30 thoughts on “Breaking: Settler Terrorist ‘Gang of Seven’ Identified, Includes IDF Soldier, Gag Broken – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. “They, unlike the Dawabshehs succeeded in fleeing.” – your propaganda is just as bad as most – comparing an attack of arson to an attack of tear gas. It ain’t that the 2nd is an act of righteousness, but the statement above is not journalism but agenda driven ****.

    As for the soldier cocking his gun – a small minor detail you forgot – he is going to jail for it. And not b/c he was caught on camera and it became an int’l sensation (that just didn’t happen) but b/c this kind of behavior is forbidden by the IDF. You present it as a normal routine (and probably truly believe it is) while it isn’t. Good job.

  2. These people are despicable criminals, they and their accomplices should be locked up.
    It is sad and tragic that some young people are indoctrinated with such sick ideology, which is NOT supported by the Israeli government, and is condemned and repudiated by officials and most Israelis.

    However, for sake of comparison of what kids are exposed to:


    Richard, you like to use the Israeli “racism” card. Are you telling me that Palestinians are not raised with more severe, officially sanctioned racism? These Palestinian kids are being raised on such hate that only when the rulers change the official propaganda and a new generation is raised, that they will be able make peace with Israel.

    1. Well Yehuda I wonder with what fundamentals were the children of those trapped in Warsaw Ghetto raised during the Ghetto years? Did the Jewish children there learn to love Germans and Poles? If not, ask yourself WHY NOT. It is absurd to assume and even more to demand, that Palestinian children under the occupation and terrible treatment or even under Jewish domination in Israel will not learn deeply to hate Israeli Jews. The ones who teach and give all Palestinian generations the reason to hate the Jews are not their own teachers, religious and political leaders or propaganda, the real teachers are Israeli Jews and their religious violent daily racism. Any people in the situation where Palestinians have been put, would hate the occupiers and thieves suppressing them for decades. And without doubt many nations and tribes would have resisted in much more violent and bloody ways than in what Palestinians have. Palestinians do not hate and resit because of Islam, propaganda or “cultural reasons”, they hate and resist because what has been done to them by the Israeli Jews.

      When Finland was part of Russia (1809 – 1917) Finland had large autonomy until the turn of the century. Finns were rather satisfied to the situation, when they were able to handle their own matters rather independently using our own languages, laws and traditions and no larger hate or resistance occurred. When Russian central government begun to reduce our autonomy and increase Russian influence by force, the assassinations of Russians started and bombs begun to explode. The reasons were not that Finns were mainly Protestant Christians and Russians Orthodox Christians. When the rift in loyalty and cooperation started it could not anymore be repaired, not even when the Russian administration retreated. Finns had learned the lesson and full independence was the only goal for most Finns. Compared to situation and treatment between the “tribes” in Israel-Palestine the treatment Russians then over hundred years ago offered to Finns was “civilized and mild”.

      Yehuda Palestinians will never be able to forget and forgive what has happened and to trust Jews, why should or could they? Have Jews forgot and forgiven to Germans? The real question is will Israeli Jews be able to change their behavior, supremacy attitude and become citizens of a shared country. If not there is no future for Jews in the region.

    2. The children act out a scene wherein an occupation soldier is attacked in order to liberate a man he has taken prisoner. Not exactly a scene you would find in a Dutch children’s play in these last years, but then, the occupation we had here ended more than 70 years ago.
      Until the 1980’s, cars with German numberplates would still often be deliberately scratched by passers by, by pulling their keys over them and things like that. To expect the hatred to go away before the injustice does, is presumptuous and condescending beyond belief! End the occupation and the blockade now, and Israeli’s will still be detested for decades, I assure you!
      Do you realize that these people living in poverty in Gaza were ethnically cleansed from their houses and farms in Israel, by your nation, and would have had far better lives had it not been for this crime?
      What amazes me is that you do not seem to feel any sense of responsibility or guilt, and that is why you can sit there on your high horse passing judgement on the moral standards of your victims. I guess this has to do with the Israeli education system in which you must have grown up, which teaches a sanitized version of history.

      I think that as long as the average Israeli does not realize and feel some regret for the unsavory aspects of the Zionist project, they will never be willing to offer the Palestinians a fair deal, and there will be no peace.

    3. @ Yehuda: You know quite well what is and isn’t off topic. If I’d wanted to deal with anti-Palestinian propaganda I know quite well how to do so. As I didn’t, you don’t either.

      which is NOT supported by the Israeli government

      The Jewish Underground isn’t supported by the government? You simply don’t know your government. Hate and violence against Palestinians is official Israeli government policy. Palestinians are killed every day under such policy.

