NOTE: The New Arab has published my latest piece, How Israel’s war on Gaza could determine the...
iran revolutionary guards
חשיפה: שני המל”טים האיראניים יורטו בשמי ירדן, בתיאום עם שלטונות הממלכה. הצנזורה הצבאית אוסרת לפרסם זאת, כדי...
There is a fundamental element of the Afghanistan tragedy which no one, among all the media pontificating...
Our president is not a religious man. But it’s suitable to quote a verse from what his...
There’s a mystery hovering about today, in the aftermath of a major attack on several Saudi oil...
For the past weeks, U.S. media has reported the story of Monica Witt, an air force intelligence...
After yesterday’s terrorist attack in Iran— targeting an Iranian Revolutionary Guard parade in which nearly 30 were...
This is an updated version of the profile originally published at Unz Review. Thanks to Ron Unz...
Secretary of State John Kerry recently testified before Congress that Iran is planning to withdraw most of...
Last week, Israel invaded Syrian sovereignty in a targeted assassination of an Iranian Revolutionary Guard general, a...
Kai Bird’s new biography of CIA master spy, Robert Ames, contains a tantalizing side story about the...
The NY Times reports that the Israeli Navy captured a shipment of Iranian weapons on a ship...