A hat tip to Neocons Will Ban Me at Daily Kos for this alarming UPI story: U.S....
Year: 2005
Daniel Jackling House, Woodside, CA. (source: Woodside History Committee) I’m pleased to announce that Steve Jobs has...
The ACLU ran a hard-hitting ad in the New York Times on December 22nd which noted the...
Martin Garbus has been covering the legal/constitutional angle of the NSA scandal for Huffington Post. While he...
I wonder if one year ago (or however long ago the NY Times agreed to a request...
Salon carries a story about the only person who may currently have standing to challenge the constitutionality...
In The Nation, Jonathan Schell publishes The Hidden State Steps Forward, a cogent blueprint for what he...
Salon profiles James Bamford, a former Navy intelligence analyst and author of the first, and definitive book...
The NSA spy scandal just seems to get bigger and messier with each passing day. Thanks to...
The revelations from James Risen’s and Eric Lichtblau’s NSA expose in the NY Times keep coming. And...
Thanks once again to KBCS for turning me on to yet another great new (at least for...
Today, we have the odd spectacle of the Israeli government announcing it will not permit Palestinian residents...