Sign the petition demanding the Pres. Biden denounce Israel’s fascist government and declare those convicted of crimes including bribery and terrorist incitement persona non grata.
In 1988, the year Meir Kahane’s Kach was outlawed as a terrorist party, then-Likud MK Michael Eitan published in an Israeli newspaper, a comparison between the racist proposals of Meir Kahane and the Nuremberg Laws. The provisions of both are formatted below in the same order in order to see the parallels more clearly.

Kahane was a teenager during WWII. His entire life was lived in the shadow of the Holocaust. He somehow became a Jewish version of the Nazi beast. His philosophy of life, if it can be called that, was to become as strong as the Nazis; and to translate Nazi ideology into a Jewish form. Ultimately, he sought to enshrine Judaism in the same way the Nazis enshrined Aryanism. Instead of Aryans being the Master Race, the Jews took their place as the Master Race.
Palestinians served the same role in Kahanism as Jews served in Nazism. Palestinians were his “Untermenschen.” The undesirable, the unwanted, the unclean. The treacherous, the subversive, the threat. As such, their elimination is critical. And it must be done by any means necessary.
There is only one critical difference. The Nazis chose genocide. Kahane chose a nicer, cleaner option. KIll them, yes, When necessary. But why not just do what Ben Gurion did? Drive them out. Only do a better job than Ben Gurion, who left 250,000 behind. Kahane offered another option as well. Those few Palestinians who remained after all his policies were implemented would become “slaves” to Jews. Who, after all, would wish to remain in a state which enslaved him/her? No one. So that’s how Kahane contemplated ridding Israel of the last remnant of Palestinians’ presence.
This historical document becomes critical as a source to understand the Judeo-Nazi nature of the incoming Israeli government, whose most senior ministers are direct and devout disciples of Kahane, The dark and bitter irony is that Kahane, despite–or perhaps because of–his death, has become the founding father, the rebbe, of the New Kahanism. And this successor ideology is one which has conquered Israel and turned it into the fascist state he once envisioned. It is Kahane’s ultimate triumph.
You can forget Ben Gurion. Kahane is the foremost political figure in Israeli history over the past 60 years.
* *
Preamble to the Nuremberg Laws:
…The purity of German blood is the essential condition for the continued existence of the German people…Inspired by the inflexible determination to ensure the existence of the German nation for all time the Reichstag has unanimously adopted the following:
Nazi Law (1935)
Separation at public pools and public places
a. Jews are forbidden from entering public swimming pools.
b. In other public places including hospitals there will be a separation between Jews and non-Jews. Thus, Jews must be lodged in separate hotels or pensiones.
Status of Jews
Jewish may not be citizens of the Reich. They do not have the right to vote in elections. Nor may they hold any other public office.
The Citizenship Law declared that a person must prove “by his conduct that he is willing and fit to faithfully serve the German people and Reich.” Political opponents could also be stripped of their German citizenship. This law stripped Jews, Roma, and other “undesirables” of their legal rights, and their citizenship.
Housing Restrictions
Apartments in Berlin and Munich currently rented to Jews may not have their leases renewed without special approval.
Prohibition Against Mixed-Marriages
Marriages between Jews and citizens of Germanic or closely-related Germanic blood are forbidden. Such prior marriages performed contrary to this law are annulled, even if performed abroad.
Extra-marital Relations between Jews and Non-Jews
a. Extra-marital relations between Jews and citizens of German or closely-related German blood are prohibited
b. Jews may not those of Germanic or closely-related Germanic blood under the age of 45.
Educational Separation
Jewish students may not study in German schools. They may only study in Jewish schools.
Prohibition against Youth Meetings
Non-Aryan students may not participate in youth camps.

Kahane’s Proposals (1986)
Separation at swimming beaches
Separate but equal beaches will be established for Jews and non-Jews. Anyone found in violation will be prohibited for six months.
Status of Non-Jews
a. No national rights and no participation in the political process of the State of Israel
b. No non-Jew may run for office, nor vote in any election for the Knesset of any governmental or public body
c. must repay loans, and pay taxes. including for their enslavement.
d. if he does not agree to pay taxes or for his enslavement–he will be expelled by force
Residential Restrictions
No non-Jews will reside in any area under the jurisdiction of the Jerusalem municipality
Ban on Inter-Marriage
Marriage, whether performed in Israel or abroad, between Jewish citizens and legal residents and non-Jews is prohibited. Such marriages will not be considered valid.
Extra-Marital Relations Between Jews and Non-Jews
a. Jewish citizens of Israel may not perform any sexual acts with non-Jews. This includes such acts outside marriage. Anyone who violates this provision will receive a two-year jail sentence.
b. Any non-Jew who engages in a sexual act with a Jewish prostitute or male Jew will receive a 50-year sentence. A Jewish prostitute or male Jew who has sexual relations with a male Jew will receive a five-year sentence.
Separation of Students
All educational institutions in Israel will separate Jews and non-Jews
Prevention of Youth Events
Summer camps will be canceled. Including for all “mixed” institutions.
Anyone violating any of these regulations may be imprisoned.
I have been arguing this for some time. That Ben Gvir and Religious Zionism are not merely Jewish fascists but Jewish Nazis. Let’s call them exactly what they are
Battered male children often grow up to be battering husbands whi beat up and kill tgeir families.. Israel is behaving like a battered child who is now committing genocide on 6.5 million Christian and Muslim Palestinians and behaving just like Nazis.
Shalom Mr Richard, I will not hide the fact that I heartly disagree with you. Democracy means that the people can elect whomever they want. In Israel for many years the right was not just ignored; they were decimated. Those who voted for the wrong party could not find employment. No one then spoke of minority rights. The rule was an iron fisted tyranny. Such was the agreement for the Oslo accords, which were opposed by a majority of Israelis, ditto the decision to destroy Gush Katif, and even the past year and a half when Naftali Bennett stole votes from the right and used them for the left.
I have a premonition that you will have much to write about over the next four years because the incoming government is going to try to right all the wrongs that have been implemented now for decades. It will not be to your liking, but it will be the result of a dulely elected government. If the people of Israel do not like what is done, next time around they’ll vote for others. But if Israelis do like what’s been done, they will be reelected. That’s the way democracy is. I would respectfully suggest that you accept this.
@ Sholem Schick: Being an Israeli with no understanding of how a real democracy works, since Israel isn’t one, you have merely used the logic of fascism to justify a fascist coup. My more in depth response to your self-justifying claptrap is in this post. As I wrote there, what you’re doing is exploiting pseudo-democracy to kasher theo-fascism: https://www.richardsilverstein.com/2022/12/26/israels-kosher-fascism/
One comment per post. You’ve published your one comment in thread.
I don’t understand something.
When Bibi’s Likudniks dressed Yitzhak Rabin in a Nazi uniform, that’s ‘incitement’.
But when Bibi is posed as a Nazi and equated as such, that’s not ‘incitement’.
@ Bertrand:
No idea what you’re talking about. But if you’re talking about my comparison of Kahanist ideology with Nazi ideology–if the shoe fits, wear it. Bibi is the head of the Likud. The Likud has thrown in its lot with Judeo-Nazis. If they don’t want to be linked to them then don’t join with them in a governing coalition. As the apt saying goes: you are known by the company you keep. Likud “keeps” unsavory company.
Not to mention that Bibi himself created the merger allowing the Judeo-Nazis to win the 13 seats. So I’m afraid Bibi will have to be painted with that neo-Nazi brush.