Yediot Achronot reported today that the chief of the Israeli Border Police, Maj. Gen. Amir Cohen, is...
Year: 2022

[metaslider id=”77528″] The Jewish Electorate Institute (JEI) is a Democratic-leaning poll which regularly measures American Jewish views...

Only last month, the signatories of the 2015 JCPOA nuclear deal were confident that they were close...

Secretary of State Antony Blinken sent an underling named Barbara Leaf to the Middle East to do…something....

Over the past two decades a wave of religious nationalism has swept the world. Supremacist, and even...
מקור ישראלי מאשר: ישראל תקפה בתימן בחודש שעבר After Israel’s recent attack on Gaza, IDF chief of...

The BIden administration can walk and chew gum at the same time. But in the case of...
Last year, Israeli defense minister, Benny Gantz, decided that Palestinian human rights NGOs were an existential threat...

This week, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas traveled to Germany, where he held a press conference with...

The attack on Salman Rushdie has shaken many of us to our core for many reasons. First,...
Amidst the Israeli back-slapping over the “success” of its attack on Gaza, in which the IDF murdered...

Is there a solution to the conflict? I would argue, no. Forever? No. But for now, there...