly easily morph from that into full-blown genocide. In addition, what the Judeo-Nazis (and I include much of the government under that term) are implementing is a slow genocide (I linked an article about this in the post).
That is not at all what the people cited here claim to want.
Judeo-Nazis and German Nazis were clever about advancing arguments. They didn’t necessarily come right out and say: we plan to exterminate Jews (or “Arabs”). The video is repugnant. But never says we’re prepared to exterminate them. The Judeo Nazis know how this would “go over” with other Israelis and the global audience. But the Shin Bet, unlike you, understands the rhetoric implicit in this film. And they deem it dangerous.
their forecast that uncontrolled demographics will eventually destroy Israel’s identity as a Jewish nation is merely logical and rational.
No, it won’t. But it will destroy Israel as a Judeo-supremacist nation. That’s different than destroying a nation in which Jews and non-Jews have full expression of their religion and beliefs within a fully democratic society. You in effect want a society in which Judeo-Nazism flourishes and is mainstream. That’s not at all what the vast majority of Jews in the world want for Israel.
You have published your single comment in this thread.
“.. eventually destroy Israel’s identity as a Jewish nation is merely logical and rational …”
Mind boggling statement … basis of racist theory and entry point for genocide. Grasping onto fascism …
In his book Mein Kampf (1925), Hitler explained his racist worldview. He idealized racial purity and racial struggle. After the Nazis came to power in Germany, these ideas drove government policy. Hitler’s ideas about race have been widely discredited as incorrect and immoral.
A key part of Nazi ideology was to define the enemy and those who posed a threat to the so-called “Aryan” race. Nazi propaganda was essential in promoting the myth of the “national community” and identifying who should be excluded. [Source: Holocaust Museum]
Occupying forces: virtually all modern European colonialism, was from its inception inherently at least partially racist. Quite simple.
Richard, sorry to go off-topic but I thought this might be of interest to your readers if they haven’t already seen it. Incidently, he UKLFI is directly financed by the Israeli government:
Four of UKLFI’s leading figures – Caroline Kendal, Jonathan Turner, Julian Hunt and Adam Levin – were each contacted twice and asked a series of specific questions about the organisation.
These included a request to clarify what role, if any, the Israeli government had in the creation of UKLFI or the Maale HaChamisha conference through which it was founded; how closely UKLFI has worked with Israeli government since then, for instance on the 2011 flotilla case and hosting joint events in the UK; what UKLFI’s relationship is to Shurat HaDin; and who funds the organisation.
“Four of UKLFI’s leading figures – Caroline Kendal, Jonathan Turner, Julian Hunt and Adam Levin – were each contacted twice and asked a series of specific questions about the organisation.
These included a request to clarify what role, if any, the Israeli government had in the creation of UKLFI or the Maale HaChamisha conference through which it was founded; how closely UKLFI has worked with Israeli government since then, for instance on the 2011 flotilla case and hosting joint events in the UK; what UKLFI’s relationship is to Shurat HaDin; and who funds the organisation.
@ Peter: Thanks for this information. Hilary is a good journalist and the circumstantial evidence does point to either a formal or informal relationship between UKLFI & Israeli government.
Few points. Zionism (in its current form) is a fascist movement, not Nazi – despite both current zionism and Nazism being antisemitic. Second, please don’t say Jewish when you want to say Zionist/Israeli. Not all Jews are zionists; there are actually many Jews who openly call out Israel on its antisemitism. There are millions of Jews who have no ties to zionist movements, or to Palestine whatsoever (Ashkenazi Jews, for example).
Otherwise, good reporting.
Someone is either clueless or has a surreal sense of humor. They chose the ‘International’, the anthem of international socialism, the song that contains the words ‘no more tradition’s chain shall bind us’.
@ Deborah: The weird strategy behind this video was to take “woke” views of the anti-Zionist left and Palestinian nationalists and insult them. I hadn’t noticed the Internationale. That’s a great catch on your part. In addition, at the end where the narrator declares all the territory of Israel to be for Jews, he uses an Arabic pronounciaton for the towns and villages he mentions. As if to say, you can call this whatever the hell you want. Your names are irrelevant, because it is ours.
Miscegenation or ‘endogamy’ is a לאו דאורייתא and is paralleled in Islam by not marrying a non-Moslem unless he/she converts. So, nothing new here as the Moslems want Israel free of Jews and all non-Moslems=infidels.
@ caleb:
First, you don’t have a clue about what Islam is. You’ve dredged up some Islamophobic claim and pretended it represents Islam, when it doesn’t. Second, NO Palestinians want Israel free of Jews. The vast majority of Palestinians, including much of Hamas, accepts the presence of the Jews currently in Israel. Third, not all Palestinians are Muslim. So your assumption that they are is false and again shows your ignorance of both Islam and Palestinians. Fourth, I am concerned about what Israelis and Judeo-Nazis believe. They are far more capable of implementing genocide. Palestinians could not do so even if they wanted to (and they don’t).
