I wrestle constantly with how to respond to the various haters who post comments here. The majority...
Month: January 2005
This is the third and perhaps final post about the musical heritages of those lands worst hit...

Muthuswami Dikshitar, Thyagaraja and Syama Sastri—the trinity of Carnatic music (credit: Artindia.net) When the tsunami hit, I...

Andrew Wyeth, Winter Farm Scene A few years ago, I read a wonderful column by the New...

Margaret Spellings: America’s new ‘guardian of cultural values’ (credit: ED.gov) It seems that Margaret Spellings wants to...

It appears that if you’re a liberal Democrat the ADL is a lot more likely to accuse...

Armandino Batali, proprietor of Salumi (credit: Barry Wong/ Seattle Times) I’m delighted that Greg Atkinson, the Seattle...

Google has introduced Google Video, which promises to be helpful to bloggers who write about TV (not...

In September, I wrote a post about Sue Neiderer, the mother of Lt. Seth Dvorin, who was...

Fresh from the breathtaking bellicosity of George Bush’s Inaugural Address, Don Rumsfeld has decided to one up...
Over the years, I’ve gotten a smattering of hate mail from people who detest my views of...
A truly mind-boggling thing has just happened within Palestinian society. Hamas has unequivocally accepted that Israel has...