A member of the Free Ameer Makhoul Facebook group, Disk Missing, did a cracker-jack piece of research...
Ameer Makhoul

Lately, I have written extensively about Ameer Makhoul, whose arrest by the Shin Bet was placed under...
Yesterday, I reported that Haaretz had inadvertently published secret information revealing that Ameer Makhoul and Omar Said...

Amnesty International released a statement today threatening to make Ameer Makhoul a prisoner of conscience unless Israel...
Rechavia Berman has done it again. He was the first journalist/blogger to break the story of the...
Thanks to some sterling unnamed Israeli sources, I’m displaying both the original April 22nd gag order signed...
A few of my Israeli friends have sent me a link to a Yediot interview with Judge...

Shades of Azmi Bishara! The Shin Bet has dusted off its “Arab terror” playbook and come up...
On Sunday, many of you noticed that you could not publish comments at this site. Others of...

Those of you who followed this blog during the thick of the Anat Kamm-Uri Blau case, noted...

To my great delight, Israeli bloggers, unlike their journalistic counterparts, are defying the Shin Bet’s gag order...

The Israeli Shin Bet continue riding roughshod over the rights of the nation’s citizens. In the past...