18 thoughts on “Netanyahu, Kerry Make Peace…Between Palestinians! – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Regarding the comment that: “It is hard to see how Israel will negotiate with a government that does not recognize its right to exist,” State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki said.

    In fact, Hamas and Islamic Jihad are actually joining the PLO under the terms of the agreement. You know, the organization that has formally recognized the state of Israel for more than 20 years now. Nonetheless, Israel and the US have the chutzpah to put a negative spin on the Palestinian reconciliation agreement. FYI, Netanyahu and former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton concluded two agreements with Hamas, but won’t let poor Abbas have even one.

  2. Now Netanyahu can paint Abbas as a ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’, in bed with a terrorist organization and an Iranian proxy.


    1. @ Jackdaw: When I first read it I thought this comment was meant tongue in cheek. I now see after your second comment that you mean this literally. You poor slob. To believe such narischkeit. I feel sorry for you.

    1. “Jackdaw, Hamas has no ties with Iran, since it severed ties with Assad’s regime in Syria.”

      I was referring to Islamic Jihad, which is an Iranian proxy.

      1. @ Jackdaw:

        I was referring to Islamic Jihad, which is an Iranian proxy.

        You can’t seem to tell the Palestinian players without a scorecard. To recap, you claimed Bibi could paint Abbas as a terrorist & Iranian proxy presumably because of his new relationship with Hamas. But once Haver pointed out that you were wrong, you engaged in a bit of revisionism & claimed you were referring to Islamic Jihad. Now how would Bibi tar Abbas with the IJ brush since Fatah is anti-IJ? Unless you want to come up with yet another stupid non-sequitur explaining yet another error on your part.

        1. IJ is part of the agreement and will be merged together with Hamas into Fatah.
          It was published in every media outlet.

          1. RE: IJ is part of the agreement and will be merged together with Hamas into Fatah.
            It was published in every media outlet.

            No exactly. My original comment pointed out that Hamas and Islamic Jihad are joining the PLO and accepting its existing agreements and recognition of Israel. http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4512703,00.html

            A member of the Fatah Central Committee reported that the agreement is based on a two-state solution and recognizes the State of Israel. http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/1.587047

  3. ” Now how would Bibi tar Abbas with the IJ brush since Fatah is anti-IJ?”

    Hamas is a a Gaza based terror group. Islamic Jihad is a Gaza based terror group with very close ties to Iran.
    While it remains to be played out, this Hamas-Fatah rapproachment will restore Fatah control over Gaza and, de jure, control over Hamas and IJ. To wit; ‘Abbas beds with terror groups’.

    I honestly don’t know how this will play out. Abbas seems to be casting about in all directions and his new policy(s) is not coherent. On it’s face, Netanyahu wins.

    What I do know is that Abbas is a feckless leader who only cares about his legacy and keeping power away from his rivals.

    1. IDF and Shabak/Shin Bet are terrorist entities based in the state of Israel, accused of war crimes. How can you expect the Palestinian leadership trust PM Netanyahu and a divided cabinet of ministers in a negotiated peace agreement. Bibi himself has confided in a Channel 10 video, he aimed to destroy the Oslo Accords. Israeli government has shunned International Law on numerous occasions, only to be bailed out by a U.S. veto at the UN Security Council. Thanking Negroponte, Danforth, Bolton, Khalilzad, Rice and Power.

      1. IDF and Shin Bet are terrorist entities?

        Says who? Oui?
        Oui. Please cite to who or what else has designated the IDF and Shin Bet as terrorist entities.
        Show us your links, Oui.

        1. Regarding IDF and Shin Bet are terrorist entities? Says who? Oui?

          The Irgun and Lehi were the last organizations that openly boasted about the fact that they were terrorists. Both organizations were absorbed into the IDF, which created service medals honoring members of those two groups. The IDF subsequently perpetrated terror attacks and massacres, like the Unit 101 raid on Qibya.

          In the film “The Gatekeepers”, one of the heads of the Shin Bet admitted that it could fairly be labeled as a terrorist organization. The IDF and Shin Beit have worked together to drop 2,000 iron bombs on multi-family dwellings, and in the aftermath of the Eilat attacks and on other occasions, they’ve killed a number of innocent people in so-called “reprisals” that Israel had to subsequently acknowledge were not participating in hostilities. Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions prohibits extra-judicial killing of civilians at all times and in all places. So yes, the IDF and Shin Beit have a history of illegal terrorist activities and of staging “reprisals” against innocent people and attempting to conceal that fact.

