URGENT: This report is a major breaking news story. It is journalism you will not find anywhere else–reporting that takes you inside Israel’s military and intelligence apparatus to learn secrets they don’t want you to know.
Tikun Olam is live-blogging the Gaza war.
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מקור ביטחוני: ישראל התנקשה במכוון בבני המשפחה של “זרש”,וא’אל אל-דחדוח, כתב ערוץ אלג’זירה בעזה
Israel has furthered ratcheted up its scorched earth policy toward Gaza. Not content with murdering 7,000, including over 2,000 children, destroying 42% of the homes, making 1.4-million homeless refugees, and forcing one-third of the medical facilities to shut down–it’s commanded the Shin Bet and IDF to assassinate six key leaders of Hamas AND their families. That was my report yesterday based on an informed security source.
Channel 13 journalist Zvi Yehezkeli admits Israel purposefully and premeditatedly murdered the family of Al Jazeera Gaza bureau chief Wael Dahdouh: “Generally we know the target. For example, today there was a target: the family of an Al Jazeera reporter. In general, we know.” https://t.co/sOJk8uNMMc
— David Sheen (@davidsheen) October 26, 2023
Today, the same source told me that the murder of the family of Al Jazeera bureau chief, Wael Dahdouh, was a deliberate assassination intended specifically to render him a widower and childless. His wife, daughter, son and grandson died in the attack. The source added: “Dahdouh got his punishment following the secret Amalek order.” It is a war crime to murder journalists and an even worse crime to murder innocents because of their relation to them.

Dadouh told the media:
“They take revenge on us in our children?” he said, kneeling over his son’s bloodied body, still wearing his protective press vest from that day’s work.
Clearly, the “Amalek directive” I described in yesterday’s post not only calls for eliminating political figures, but journalists and their families. When asked what specific act had caused Israel to kill his family, the source said it was “because of his secret activities, and not his open activities [as a journalist].” Murdering a journalist’s family for any reason, whether for his secret activities or otherwise, is a despicable crime against humanity.
An Israeli reporter for Channel 13 said:
“Generally we know the target. For example, today there was a target: the family of an Al Jazeera reporter. In general, we know.”
Israeli censorship forbade reporting the killings. When Israeli media watchdog, 7th Eye, asked the IDF to confirm his account it issued a denial, which was a deliberate falsehood. The reporter told the outlet that he had misunderstood the censorship order and not intended to violate it.
I am reporting here the uncensored version of the story.
These killings come in the wake of stories of Israeli plans to “shut down” Al Jazeera. In an attempt to mollify Israeli officials, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke to the Qatari emir and asked him to tone down Al Jazeera’s coverage of the war. Blinken also recounted to American Jewish leaders the same story to convey US support for Israel. Obviously, Israel was sending a message to the news outlet and Blinken that they would take matters into their own hands. These murders were the result.
In the 2014 war in Gaza, Israel deliberately destroyed an office tower which housed several media outlet offices, including Al Jazeera. It was a clear message to hinder or stop media coverage of its slaughter, which murdered 2,300 Gazans. The current war death toll dwarfs that one.
The source told me that Israel’s security apparatus has a codename for Dahdouh, Zeresh. She is a character in the Book of Esther, which describes an attempt by a Persian king to exterminate the Jews of the kingdom. The king’s advisor, Haman, is a mastermind of the plan. His wife, Zeresh tells her husband that he must murder, Mordechai, Esther’s father and a key Jewish leader. As the king’s wife, she foils Haman’s plan and instead Haman and all his sons are hung, by order of the king. This renders Zeresh a childless widow, a punishment for her plot to destroy the Jews.
Right-wing Israelis use the stories of Haman and Amalek to justify their genocidal impulse against Palestinians. The latter are, like all those in history who sought to eliminate Jews, a nation seeking to destroy the Jewish people. Therefore they must suffer the same fate as those earlier enemies. The analogy is, of course, false and it is merely an attempt to legitimize Israeli genocide through Biblical sources. Since the Bible is considered a sacred text and viewed by many Jews and gentiles as historical truth, using it to justify killing Palestinians. adds legitimacy.
If the world needed any further evidence that the Israeli plan is a direct parallel to the Nazi Holocaust, this is it. The question becomes–will the world stand idly by as it did during WWII, permitting the genocide? Or will it learn a lesson from history that it must intervene before it occurs to stop it?
Israel’s war on Gaza ‘needs intervention by International Criminal Court’ – Palestinian FM | TRT World |
On the war crimes in Gaza and the West Bank since 2014, the ICC prosecutor Karim Khan stated today he was “gathering information.”
ICC war crimes investigation: Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad Al Maliki visits The Hague | Al Jazeera Video report |
Thank you for this. Since you bring up the Bible, the saying “an eye for an eye” has me interested in the morality behind it… the opposite of “turning the other cheek”, showing love, Christ’s lesson. This is eye gouging is called “Retributive Theory” I believe. I was reading that Hamas believes in this: making “the enemy” that has caused you pain, feel your suffering. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye_for_an_eye
On the other hand, Israel’s policy of disproportionate retribution I understand as wanting to teach “the enemy” a lesson. This is clueless because does not work; briefly if it does and ultimately not. It’s self destructive. But it’s based on Israel’s myth/belief that “they want to destroy us” so this is an existential fight for Israel. If it’s existential, it’s more obviously the Palestinians that are threatened existentially. Hamas cannot destroy Israel. They want to cause pain and suffering though. Many more Palestinians do not want to destroy Israel according to t his new poll of Gazans https://theworld.org/media/2023-10-26/opinions-hamas-palestinians-gaza
[comment deleted: I do not permit comments which approve or even suggest assassination]
Looking at the video from 13 channel, there is an cut/edit at second 31 right in the middle of the quote you brought.
