Israel announced (Hebrew, Google translation here) its plan to “protect” 1-million refugees sheltering in Rafah. They fled their homes in northern Gaza. Now they will be forced to flee from Rafah. Tikun Olam revealed plans for the new UAE-Egypt-Israel tent city here. Weeks ago, Egyptian human rights group documented an Egyptian project to build a holding facility for any Gazan’s who crossed its border.
The Biden administration has demanded Israel produce such a plan before such an invasion. It added that barring such a plan, it opposed an invasion. Now, Israel has essentially called Biden’s bluff saying: here’s the plan. Now when we do invade Rafah you will not be able to oppose it.
I reported earlier this week, that Israel had enlisted UAE and Egypt as partners in this scheme. They provided “cover” as Arab states. Israel realized no Gazan would participate in this, unless there was a credible partner. And these two states, both Israeli allies, agreed. Egypt hardly had a choice, since without a plan to shelter the Rafah refugees, they would likely have flooded across the border into Egypt. It didn’t want Israel’s problem to become its problem.
Israel’s Sham plan
Details of the operation are reported here for the first time outside Israeli media. They were originally leaked to Israel’s Channel 12 TV news, most likely by an IDF source or Netanyahu himself. The plan lacks credibility and is totally inadequate. It calls for 40,000 tents for 1-million refuges: 25 people per tent. Unless these are huge tents, they will be insufficient.

It calls for “hundreds of trucks,” without clarifying whether this is per day, per week, etc. The average truck traffic before 10/7 was 500 daily. Since then, the IDF has not even come close to that figure, averaging around 100 per day. This is one reason Gazans are starving to death. The trucks will enter via Kerem Shalom and “other crossings.” We have heard repeatedly about the opening of these “other crossings” and nothing has come of them. They remain closed. There is no reason to believe the IDF will fulfill this promise.

It is fine-sounding rhetoric which one knows, based on the IDF’s record of mendacity, will never happen. These tent cities are Potemkin villages. They are the equivalent of Theresienstadt : model facilities with model Gazans providing model services, while the rest of the 1-million Gazans face starvation and mass murder under the onslaught of IDF guns.
Refugee aid legitimizes Rafah invasion
The aid operation also offers the IDF a major benefit. Because it can now claim it has provided a “comprehensive plan” to house Rafah refugees, it can declare it a free fire zone once it begins its invasion. Any remaining refugees there will be considered the enemy, and killed on sight whether armed or not.
All of this will happen under the auspices of the US. By ratifying and collaborating with this plan, we will be facilitating yet another genocide. There are now over 34,000 Palestinian dead. Once the invasion happens that will number will surpass 50,000, likely far passing it.
Here is an outline of the plan provisions as reported by Channel 12 (quotations are translated from the original article, which was based on a direct IDF source):
It was “formulated in close strategic coordination with the international community led by the US.” will be implemented “in close strategic coordination with the US.”
The humanitarian operation is closely intertwined with the invasion to follow its completion. “It [the aid] will confer international legitimacy and is the main element that enables the subsequent ‘military operation‘ [i.e. invasion]. Due to the sensitivity of the invasion, the IDF will coordinate with Egyptian intelligence and inform them when it will begin.
Step 1: Israel will facilitate the free flow of humanitarian aid to Gaza and the flow of trucks.
Step 2: provision of locations for critical infrastructure to which the population will be directed in Khan Yunis, including water sources, communication lines, etc. To that end, the IDF has (purportedly) repaired the third water line running from Israel into Gaza. It will provide “an additional 42 liters of water to 400,000 Gazans daily.” This language assumes Gazans have any sources of water to begin with. By its own figures, this equals .01% of a liter per person. Where will the rest of the daily water needs come from, when every bit of infrastructure has been destroyed, including water treatment plants and water lines? Remember, what the IDF claims and what is reality are almost always different. Its assertions can never be trusted.
Provision of communication lines will allow for transmitting messages warning residents to evacuate and notifying them of humanitarian aid accessibility, and for coordinating the flow of aid truck traffic.
Step 3: access to health services for the population entering from Rafah; reconstruction of hospitals which had been sites of fighting against “terrorists;” and building 10 field hospitals prepared for incoming patients.
International aid organizations are supposedly rehabilitating Nasr and Al-Amal hospitals in Khan Yunis and restoring their medical facilities. There are no reports confirming this claim, of which I remain skeptical. The hospitals will operate with the “coordination of the IDF and international community. How can a hospital function under the supervision of an army? What international aid group would agree to such terms?]
The IDF claims there are six such field hospitals operating in Gaza, another claim for which I find no evidence.
