3 thoughts on “After Aipac Attack Ads Smear “Radical Democrats,” Candidates Must Boycott Conference – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. the roots of that reach far into the bibi’s household, bet my dirty underwear.
    nothing that aipac does is not coordinated with the failed likud leadership.
    as the writer in the Intercept wrote – FEAR is the enemy of democracy, WHO IS NOT BUT THE FATHER OF FEAR MONGERING but BibI , he’s been at it since he left the army and decided to be the boy toy of the halachic “republic”

  2. You intentionally conflate between Sanders and the trio Linda Sarsour, Alexandria Ocasion Cortez and Ilhan Omar.
    You also conflate between two ads campaigns that has nothing to do with one another.

    1. @ Dani:

      You intentionally conflate between Sanders and the trio Linda Sarsour, Alexandria Ocasion Cortez and Ilhan Omar.

      No, I don’t. The attacks by Aipac and the DMFI target “radical Democrats.” Anyone with two eyes in their head and half a brain understands that Sanders is considered by them a “radical Democrat.”

      You also conflate between two ads campaigns that has [sic] nothing to do with one another.

      Both my blog posts and the articles to which I link which you clearly neglected to read make crystal clear the deep connections between the 2 groups.

      If you want to pimp for Hasbara Central on English language websites, I’d brush up your English grammar. It needs work.

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