7 thoughts on “Terror, Religion and Politics in Israel: a Toxic Brew – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. I knew Netanyahu at MIT. He told me he was an American citizen. It may have been true. It may not have been. Netanyahu lies at least as much as he tells the truth.

    I wonder whether he was an American citizen and has renounced his US citizenship or whether he remains a US citizen.

    1. @ Jonathan Affleck: A high school friend of mine who attended MIT with Netanyahu told me some unflattering stories. Bibi was born in Tel Aviv. But his father spent several decades teching at Cornell. it appears somewhere along the way he did take US citizenship according to Neve Gordon.

      Wow, that article is a gold mine. It claims, based on reporting from the Israeli publication, Ha’Ir, that he very likely was a CIA asset during the time he was in the US. Perhaps even when he worked in the DC Israeli embassy. Though the article doesn’t go that far. The article also says that while Bibi claims he renounced his citizenship when he became an Israeli diplomat, US citzenship records show him a citizen.

      Thanks Jonathan for sending me down this amazing rabbit hole!

      1. Richard, thank you so much for sending us down that rabbit hole of Neve Gordon’s prescient article written a generation ago. And here we are, a generation later,the furniture salesman has become King Bibi.

  2. @ Richard

    “For every Israeli killed 20 Palestinians are killed. That is an unassailable calculus of suffering.” 

    No it is not an ‘unassailable calculus’, because Shabak and the Border Police prevent scores of otherwise lethal attacks every year.



    “The naked truth is that Netanyahu actually hates Diaspora Jews

    Really? Bibi hates all the financial support drummed up by Zionist Jews living in the Diaspora? They must not have gotten the memo.

    Israeli Judeo-terrorists like Ben Gvir and Smotrich have succeeded in turning the conflict into a religious one. ”

    Wrong. Religion has always played a substantial part in this one-hundred year old conflict.

    The first massacre of Palestinian Jews by Palestinian Arabs in 1920 was over the Jews presence at the Kottel, or Western Wall. 

    The first, and still most revered anti-Zionist militant was a Syrian jihadi named Izz ad Din al Qassam. 

    The Muslim Brotherhood declared in 1938 that the fight for Palestine was the inescapable duty of every Muslim; which obligation the mufti of Cairo reiterated twice, in a pair of fatwas, ten years later in 1948.

    1. @ Polly Kraft: You seem not to understand that “calculus” is based on actual numbers that exist. Not numbers someone claims exist or believes should exist. So the numbers of Israel and Palestinian dead are actual numbers. The numbers you, the Shabak or police or anyone else draw from thin air and brandish as proof of how many Israelis would have, might have, should have been killed, mean nothing. I don’t base claims on speculation unless I have evidence to support it. You don’t. You have claims, not real numbers or facts.

      Bibi hates all the financial support drummed up by Zionist Jews living in the Diaspora? They must not have gotten the memo.

      Of course BIbi loves anyone who will scratch his tuchis and dole out the shekels. Rich men are his forte. He takes millions from them. But Jewish billionaires are not average Jews. Average Jews represent everything he abhors: they vote Democrat, they criticize Israel, they are professionals like journalist, professors, etc. He hates those Jews, who are 95% of all American Jews.

      Religion has always played a substantial part in this one-hundred year old conflict.

      Your examples don’t prove anything. If you wish to make a claim, prove it with credible evidence and sources. I credit nothing you claim without such a source.

      Palestinians had no problem with Orthodox Jews. They lived with them in harmony. They had a problem with the secular Zionists who began coming after 1880. Who came to the Kotel? The secular Zionists or the Orthodox Jews?

      The first, and still most revered anti-Zionist militant was a Syrian jihadi

      “First?” “Most revered?” Who says? You? And who cares? And who says that his views about Zionism had anything to do with religion?

      The Muslim Brotherhood

      Really? The Muslim Brotherhood? WHich had direct impact on Israel how? And when? You mention “a fight for Palestine.” Which says nothing about that fight being a fight against Judaism.

      Remember, this is your first and last comment in this thread.

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