In 2000, Ariel Sharon made a Jewish ‘pilgrimage’ to what he called the Temple Mount. What Muslims call Haram al-Sharif, Islam’s third holiest shrine. I’m not aware of any senior Israeli politician who had ever done so. It was a deliberate provocation. A declaration of control and sovereignty by Israel of Muslim holy sites. This commenced the Second Intifada, in which thousands of Israelis and Palestinians died.
But this extraordinary act of incitement enabled him to win election as prime minister in 2001. Taking stock after victory, he had inherited a Mossad chief, Efraim Halevy from the previous prime minister. In 2002, Sharon decided to cashier Halevy in favor of a Mossad boss who, he famously said, would “have a knife between his teeth.” So began the bloody region of Dagan, who was responsible for, among other things, the disastrous Dubai assassination of Mahmoud al Mabouh.
Halevy, though no wallflower, was known as an especially analytical and pragmatic figure, something antithetical to Sharon’s brash personal style. Unfortunately for Israel, the country’s politics have turned progressively more extremist since that period. Though Halevy has remained ever thoughtful and contrarian in his views.
In yesterday’s Haaretz, he wrote an especially provocative column related to the Saudi-Iran diplomatic breakthrough. While other commentators (including me) were toting up winners and loser, Halevy had something totally different in mind. He had an idea. One that would benefit Israel immensely if translated into action. The problem, of course, is that there are no thoughtful, pragmatic figures in Israeli politics who could implement it.
Nevertheless, it deserves a hearing. I’ve translated the last few paragraphs from the original Hebrew version of the article:
…This should be the moment Israel examines the possibility of taking advantage of this development.
It should initiate a cautious examination of the possibiity of an Israeli overture toward Iran. It’s worth noting that only a few years ago Iran carried out a missile attak against a major Saudi oil field.
And that Iran continues to intervene in the southern Arabian peninsula [Yemen]. Iranian-Saudi hostility was fierce only day before yesterday. Yet now China has succeeded in bringing two sworn enemies together to resume relations.
The sentiment is clear: despite decades of Israeli-Iranian hatred and venom dating back to the 1979 Iranian Revolution, enemies may become, if not friends, then at least not-enemies. Many have stated (including me) that Israel and Iran share much in the realms of technology, innovation and even history. Among other things, Iran has the largest Jewish community in the Middle East. A normalization would permit not only commerce, but a cross-fertilization in many areas.
But of course, the most important need right now is to cool tensions between them.
Amir Oren, one of Israel’s most thoughtful journalists, added his own thoughts to Halevy’s:
1/ האמנם הסכם איראן-סעודיה רע לישראל?
אם מטרת-העל של מדיניות החוץ והבטחון של ישראל היא מניעת התגרענות צבאית של אומות מוסלמיות (כולל סעודיה, פן יקום בה משטר עויין לאחר שתתגרען), עליה לברך על הפשרת יחסי טהרן-ריאד, ולו גם על תנאי, חשדהו יותר מכבדהו. הנזילות טובה: סיכוי לשבירת תבניות— אמיר אורן – Amir Oren (@Rimanero) March 11, 2023
If, he says, Israel’s ultimate goal is to restrict the development of nuclear weapons among the Muslim-Arab states of the region (the Saudis as well as Iran), then Israel should actually welcome the Saudi-Iran pact, though with a dose of skepticism. Sometimes it’s a good thing to break the mold and let the liquid pour out.
Despite Netanyahu celebrating the supposed new alliance with the Saudis and even predicting Israel too would commence diplomatic relations, the Saudis were, Oren believes, actually afraid that they would become a target of Iran should Israel have attacked. That’s why they, in effect, bought themselves a second insurance policy. The Saudis understood that the US was no longer its inviolable security guarantor. So it took the bold step of looking the issue squarely in the eye and deciding to take an entirely different tack. It went right to the heart of the matter: Iran.
This left Israel more or less out in the cold. All the more so in that Netanyahu, as most prime ministers before him, rejected the 2002 Saudi peace initiative which could have resolved the Israeli-Palestinian conflict decades ago. Would he embrace it today, he would likely obtain his heart’s desire, diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia. But he cannot take this path for fear it would cost him the support of the Israeli hard-right, indispensable to his political base. That, in effect, leaves Netanyahu and Israel frozen in time, while the Saudis pursue their own, more pragmatic independent path.