Interesting you claim miscegenation is not from the Torah. Judeo-Nazis disagree. They would not hold such a repugnant belief unless they could justify it from the Torah itself. And believe me that is just what they do. There are many parts of the Torah narrative that would readily support this view. They are rejected by the vast majority of Jews. But Judeo-Nazis see those stories as a source for their race purity obsession.
You are permitted a single comment per thread. This was your single comment for this thread.
“Germany Germany how beautiful you can be with nowhere around a single Jew to see” – a verse from a Nazi song quoted by Holocaust survivor Hajo Meyer, who heard this “often as a Jewish boy in Nazi Germany.” Meyer writes that “social ethics” is the great achievement of Judaism and denounces the Nazi race hatred mimicked by Israel against the Palestinian population. Meyer titled his book, THE END OF JUDAISM.
Dr. Hajo Meyer a German born Dutch physicist. A wonderful, warm and courageous person. Auschwitz survivor. Director of “Een ander Joods geluid.”
“Call Zionists for what they are: Nazi criminals.”
I would have used fascist, not Nazi.
The author mischaracterizes the following, the only statement with any suggestion of violence, as “Nazi” (“Judeo-Nazi”):
“Non-Jews are only guests here. And guests must behave appropriately. And if they do not behave appropriately, we will not hesitate to expel them by force.”
The Nazis didn’t care about how Jews behaved and certainly didn’t want them as guests or under any other circumstances. They had one goal — to make Jews (all of them) disappear from the face of the earth.
That is not at all what the people cited here claim to want. And their forecast that uncontrolled demographics will eventually destroy Israel’s identity as a Jewish nation is merely logical and rational.
@ Stephanie:
Why should we limit comparison of the video to violence alone? Nazism was a complex ideology with many facets. Violence being only one of them.
1st, this is only partially true. Until 1942, Nazis were perfectly willing to get rid of the Jews through expulsion or other means of ridding their territory of them. Only at Wansee did they adopt the Final Solution. Second, I am not arguing that Judeo-Nazis are ready to implement genocide today. Only some are prepared to create extermination camps and kill as many “Arabs” as possible. Most are still in the pre-genocide mode of the pre-1942 Nazis. BUt this could fairly easily morph from that into full-blown genocide. In addition, what the Judeo-Nazis (and I include much of the government under that term) are implementing is a slow genocide (I linked an article about this in the post).
Judeo-Nazis and German Nazis were clever about advancing arguments. They didn’t necessarily come right out and say: we plan to exterminate Jews (or “Arabs”). The video is repugnant. But never says we’re prepared to exterminate them. The Judeo Nazis know how this would “go over” with other Israelis and the global audience. But the Shin Bet, unlike you, understands the rhetoric implicit in this film. And they deem it dangerous.
No, it won’t. But it will destroy Israel as a Judeo-supremacist nation. That’s different than destroying a nation in which Jews and non-Jews have full expression of their religion and beliefs within a fully democratic society. You in effect want a society in which Judeo-Nazism flourishes and is mainstream. That’s not at all what the vast majority of Jews in the world want for Israel.
You have published your single comment in this thread.
“.. eventually destroy Israel’s identity as a Jewish nation is merely logical and rational …”
Mind boggling statement … basis of racist theory and entry point for genocide. Grasping onto fascism …
Occupying forces: virtually all modern European colonialism, was from its inception inherently at least partially racist. Quite simple.
Richard, sorry to go off-topic but I thought this might be of interest to your readers if they haven’t already seen it. Incidently, he UKLFI is directly financed by the Israeli government:
@ Peter M: I read about this story. Can you send me any media report about tHe Israeli government financing?
Four of UKLFI’s leading figures – Caroline Kendal, Jonathan Turner, Julian Hunt and Adam Levin – were each contacted twice and asked a series of specific questions about the organisation.
These included a request to clarify what role, if any, the Israeli government had in the creation of UKLFI or the Maale HaChamisha conference through which it was founded; how closely UKLFI has worked with Israeli government since then, for instance on the 2011 flotilla case and hosting joint events in the UK; what UKLFI’s relationship is to Shurat HaDin; and who funds the organisation.
None responded.
And this:
“Four of UKLFI’s leading figures – Caroline Kendal, Jonathan Turner, Julian Hunt and Adam Levin – were each contacted twice and asked a series of specific questions about the organisation.
These included a request to clarify what role, if any, the Israeli government had in the creation of UKLFI or the Maale HaChamisha conference through which it was founded; how closely UKLFI has worked with Israeli government since then, for instance on the 2011 flotilla case and hosting joint events in the UK; what UKLFI’s relationship is to Shurat HaDin; and who funds the organisation.
None responded.”
@ Peter: Thanks for this information. Hilary is a good journalist and the circumstantial evidence does point to either a formal or informal relationship between UKLFI & Israeli government.
Few points. Zionism (in its current form) is a fascist movement, not Nazi – despite both current zionism and Nazism being antisemitic. Second, please don’t say Jewish when you want to say Zionist/Israeli. Not all Jews are zionists; there are actually many Jews who openly call out Israel on its antisemitism. There are millions of Jews who have no ties to zionist movements, or to Palestine whatsoever (Ashkenazi Jews, for example).
Otherwise, good reporting.