      Are you telling me that Palestinians are not raised with more severe, officially sanctioned racism?

      Precisely what I’m telling you. Read the Peled book on incitement in Israeli school textbooks. You are merely rehashing really bad Arabophobic propaganda. That has no place here. If you want to pimp MEMRI or any of the myriad propaganda outfits peddling this bullshit, you’ll do it somewhere else. Consider this a warning.

  3. Yehuda, do you think the little boy in this video has to be DELIBERATELY TAUGHT to hate Israelis? His father was taken away for “stealing” waster that was probably taken from him in the first place. There are hundreds of thousands of such little boys and girls who have witnessed similar scenes and worse. Use your common sense man.

    1. Arie, it is this video apparently, that brought Peter Beinart to his senses. His own son calls him ‘baba’ too, and watching this hit him really hard.

  4. As per Richards request, I am limiting the rate of posting comments, so I will address several other comments all at once.

    @Arie– this is indeed a sad video to watch, among many thousands of other far more tragic scenes on both sides of the divide. The event documented there could have ended far worse if it had taken place in Syria, Iraq, Iran or Afghanistan. That man was most likely given a slap on the wrist and then released to his family. Arie, the hatred of Israeli Jews has been going on for a hundred years, long before the present occupation, or blockade, or whatever the latest Israeli action that is used as justification. Are the Palestinians free or not free to choose to hate? Or, are they “zombies” simply reacting to their circumstances, without agency?

    @Simo– Your position is clear. Remember that it takes extremism on 2 sides to tango. As long as Palestinians support the view that you espouse (essentially rejectionism of a Jewish state, all of Palestine is Arab, etc ) then the war will go on forever. The Jews will not willingly eliminate their own sovereignty.

    1. “The event documented there could have ended far worse if it had taken place in Syria, Iraq, Iran or Afghanistan. ”

      Sigh. In my country it simply would not have happened.

  5. Yehuda you wrote;

    “The event documented there could have ended far worse if it had taken place in Syria, Iraq, Iran or Afghanistan.”

    An evergreen this. None of these countries have set themselves up as the only democracy in the Middle East, having the most moral army and being generally a bastion of advanced civilisation.

    “That man was most likely given a slap on the wrist and then released to his family.”

    The Germans have a revealing verb for this kind of apologetics: “verniedlichen” which refers to trivialising, but trivialising by cutesy descriptions. You do that quite often.

    “ … the hatred of Israeli Jews has been going on for a hundred years, long before the present occupation, or blockade, or whatever the latest Israeli action that is used as justification”

    Yehuda it is now almost a hundred years ago that the Dutch poet Jacob Israel de Haan made alyah. He was quite upset about the way the Jews treated the Arabs and attempted to help in bringing a situation about in which those ethnic groups could live harmoniously together in the holy land. He was murdered for his pains on the orders of Itzhak Ben-Zvi in June 1924.

    I find this “argument” that Arab hatred for Israelis has nothing to do with the latter’s behaviour and is in fact some hereditary cultural trait beyond childish.”The Shaw Commission of 1930, in its report on the 1929 riots, and the Peel Commission of 1937 both came to the same conclusion as Winston Churchill: that Jews and Arabs had lived in relative accord until a Jewish movement that originated in Europe implanted itself in Palestine, intent on turning the land into a Jewish state. “

    Richard Forer who was converted from a reflexive defender of Israel into a critical observer asks: “If it is true that Arabs have an inborn hatred of Jews, how were Sephardic Jews able to find refuge in North Africa, Turkey and other Muslim lands during the Spanish Inquisition?”


    It would have been a nice question for Benzion Netanyahu.

    You wrote:

    “As long as Palestinians support the view that you espouse (essentially rejectionism of a Jewish state, all of Palestine is Arab, etc ) then the war will go on forever. The Jews will not willingly eliminate their own sovereignty.”

    Yehuda, this is a straight out lie. Arafat accepted the existence of the Jewish state way back in 1988. More recently the PLO made a point of endorsing the Arab Peace Initiative and advertised this over a whole page in various Israeli newspapers. And as Peter Bienart relates in his book The Crisis of Zionism, Khaled Meshal has intimated that if Palestinians decided to accept a Palestinian state in a referendum Hamas would accept that result. It is Israel that is dragging its feet.

    1. Arie just think for a second: why is the organization called the PLO? What does the P represent? Why does the symbol of Palestinian organizations, before and after the 1988 statement, include a map of all of Israel?

