17 thoughts on “IDF, Shin Bet in Mortal Death Spiral Over Gaza War Claims – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. “Hamas did not initiate this war….. Do not allow anyone, least of all one of Israel’s better TV news magazines to tell you otherwise. ”

    I beg to differ, but let’s not go over old ground. Regardless of who started the war, Hamas had several chances, early on, to join a ceasefire. Hamas initially refused the ceasefire offer, but later backtracked, and accepted the offer. Many hundreds of lives were needlessly wasted by Hamas.

    1. Israel invaded Gaza, a supposedly sovereign entity. Hamas was under no obligation bow to a fraudulent ceasefire concocted under false pretenses by Israel & its Egyptian junta toadies.

      Israel could’ve avoided the whole mess if it had stayed on its side of the border & avoided a W Bank pogrom.

  2. Vita, no Israeli ceasefire can be trusted, as history has repeatedly shown.

    But you’re not here for logical arguments, you’re trying to win brownie points from some supervisor in the secret Israeli
    Ministry of Internet Cranks and Online Timewasters. If I were you, your time would be better spent arguing in broken English over at Shmarya Rosenberg’s Failed Messiah website (http://failedmessiah.typepad.com/).

    1. @Strelnikov

      “If I were you, your time would be better spent arguing in broken English over at Shmarya Rosenberg’s Failed Messiah website”

      I was born and raised in the United States and have 22 years of education, including two university degrees and on professional degree. My english is just fine, thank you.

      Where did you say you lived?
      *he won’t respond*

      1. You’re very curious about where people live. Maybe you should just stick to what they write, and what they choose to tell themselves.

          1. @ Vita: The quality of your English didn’t infer anything about your origins. Your hasbara perspective suggests this, though we certainly know there are hasbarists here who’ve never stepped foot in Israel.

      2. @ Vita:

        I was born and raised in the United States and have 22 years of education, including two university degrees and on [sic] professional degree. My english [sic] is just fine, thank you.

        If your English is “just fine” then fire your proofreader! Either you’re lying about English being your native language or you’re borderline illiterate. But you do make excellent use of commas, I must say.

    2. @Strelnikov

      I fully endorse Shmarya Rosenberg’s blog, as I enthusiastically endorse Richard Silverstein’s Tikkun Olam.
      Both gentlemen are ‘gadflys’, and the very existence proves that the State of Israel, and the Haredi community, respectively, are healthy and vital. To put it another way, a society that can’t tolerate dissent, is weak. I’m not being disparaging, but a host that can tolerate parasites is a robust body.

      1. @ Vita: My “existence” proves the State of Israel is ‘healthy and vital???’ On what planet do you exist? Certainly not in the universe the rest of us do. By what logic does anything I do or write here prove that? And does my existence here in the U.S. writing about Israel prove that Israel is beneficent in allowing me to exist? In “tolerating my dissent?” Are you implying there’s a way Israel could silence me if it wanted?

        I’m not being disparaging, but a host that can tolerate parasites is a robust body.

        You’re being worse than disparaging. You’re being repulsive. You are now moderated. As for ‘parasites,’ your role here is precisely that, which is why you’re now moderated.

        1. “You’re being worse than disparaging. You’re being repulsive.”

          Actually, I drew the parasite analogy from my dog, who picks up ticks.

          Be that as it may, it seems you can’t tolerate my dissent, so you ‘moderate’ me, the same way the weak Soviets banished dissent to the Gulag.

          Please identify one commentator on your blog whose continually challenged you and who you haven’t banned or moderated out of existence.

          Answer. Not one.

          1. There are scores if not hundreds. Of the 70-80,000 comments published here there are 20-30,000 that share your general politics. But generally if you compare a blog author to a “parasite” and “dog” you’re gonna be moderated as you were.

          2. There are scores if not hundreds. But generally if you compare a blog author to a “parasite” and “dog” you’re gonna be moderated as you were. Your after latest analogy has at least “promoted” me to a human being, albeit a Soviet-era commissar.

  3. @ Vita

    “I was born and raised in the United States and have 22 years of education, including two university degrees and on professional degree.”

    I am sorry to hear that – so there is even less of an excuse for your blinkered vision.

    1. @Arie
      My eyes are so wide open it pains me.

      Arie. How do you excuse your obsession with the I/P conflict? I live in Israel, I have a ‘dog in the fight’, so to speak.
      Where’s yours?

      1. Ari doesn’t need explain or defend his interest in Israel-Palestine. Restricting legitimate commentary on the conflict to ppl like you is a sure fire way to allow Israel off the hook, which we won’t do.

  4. @ Vita
    1) Any human being with compassion towards the Other has a dog in this fight.
    2) Any American taxpayer whose tax paying dollars go to fund Occupation/ Apartheid and abuse of the Muslim and Christian Palestinians have a dog in this fight. The ‘dog’ would not have any teeth to bite if it wasn’t funded heavily by American taxpayers whose majority are not Jews. I will add that of course there are Jews who are against the abuse of the Palestinians and their taxpaying dollars are too going to fund this hideous Occupation/Apartheid and worse! in their name.
    3) All Christians and all Muslims have a dog in this fight too, because Palestinians are not only Muslims, they are also Christians.
    4) Any person whose son or daughter has gone to war died and/or been maimed for life in wars that were partly at the instigation of the Israel Lobby ( AIPAC & other Jewish or Zionist-xtrians lobbies) have a dog in this fight.
    5) Any orphan child/children whose mother or father has died or become disabled for going to wars at the instigation of the Israel Lobbies have a dog in this fight.
    6) Any and every single American soldier that is put in harm’s way due to the Israel-Palestinians conflict has a dog in this fight.

    Christian Palestinians is kryptonite to Israeli Hasbara and all Zionists knows it. First of all, because most people are not aware that Palestinians are also Christian. Second, because it shatters the crafted narrative of “enlightened Israel versus evil Muslims” . In short, it does an enormous damage because it has the power to change the entire perception and narrative. And while Israel can live with Muslim hatred, it cannot survive without the Christian West support. Christianity is the majority in the West.
    Mention abuses by Israel against Christian Palestinians…and the Zionists glow Neon green with fear that the TRUTH is OUT.

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