UK Medical Study Finds 186,000 Gaza DeadThe world’s pre-eminent medical journal, The Lancet, issued a stunning report, Counting the Dead in Gaza: Difficult...
hannibal directive
Friendly-Fire Incidents Killed 10 IDF Officers, Wounded Dozens of Others, Killed Many Civiliansצה”ל מסתיר את מספר החיילים והקצינים שנפגעו (לפחות 10 נהרגו ועשרות נפצעו) מירי דו-צדדי ישראל הפעילה את...
Israel’s Hannibal Directive: Israeli Attack Will Likely Result in 120 Hostage DeathsIt just won’t stop. We’re looking at about 1,000 Israelis killed, and over 650 Palestinians killed in...
Israeli Commandos Penetrate Syria, Lebanon; Plant Spy Devices And Murder Civilians.נוהל “מקרה מוזר”: רצח במסווה של “תאונה”, של אזרחים בלבנון ובסוריה שבמקרה נתקלו בצוותי סיירת מטכ”ל או...
IDF Chief Abandons Hannibal Directive Which Approved Killing Captive Israeli SoldiersThis news came like a lightning bolt: after three decades the IDF has finally abandoned a military...
IDF Chief of Staff Promises 1.5-Million Lebanese Refugees in Next WarIsrael’s chief of staff, Gadi Eizenkot told Israeli media that his forces were preparing for the next war with...
IDF, Shin Bet in Mortal Death Spiral Over Gaza War ClaimsIf you’ve watched animated super-hero series or read comic books (as a father of 10 year old...
IDF Givati Commander on Goldin’s Capture: Prefered a Dead Soldier to Live OneYnet published an astonishing interview with several commanders of the Givati brigade, whose unit lost three soldiers...
IDF Killed Three of Its Own Soldiers After Declaring Hannibal DirectiveIn one of the most decisive, shocking incidents of a brutal war, NRG reports (Hebrew) that the...
Hannibal is an IDF ‘Putsch’ Against the StateTonight will be the third critical Haaretz article about the Hannibal Directive which the paper hasn’t chosen...
Col. Ofer Winter: Poster Boy for IDF’s New Dirty 200, Ceasefire Dies (Again)After Operation Cast Lead, peace activists prepared a list of 200 IDF officers who played major roles...
A Nightmare Called HannibalDespite the pall of military censorship, the Israel and foreign media are beginning, tentatively to air the...