When, or should I say if Israel recovers from its current national nightmare, it would behoove it to adopt the flexibility and pragmatism of the Saudis. It could approach China (another country Bibi has spent enormous effort to cultivate as a buffer to the US), fresh from its major diplomatic achievement, to undertake another major effort. In return for Iran ceasing hostilities against Israel, the latter would end its own attempts to overthrow the Iranian Republic. It may not be love. But it would be co-existence. And it would obviate the necessity for Iran to pursue a nuclear weapon. At least, it would make Iran much more amenable to a negotiated agreement to restrain its own nuclear program, just as the JCPOA did until Trump tossed it in the trash heap in 2017. It’s worth a shot. And costs nothing.
Excellent analysis of the region Richard …. thx as always for your insight.
I recall the horrific assassination of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai … the UAE and the Jewish State of Israel have become the best of friends sharing intelligence and Pegasus.
With the right incentives, nothing is impossible. However, the strength in the new ties between KSA and Iran lies in pressuring the US and West towards a fair solution for Palestine … Free Palestine 🇵🇸
The motivation of the present Saudi-Iran rapprochement lies in the common hatred for American policy and broken promises. The retreat (defeat) from Afghanistan ways heavy. A blowback of decades of foreign policy full of incomprehension of cultures and history. America will never do well as a colonizer.
Nearly a decade ago I wrote an article “US Will Be Ousted by Saudi King Abdullah in Middle-East” … oil independence loosened the remaining ties so long as security in the Persian 😊 Gulf is guaranteed by China (and perhaps Russia). The dependence of China’s economy on ME fossil fuel is quite a marker for the near future.
Missing is King Abdullah of Jordan, saved from a coup by Joe Biden in March of 2021, is a staunch ally of America and backs a NATO for the region. Jordan and Yasser Arafat picked the wrong side in 1990-91 Gulf War.
I had almost forgotten the Saudi Peace Initiative which was part of the ongoing argument not that long ago now conveniently buried by those many who in their “pro Israel” arguments blame the Palestinians for failures in every effort to end the occupation,whether true or false. I don’t know if the Saudi Peace initiative is still viable but Netanyahu could not be interested in it especially at this point. His power- his ability to stay in power- is built on his house of cards, one that he built to stay in power. He has sacrificed much Jewish support for Israel here… not seeming to care either. There is no shortage of misguidance and stubbornness, though, in unconditional support amongst some. Heels are dug in (despite Friedman in the NYTimes). A Saudi Iran rapprochement pulls the rug from under Netanyahu .Definitley not a man of peace, he needs to keep people afraid. If the Chinese can make an end to hostilities happen between Iran and the Saudi’s and hopefully stop them from going nuclear in the process, I can’t imagine that again the Palestinians would be left out of the conversation- or maybe I can. But it would perhaps be a welcome in feeling about China regarding responsible (not selfish) leadership in world affairs.
For years now, you’ve excoriated Israel when she has any relations with repressive governments.
You’ve gone on about Israel and Myanmar, Israel and Hungary, KSA, UAE, ISIL, Libya, etc. You name it.
Byt now, when there’s a proposal for Israel to have relations with one of the worst human rights violators in the entire world, “It’s worth a shot”.
You’ve got to laugh, from crying.
Your short list is so much longer.
@ Jay:
That is a standard hasbara/neo-con meme. But isn’t true. Actually, Israel is equal to, if not worse than Iran in terms of human rights violations. The US and other western countries aren’t that far behind. I excoriate Israel precisely because of its false claims that it honors human rights and that it is democratic. NOne of the other countries you name are democratic or make any pretence of being so.
As for Iran, it is certainly flawed and violates human rights. But so does Israel. Not to mention that I can name numerous repressive, autocratic regimes violating human rights, with whom Israel has or has had close relations, including Iran under the Shah.
For over 55 years Israel has committed human rights violations against Palestinians. For the last decades leaders have been able to point to Iran to deflect the world’s attention to what is ongoing at home. Israelis have managed to get away with labeling human rights violations in the name of terrorism and security, and not the resistance to occupation and human rights violations that it is… a catch 22 situation with no status quo. In this knot the Iranians have reasons and support to take advantage. Iranian and Saudi rapprochement could force some change in Israel and in fact the entire Middle East especially with regard to nuclear ambitions, a nuclear free Middle East being the goal, including Israel.
Criticism of Israel’s relations with repressive governments is not evidence of inconsistency.
Freedom House rates Israel as 77% free, and Iran 12%, and not free.
“NOne of the other countries you name are democratic or make any pretence of being so. ”
And neither is Iran democratic, yet Israel should have relations with Iran and shun Myanmar, Hungary, Libya, etal
“For over 55 years Israel has committed human rights violations against Palestinians.”
