Thanks to Elena Steier, a wonderful online cartoonist I discovered a few weeks ago, I’d like to present a modest proposal to the TV networks that will shield them from massive FCC indecency fines, continue titillating viewers just as Jackson did during last year’s Super Bowl, and draw huge revenues from sponsors. In this age of TiVO, the networks are crying in their beer about the audience turning off commercials and the necessity of finding new forms of advertising. Well, I’ve come up (or I should say Elena’s come up with) a new form of TV advertising: boob endorsement. That’s right. Show Janis’ boob and get all the male viewers slobbering in their juices but shield it with the corporate logo of your choice: “Janet’s boob brought to you by Cialis.” Think of all the body parts you can’t now expose, but which would be open to view with a choice logo covering up the naughty parts? If I were a network advertising exec my mouth would be drooling right about now.
Oh and instead of those insipid pop lyrics Janet and Justin were lip-syncing, how about Elena’s brilliant suggestion: “Justin Timberlake should have sung the words, ‘Anyone experiencing an erection lasting over four hours should see a doctor.'”