21 thoughts on “Gaza: House of Slaughter – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. According to Haaretz “president Isaac Herzog congratules the IDF for defending Israel and twarting terrorism”.
    Yes, little Hajar and particularly little Ali were dangerous ….
    (I’m self-moderating, what I think of this man is best being kept to myself)

  2. Islamic Jihad is an Iranian proxy army, and Israel and Iran are in an undeclared war.

    These unfortunate children were placed in the crosshairs by their father, who was an armed combatant.
    Whatsmore, you offer no proof Israel that knew woman and children were present,

    You also have to wonder how Israel got the intel to enable this assassination.

    1. You don’t even know what you’re talking about ! The kids who did not belong to the same family were killed inside an appartment building at night, you’re telling us that the Israeli army didn’t know civilians were living in a residential area ?
      And the doctor Jamal Kashwan who was killed with his wife and son, a medical student, while his little daughter survived, how do you justify that ?
      Just by curiosity: do you think that settlers use their own kids as human shields too ?

    2. You don’t even know what you’re talking about ! The kids who did not belong to the same family were killed inside an apartment building at night ! You’re saying that the IDF didn’t know civilians were living in a civilian area ?
      And the killing of doctor Jamal Khaswan, his wife and son, a medical student, while his little daughter survived, how do you justify that ?
      Just to be sure: so you also think that settlers use their own children as human shields and that they are fair game ?

    3. Chad your inhumanity is beyond belief. You haven’t bothered to read through the informative articles Richard linked to in his article of deep sorrow. You’ll get no sympathy from me … none. Fully agree with Deir Yassin 1948 … 75 years of bloody oppression and the hate of occupying another people will tear you up on the inside and the fabric of Jewish society as a whole.

      Can a Jew be fascist? It is a contradictio in terminis in my reading of the Holy Scripture. These cruel reprisals and assassinations are war crimes and in fact TERROR acts. It’s not about winning a battle, it is about losing who you are.

    4. @Chad: There is no exception to international law permitting the murder of a child because of his father’s actions. None. STill a war crime and still making Israel a terror state.

      As for the issue of knowing women & children were present, they bombed his home. Women & children are always present in a home at 4am. Not to mention the only way they knew their location was by survveiling and spying on them. They would know everything there is to know about them, including whether civilians were at home. Your attempts to weasel out of responsibility are disgusting. I find you repulsive.

  3. As long as the dead are only goyim, the Zionists aren’t bothered a bit. That depth of racism is almost beyond imagining.

  4. Israel is absolutely willing to negotiate with Hamas when it suits their purpose. They are currently negotiating with Hamas over rights to gas deposits off the coast of Gaza. Of course they don’t actually say they are talking with ‘terrorists’- they are negotiating with ‘Palestinian counterparts’ in Gaza.

    1. Another hasbarista who doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about. The Israeli army bombed more that one building, the three IJ militants and their families were killed in three differents bombings (Rimal neighbourhood, al-Tuffah neighbourhood and Rafah) and neighbours next door were killed in the two bombings in Gaza too.
      Racist piece of s*** !

    2. If Israeli army knew exactly who were the adults staying in the apartment just before the attack, it is 100 percent certain that Israel knew also the amount and identity of the children then in the apartment. You Israeli fanatics do really underestimate our intelligence who are watching this your macabre “show”. When Israel destroyed in Gaza the building, where Finnish Church had had a clinic for years, after a formal “inspection” Israeli regime informed Finnish foreign office: They bombed the building because there was a secret Hamas weapon cache. They did not know about the clinic. The answer was ended by if they had known about the clinic Israel wound not have bombed the building.

      So we Finns were really demanded to believe that Israeli army knew, that there is a secret hidden Hamas weapon cache, but they did not know about there for years operated clinic and the huge red cross or crescent marking on the building’s roof. The personnel of the clinic said that there was no Hamas activity in the building.

      Israel and its vocal internet army have completely lost their credibility in trying to justify their actions. By the way Chad Fisher show us your evidence that Israel did not know about the children in the building.

  5. interestingly, not much mention of the 104 missiles that islamic jihad fired into israel, and who were these targeting if not israeli citizens?

    1. @ ock: Interestingly, how many of those rockets hit anyone or anything? Please spare us the fakery by equating errant unguided Palestinian rockets with F-35s and drones firing precision guided missiles into homes full of civilians and killing them en masse.

  6. “These people are ghouls”

    These people are obviously attempting to minimize civilian casualties, which is more than we can say about Islamic Jihad, who nearly always target civilians.

    1. @ Jay: You are a liar. Killing women and children is not “minimizing civilian casualties.” It is blood murder. Nor will I permit you to insult the memory of the dead by promoting the cause of the murderers.

      Not to mention that the Israeli security source quoted in the post (his response to me came in after I published the post, but I added it when I received it) confirmed that the IDF knew there were women and children there and attacked anyway. If you did not know this, you may wish to correct your misbegotten claim about minimizing civilian casualties.

      1. [comment deleted: A few housekeeping things. First, a comment should be as short as possible and to the point. Make your argument in economical fashion. That permits me to respond in as ecnomical fashion as possible. Excessively long comments like yours force me to take a huge amount of time & effort to address them. I spend a great deal of time doing this and take them seriously. But I deleted your comment because it would have taken me an hour to rebut the arguments you advanced. And I have better things to do with my time then getting into the convoluted morass of your comment.

        Next, I have very little stomach for long disquisitions on international law. That’s for law reviews and the like. Finally, I find arguments claiming that killing children is OK because it’s within the bounds of international law, amoral and distasteful. They dishonor the dead in fundamental ways. It disgusts me as a Jew and human being. If your approach appeals to you there are other sites where you should spend your time.

        Of course, there are responses which rebut every possible claim hasbarists like you advance; and Israel has appointed people like you to do precisely this on social media and sites like mine. I find what you represent and the product you offer here to debase humanity and my own Jewish values.

        You need to spend time here reading both the posts and cocmments before unloading (and probably cutting and pasting) the material you did here. Finally, you are entitled to a single comment in any thread. So do not respond to this one. I have no desire to prolong this interaction. If you choose you may comment in other threads.–RS]

  7. Richard.
    The Israeli security source (whoever that is) you know quote said, “..obviously knew that civilians, including women and children, were in the three buildings. But their number was significantly less than last week – and that’s why the operation was delayed by a week, and finally carried out yesterday”

    Your own source says that the operation was delayed in order to minimize civilian casualties.

      1. Richard,
        The sad fact is that the vast majority of Israelis couldn’t care less if Palestinian children were killed. That’s what “an eye for an eye” does to your moral compass.

    1. Here is an easy reply to your question. Would it be acceptable for the IDF to kill this terrorist if there were 5 jewish kids next to him?

      1. @ Sadikov: Even better: imagine how Israelis would feel if a Palestinian planted a bomb that exploded at a senior IDF officer’s home, killing him, his wife and children. Would Israelis be rushing to explain that the bomber followed the letter of international law?? Or would they turn Gaza into a smoldering ruin in retaliation?

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