I’m really warming up to Joe Biden. I must confess that I wrote a dismissive blog post...
Month: September 2008

Bashir Al-Assad has sent a not so subtle signal to both Ehud Olmert and the Israeli people...
It seems to me that a man who’s been divorced twice, had multiple adulterous affairs and one...
Sarah Palin has a Jewish problem. Hers is even worse than John Hagee’s. Despite his fire and...
Praise the Lord and pass the ballot box. Sarah Palin may be “right with God.” But is...
Thanks to reader Miriam Adams for notifying me that Sami Al-Arian was freed on bail today by...
It’s important that progressives be clear in their discussion of the issue of Sarah Palin’s 17 year-old...
Most of America shrugged–Huh?–when it read about Sarah Palin’s selection as his running mate. But news is...
Is it just me or does anyone else feel we’re entering Bizarro world with the Republican Party’s...