I haven’t seen the original report and I don’t know if it meaningful but it definitely edited at the most sensitive place in the video.
I found a single references in your archive about Abba Kovner in excellent article “The Holocaust and Zionism’s Broken Oath”. However no mention to his role as head of a terror group Nakam or Holocaust Avengers. Plan was to add poison to the water supply in major West-German cities München, Nuremberg, Hamburg and Frankfurt. The British military foiled the plan. Link to book here.
“Dahdouh got his punishment following the secret Amalek order.” It is a war crime to murder journalists and an even worse crime to murder innocents because of their relation to them. ”
What if Dahdouh was a secretly working for Hamas, as your source suggested? That would make Dahdouh fair game in spite of his journalistic credentials.
As far as the deaths of his family, we don’t know whether Israel was trying to assassinate him when the missile struck the home where they sought refuge.
BTW, Hamas, and possibly Dahdouh, have no compunction about killing innocent Israeli families, even murdering a special needs child in a wheelchair and her father and grandmother.
What if Dahdouh was the Man in the Moon? What if you were a hired gun for the Hasbara apparatus? I’m not interested in your speculation. Not interested in you peddling apologetics for Israeli slaughter of innocents.
You have no idea what criteria the security cabinet and assassination division of the IDF and Shin Bet use to determine who’s on the kill list. BTW, even if Dahdouh did everything you accuse him of (which I reject) murdering his entire family is a crime against humanity. As part of the larger picture of Israeli genocide.
And to even begin to suggest that it was righteous to murder two generations of a Palestinian family because of the supposed acts of a father and grandfather. That is unforgiveable. You are on borrowed time here.
“We” in fact know that Israel deliberately did not kill him so that he would mourn all his days that they died and he didn’t. You either didn’t read the post or you’re posting content in bad faith. My source, who actually knows what he’s talking about (as opposed to you) explicitly said why he wasn’t killed.
Give it a rest. When you cry about the killing of 10 or 20 times the number of Palestinian families or disable Palestinian children killed by the murderous thugs known as the IDF, then you can talk. Till then shut your mouth.
Do NOT publish links to terror porn here. Do not.
Wael al-Dahdouh was live on al-Jazeera when they bombed his house, he was told the tragic news when he was on live.
You don’t think the Israeli army knew he was not at home ?
@ Deir Yassin: The Shin Bet even had a codename for him. Anyone for whom they have a codename they track minutely and know where they are by the minute.
7200 Palestinian deaths on a population of 2.2 million in Gaza, compared to US population today is equivalent to 1,113,000 deaths in America.
Thanks for that.
Greetings from Israel,
Your numbers are skewed because they don’t distinguish between Palestinian civilian deaths and Hamas terrorist deaths.
That being said, why wasn’t Hamas satisfied in killing 300 IDF soldiers? Why did Hamas commit all those savage war crimes against innocent, unarmed Israeli civilians when they’d already achieved a significant military victory?
Fair question?
@ Minute Man: You may not use the term “terrorist” associated with Hamas unless you use it as well associated with Israel. Don’t use it again here or you will be banned.
Isn’t it interesting that the number of Israeli deaths–1,400–doesn’t distinguish between IDF soldiers and civilians killed. Yet you demand that distinction when speaking of Palestinians murdered. We have a problem here–that you’re a hypocrite. And btw, the vast majority of the dead are civilians. In 2014, 2,300 were murdered, 700 or which were fighters. Around 30%. Since Hamas has prepared by this battle for over a yr and figured out how to protect a maximum number of defenders, I believe the number of fighters killed is an even smaller percentage.
But I’m curious, when the number of dead climbs to 10,000-15,000-20,000, will you still be whining about how many terrrorist died?
Do stop with this nonsensical argument. I’ve rebutted it more times than I can count. First Israelis are foreign occupiers. They are legitimate targets and Palestinians are entiteld to engage in armed resistance. Israel is engaged in terrorism, occupation, theft on a massive scale. No Israeli can be immune from responsibility for this. Just as Israel makes no distinction when it murders Palestinians.
This is the last time I want to hear this argument. If I read it again from you or any of your hasbara brethren I will moderate or ban. I get sick & tired of reading the same arguments and having to respond to them. It’s a waste of my time.
Navi Pillay UN Commission of Inquiry on Palestine Talks to Al Jazeera
Got its mandate for an investigation after the Israeli bombing of Gaza in 2021.
Report published early September played crucial role in UNGA vote on Arab states resolution with 120 countries For and 14 states (Israel and U.S.) against … placing both pariah states in isolation in the global community. Shame on the European Union which backed the U.S. just two days ago. End hostilities NOW!
UK politician Gerald Kaufman in 2009. Could have been said yesterday.
Abu Hatab, a veteran reporter for the Palestine TV, along with 11 family members, including his wife, son, and brother, were tragically killed in the Israeli airstrike that targeted their home in Khan Yunis