רשימה חלקית של הסקופים שחשפתי בשנה היוצאת; אנא תירמו בעין יפה כדי לאפשר חשיפות כאלה גם השנה
قائمة بعض الاخبار الحصرية التي نشرتها عام ٢٠١٦، ارجو ان تتبرعوا من اجل مواصلة هذا العمل في ٢٠١٧
I’ve been writing this blog since 2003. I love what I do. I do it because I think it’s important. Truth be told, before I sit in front of the keyboard and begin writing, I don’t always love what I do. I doubt myself sometimes. What will I write about? What is important enough to highlight? Is anything important about these issues? Is anything I can say about them important? Just why am I doing this?
Yes, I’ve had an Israeli national security correspondent tell me that his sources in the Israeli intelligence community know my blog. That they follow what I write. That I have a big impact. I can see that as well, when I see that my visitor logs include many of the ministries of the Israeli government. And those are the ones who surf the web without concealing themselves.
Still, in those moments of doubt, I wonder whether I’ve lost the passion for it. Whether the magic or importance of it is gone. But then I read something. A story. An outrageous story. There may be others out there who understand why this story is outrageous. But no one can bring what I bring to it. No one understands the background of it or can explain it in its full historical context.
Or an Israeli tells me a story or a secret and makes me realize that there may not be anyone else in the world who can do precisely what I do. Not that I’m the best. Just that due to this particular time and place, and where I am and where Israel is, makes me particularly well-suited to what I do.

I know you understand something of this. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here. Now, I’m going to remind you of the important stories I broke in the past year. I’m going to remind you that I did this and no one else. I’m going to ask you to open your hand, and perhaps your heart, and tell yourself and tell me that you understand what I’m doing. You understand why it’s important.
You read the blog. You read the posts. If you comment on posts, that’s great too. But there is something more you can do. Make a commitment that’s deeper. No, I don’t mean to disparage those who participate in other ways; in all the ways they can. They are important as well. But the commitment of supporting this enterprise with money is critical.
So, as you read this summary of the stories I broke in the past 12 months which likely no one else would’ve brought into the world, I hope you will accompany that appreciation with a decision to give a gift in honor of the New Year. In honor of–if not the hope for a year of peace and justice–then a year in which we speak out for reason, for transparency, for honesty; and against lies and suffering. Bear witness with me, by offering your donation. And thanks for that.
Online tax-deductible gifts may be made via Network for Good. Media Island International is my fiscal sponsor. Be sure to designate “Tikun Olam” as the beneficiary of your gift. Tax deductible mail donations may be sent via check made out to “Media Island” with “Tikun Olam” designated in the memo portion to:
Media Island International
PO Box 7204
Olympia, WA 98501
Online donations may be made through Paypal (not tax-deductible).
איחולים לשנה החדשה
Yes, quite important for your voice to be heard. I do support where I can.
Grateful for the work you have been doing all these years….detailed, careful, meticulous research is clearly your hallmark. much appreciation/msa
[Comment deleted: off topic. Now you’re banned]