UPDATE: I published a link to this post on my Facebook timeline. Normally, it would display the...
naftali bennett
Oh, the lies. They pour freely forth from the mouths of Israeli leaders and army officers. The...
חשיפה: החשודה בשליחת מכתבי האיום והקליעים למשפחת בנט היא אילנה חניה, פעילת ליכוד בולטת Last week, an...
If Israel wanted to provoke yet another war with Gaza, it couldn’t be doing any better than...
Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine has made for some strange bedfellows. Say what you will about the...
The chances of the US and Iran signing a renewed nuclear deal resemble the betting on who...
Pres. Biden invited Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett to the White a few months ago and both...
News reports from Israel feature army generals threatening Iran with imminent destruction if it refuses to return...
There’s an Porgy and Bess number whose lyrics go: “I’ve got plenty a nuthin’ and nuthin’s plenty...
אזעקת אמת — שתפו! ** עשינו ויתורים גדולים כדי להגיע להסכם עם בנט ושקד אבל הם מסרבים...
UPDATE: Naftali Bennett just announced he has agreed to join Yair Lapid’s center-right government. It is a...
In the midst of Israel’s onslaught against Gaza, the country is trying to put together a government...