The current so-called anti-Semitism crisis in the British Labour Party is founded on a complete misunderstanding of...
In spite of my muted sympathy for Women of the Wall and the non-Orthodox religious movements in...
Donald Trump in a speech to the National Governors Association today, suggested that his own enemies might be...
Bibi isn’t Charlie, neither am I. Neither are most of the world leaders seen in that photo...
Hitler had his Jewish problem. Anders Breivik, his Muslim problem. The more I read of Breivik’s manifesto,...
James Joyce wrote A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Tonight I’m writing a portrait...
Like a good general, I have a rule I try to follow about blogging: I try to...
The worst forest fires ever to have struck Israel are sweeping through the Carmel Mountains surrounding Haifa....
The Israel Democracy Institute has published its 2010 Democracy Index (abstract and full report). It is a...
Richard Dreyfuss is performing in a concert reading, Imagining Heschel, from an exchange of letters between America’s...
In reading the melodrama of Rick Sanchez’ implosion in front of a national radio audience when he...
The recently announced American Jewish Committee 2007 survey provided reassuring results about Jewish attitudes toward U.S. Middle...