        2. @ Jackdaw: This blog offers compelling evidence that Israeli secret police are often no better than terrorists. They wear better uniforms and earn better benefits. But the mindset and behavior is quite similar.

          Funny that you never offer any evidence for your stupid claims, yet all of a sudden demand evidence from Oui for a claim that isn’t all that extreme.

        3. Thanks RS!

          Knesset Deputy Speaker Fundraises for Israeli Terror Group

          The Jewish Defense League no longer needs to engage in terrorism as Meir Kahane did, since it essentially runs a shadow Israeli state. It controls vital levers of power that promote the interests of Kahanists and Kahanism. That power runs all the way from the Knesset to the army to the intelligence services. No one in the Israeli state can brook the opposition of Kahanists.

          In other words, they don’t need to be terrorists anymore, since the State has become them. The State’s actions aren’t often described as terror by the mainstream. But it has adopted the goals, interests, and activities of the former terror underground. It doesn’t have to plant bombs and kill Palestinians because the IDF will do the equivalent for them.

          But the ultimate truth here is that one of Israel’s most senior political leaders is consorting with Canadian Jewish extremists who are terrorists in all but name. Welcome to today’s Israel.

          The Jewish Defense League in the U.S. is designated a terrorist body by the State Department. See also ADL webpage with terror attacks perpetrated by followers of the Kahane movement in Israel and the U.S. Yigal Amir, a follower of Meir Kahane, assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin on 4 November 1995. It destroyed the peace process and led to the first term of Banjamin Netanyahu. In 2001, Netanyahu was caught on camera telling an Israeli settler family he would destroy the Oslo Accords.

    2. @Jackdaw:

      Hamas is a a Gaza based terror group

      Not quite. Hamas is the governing party in Gaza observing a ceasefire negotiated with the State of Israel & reining in other militant groups in Gaza seeking to fire rockets at Israel. If Hamas is a terror group then so is the IDF and State of Israel.

      While it remains to be played out, this Hamas-Fatah rapproachment will restore Fatah control over Gaza and, de jure, control over Hamas and IJ. To wit; ‘Abbas beds with terror groups’.

      While I can’t outlaw stupidity in the comment rules, this comment is not only stupid, it’s rhetorically idiotic. You say the agreement “remains to be played out,” then proceed to play it out for us. But your scenario hasn’t any basis in reality, even projected reality. Hamas and Islamic Jihad could just as easily become part of the PLO and tacitly or explicitly accept provisions for any agreement the PLO negotiates with Israel (if Bibi would ever permit such a thing, which is doubtful). Saying that Abbas will ever “have control” over Hamas or IJ is again, simply idiotic.

      his new policy(s) is not coherent. On it’s face, Netanyahu wins.

      A right-wing Likudnik telling us Bibi wins. How convenient. Actually, Israel and the U.S. have an incoherent policy. Abbas’ approach may be desperate, but it has a certain logic. Long-term, Abbas and the Palestinians will gain the most.

      Abbas is a feckless leader who only cares about his legacy and keeping power away from his rivals.

      Something which is clearly not true of Bibi Netanyahu.

      Read this carefully: I’m invoking a comment rule. Since you’ve posted far more than 3 commments today, I want ou to understand that you may not monopolize the threads with a blizzard of pro-Israel hasbara. You may only publish THREE comments in any 24 hours period. Starting now.

      1. Re: Actually, Israel and the U.S. have an incoherent policy.

        Obviously so, since they worry about the content of everyone else’s party platforms, except their own. Obama pushed through a plank in the Democratic party platform that recognized Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel with no mention of Palestine at all, while he has ordered the Solicitor General to take the MBZ v Clinton/Kerry case all the way to the Supreme court twice now and refuses to put Jerusalem, Israel on any US passport.

        During the negotiations on withdrawal from the Jordan Valley, Netanyahu’s own party introduced legislation that recognized it as part of the territory of Israel. The head of the Likud party convention, Danny Danon, reminded Netanyahu that the annexation of the Jordan Valley was part of the Likud party platform and that Bibi was in the wrong party if he didn’t agree. See Danon: ‘Jordan Valley Annexation Part of Likud Party Platform’ http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/175718#.U1sl8KZKauI

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