And have Palestinians committed human rights violations against Israelis for over 55 years?
Yours is a “they do it too” excuse. If Israel can excuse it’s much harsher human rights violations using overwhelming arms and force because of terrorism and security for 55 years, then Palestinians surely are entitled to label their human rights violations, a total far less, a response to 55 years of that brutal occupation, land theft, inequality, injustice : resistance which they are entitled to. Surely the scale tips against Israel, certainly morally, in the comparison. So yes.. but the judgement does not end there just because you make your argument so simple.
Potter, I disagree with you.
Overwhelming arms and forces do not justify terrorism.
Consider the overwhelming arms and forces Russia has brought to bear in the Ukraine..
Now consider that In despite being outgunned and outmanned ten to one, the Ukrainians have not resorted to terrorism in the year since their country was invaded.
I don’t brook the Palestinians defending their towns with weapons.and bombs against the IDF;
I do not accept murdering any innocent and unarmed civilians no matter who they are.
@ Chad Fisher: I’m always amazed at how flimsy the arguments like yours are: Ukraine has gotten armaments from half the western world including missiles, tanks, helicopters, mines, etc. It does not need to resort to terrorism. Nevertheless, it has engaged in acts of sabotage inside Russia which might be considered terror.
But there is an even more important distinction. I will only label Palestinian resistance terrorism if ppl like you will label Israeli mass murder as terrorism. If not, then Palestinian resistance is legal and appropriate. Under international law, the occupied are entitled to resist against the illegal occupier.
Nor are Israelis “innocent.” They are citizens of a state engaged in mass murder. They are responsible for crimes committed in their name. And when Israel stops murdering “unarmed innocent” Palestinian civilians,” then you can make your meaningless distinctions. Till then–‘fraid not.
@ Jay: Freedom House is a right-wing old anti-Communist outfit, whose ratings are not credible. I’ve written multiple posts here about rankings by independent, non-biased human rights groups. Israel usually ranks somewhere in the middle of all nations included. And always ranked as “partially free.”
Iran is democratic. It’s about as democratic as Israel is. And no, just because Israel has elections doesn’t make it democratic.
Israeli human rights “violations” have caused 40,000 Palestinian deaths. They’ve caused 6,000 Israel deaths. So yeah, Israel’s violations are far worse.
Can’t you just stop the tit for tat s*t. It’s annoying. Like a game. Except you’re never going to win because you don’t have right on your side, first of all. And you think you have a lot of arrows in your quiver. But I have more.
[comment deleted: I can see you abused my graciousness in permitting you more than one comment per thread. I have no interest in having prolonged debates with you on any subject. So you are now back to a single comment per thread.]
[comment deleted: this is not a site for hasbara. Especially not cheap, patriotic claptrap hasbara. I’ve moderated you. If you choose to continue to comment, only comments on-topic and supported by credible sources (NOT your own opinions) will be published. Also, you only publish ONE comment per post comment thread]
Richard for all the ink spilled condemning Israel and chastising Zionism, you remain a citizen of a country that’s less democratic than Israel.
When you point a finger at someone, you have three pointing back at you.
@Punch: I refuse to permit someone who has no idea about anything related to the US to tell me about US democracy. The very notion that Israel is more democratic than the US is preposterous. It’s laughable (except I’m not laughing). Hasbara is at least supposed to be believable, or semi-believable. You’re offered sheer inanity instead.
Oh & by the way I have one finger pointing back at you.
[comment deleted: this was your 3rd try. And you know you’re only entitled to one comment per thread. Since you’re already moderated I’m afraid is layla tov for you pal. Send us a postcard after landing at Ben Gurion (hope you can avoid the traffic jam if Bibi’s flying off to Europe to get away from it all). It’s truly been splendid having you.]
[comment deleted: WAY off topic. If Ukraine is your interest go somewhere else.]
The quest for peace requires much effort and in many ways is more difficult than to continue on a path of war.
After 9/11, Ariel Sharon {!} and Bibi Netanyahu changed the definition of “terrorism” as any act against the State, or outside threat from afar. Funding and policy targeting the Muslim religion also gave support to the scourge of Islamophobia in the West. What is terror?
Execution style policing by Border Police and Mossad assassinations of Iranian civilians should end. The US, UK, France. Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands suffered the consequences of the rise of rightwing populism and neo-nazi extremism. Led to Mosque attacks in New Zealand and elsewhere. Racism came out with rise of nationalism. Kahane is good again in Israel. Indeed civil war is imminent, but comes forth from our own poor choices.
The end of neocon policy disturbing the Middle East has arrived.