Step 4: Israel purchased 40,000 tents and will provide shelters for “uprooted” [i.e. expelled] Gaza. Provision of the tents and the migration of Rafah refugees to them will be done “in coordination with international organizations.” What NGO would participate in such an operation knowing it would facilitate genocide?
Finally, while it’s likely Israel will provide some of what it promises in this plan. Not only will it not come close to delivering that’s outlined here, it cannot physically do it in the time allotted (several weeks between now and the invasion). This is a delusional document meant for consumption of the US and international community, in the hopes that it will mollify them and dent any of the hostility the invasion will generate. It may work in terms of quieting the anger of world leaders. But it will enrage the global Palestine solidarity movements. Nor will it fool the ICC, expected to issue arrest warrants (expected in the coming weeks) for Netanyahu and IDF commander in chief, Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi.
I approached USAID and the State Department for comment. I will update when/if they respond.
Off topic, but I really do find it interesting that Israel is proceding with this “final battle of Rafah” narrative when in actuality they control nothing on the ground in Gaza, never mind the city of Rafah.
Isn’t it true that the IDF admitted there are at least 4,000 Al-Qassam fighters “in Gaza city” (so definitely an undercount to say the least), not to mention members of other paramilitary brigades?
It just seems to me that in addition to being bent on creating an absolutely apocalyptic situation for Palestinian civilians in Gaza, Israel and the IDF are absolutely delusional in terms of what they’ve been able to “achieve” in Gaza in general. That’s part of why the lies about how many “terrorists” they’ve supposedly ‘neutralized” become more ridiculous by the day.
In call with war criminal Netanyahu, Joe Biden greenlights targeted strikes on Southern Gaza and Rafah, for Israel to stay at the negotiating table for a limited ceasefire and release of captive hostages. An Israeli delegation may join Qatari Hamas talks in Egypt today. Blinken is in Riyadh, will visit Israel and client state Jordan. The Day After …
Amalek to wipe-out all Palestinian Iives, war on children, incubator babies in medical facilities, sniper killings of pregnant mothers and a village of 5,000 embryos in a single, targeted strike.
Thousands of frozen Gaza IVF embryos destroyed by Israeli strike
Great stuff …
The Best Israel Has to Offer 😂 Caroline Glick opportunity to rebuild the Temple .. JNS TV
Is Biden enabling this move? What is the real goal of the ruling and what can Israel do to fight back?
“The ICC’s arrest warrants will brand every Israeli citizen, soldier, and official as a war criminal.”
Israel’s EUCOM allies may be called upon to defund the International Criminal Court in The Hague in a threat of imminent arrest warrants for the Netanyahu cabal in Jerusalem.
“When the ICC investigates Israel for fake war crimes – this is pure antisemitism. The court established to prevent atrocities like the Nazi Holocaust against the Jewish people is now targeting the one state of the Jewish people.” [PMO – Feb 2021]
An outcome Rafael Lemkin never could have imagined … frogmarching.
ICC Arrest Warrants May Scuttle ME Peace
No need to comment on this preposterous argument … no peace year after year from 1967 forward.
Report: Several nations urging ICC not to issue arrest warrants for Israelis | TOI |
Citing unnamed people familiar with the matter, the news outlet reported on concerns that Israel could back away from the agreement if the ICC issues warrants.
The report said G7 nations had begun a quiet campaign to dissuade the court from issuing the warrants, without specifying which countries were involved in the effort. 😊 [G7 … but I won’t name the countries … hasbara unlimited]
ICJ Ruling Genocide: Arms to Israel On Notice
Precise evidence is needed for provisional measures. For now the evidence is not there … just as important the Court accepted the request by Nicaragua and for full procedure which may take months as circumstances may worsen.
The case of genocide brought before the ICJ by S Africa, state of Israel has not yet been convicted. That is an important distinction … The case @ICJ continues and has not disappointed me, complicated legal procedures and top notch legal teams …
Hopefully the arrest warrants by the ICC do come this week … would be helpful before the invasion and massacre in Rafah 🥵
The Hasbara teams in full swing … university students got excellent learning on moral grounds of foreign policy and hypocrisy … a new generation.
Rafah Op to Start
“Never Again is NOW!”: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Holocaust Remembrance Day Speech 2024
Today, we confront again confront enemies bent on our destruction. I say to the leaders of the world: No amount of pressure, no decision by any international forum will stop Israel from defending itself.
As the prime minister of Israel – the one and only Jewish state – I pledge here today from Jerusalem, on this Holocaust Remembrance Day: If Israel is forced to stand alone, Israel will stand alone.
Early this morning following Gallant’s announcement yesterday:
IDF calls on Palestinians to temporarily evacuate east Rafah ahead of planned offensive