      Also, how do you reconcile his 1988 statement with his many other statements (most often in Arabic) calling for Israel’s destruction?

      The Arab Peace Initiative basically would reverse Israeli victories from the jihadist South Syria civil-war (known as the “War of Independence” from the Israeli perspective) which would transform Israel into just another war-torn Arab country. If you wanted peace for Palestine, you would not support this Initiative but be angered by the Arab states who promote the Palestinian cause for political gain in their tribalist feud with the Jewish State.

      1. @ John F.: I am going to begin a hasbara rating system which will allow Hasbara Central to track the effectiveness of their interns and flunkies who slum through our demi-monde. You may rank commenters on a scale A through F. Along with your grade you can offer a short explanation for what you’ve assigned.

        This one gets an F-. No originality. No sources offered. I think this guy is a rank beginner and should flunk basic hasba-training.

  6. @John F.

    When the Arab Peace Initiative was originally launched in 2002 Uri Avnery wrote about the various stages of Israeli rejection of the various p[eace offers that have been made over time:

    “PHASE A is designed to belittle the offer. “There is nothing new there,” the Political Sources would assert. “It is offered solely for tactical purposes. It is a political gimmick”. If the offer comes from an Arab: “He says it to the international community, but not to his own people”. In short, “It’s not serious.” (one recognises here John F.’s “argument” about Arafat:
    “how do you reconcile his 1988 statement with his many other statements (most often in Arabic) calling for Israel’s destruction?” A.B.)

    PHASE B is designed to outsmart the offer. We do not reject the offer. Of course not! We a longing for peace! So we welcome the “positive trend” of the offer and kick the ball out of the field. The best method is to ask for a meeting with the Arab leader who proposed the offer, “to clarify the issues”. That sounds logical. Americans think that, if two people have a quarrel, they should meet and discuss the matter, in order to end it. What can be more reasonable than that? But a conflict between nations does not resemble a quarrel between two people. Every Arab peace offer rests on a two-part premise: You give back the occupied territories, and you get recognition and “normalization”. Normalization includes, of course, meetings of the leaders. When the Israeli government demands a meeting with Arab leaders “to clarify details”, it actually tries to get the reward (normalization) without delivering the goods (withdrawal from the occupied territories). A beautiful trick, indeed. If the Arab leaders refuse to meet, well, it only shows that their peace offer is a sham, doesn’t it? “

    But Israel was accommodated on this score as well when the offer was repeated in 2007:

    “Jordan and Egypt were appointed by the Arab League as its representatives to meet with Israeli leaders to promote the Initiative. These countries were chosen because Egypt and Jordan are the only Arab countries that have diplomatic relations with Israel. Jordanian Foreign Minister Abdul Ilah Khatib and Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit met with former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, and Defense Minister Ehud Barak in Jerusalem on July 25, 2007, which was the first time that Israel received an official delegation from the Arab League.” (Wikipedia)

    Because Israel kept bellyaching about the return of the refugees and about the possibility that a separate Palestinian state would be a base for “terrorism” the Arab League bent over backwards to meet Israeli concerns on this point as well:

    “The new revisions include a demilitarization of the future Palestinian state as well as a forfeiture of the Palestinian right of return to Israel proper. According to the revisions, a portion of the refugees would be relocated to the future Palestinian state, and the rest would be naturalized in other Arab countries.
    On April 30, 2013, The Arab league re-endorsed the Arab Peace Initiative, with the updated terms” (Wikipedia)

    One would say an offer that cannot be refused. But no.

    Avnery again:

    “The preferred method is to kill the spirit of the offer slowly, to talk about it endlessly, to interpret it this way and that way, to drag negotiations on and on, to put forward condition which the other side cannot accept, until the initiative yields in silence. That’s what happened to the Conciliation Committee in Lausanne, that is what happened to most of the European and American peace plans. “

    It is clear. Israel doesn’t want peace. It wants all of Palestine preferably without any Palestinians. One would have to employ the Orwellian logic of John F. who sees in this peace initiative just a step in “the tribalist feud” of the Arab states with the Jewish state not to see that.

  7. This is a comment about the video posted by Arie which was discussed in previous comments –
    By the names on the video you can tell the father is from the illegal Palestinian settlement near Susya archeological site.
    Some caves that have been used by shepherds for some months during grazing time becomes an ancient town where Palestinian had right for generations.
    This is a great example for lies offered by the Oalestinians which are bought by foreigners who don’t know the details.

    If someone would have spoke about the trauma of Israeli settler kids the response would have been “their parents are responsible for exposing their children to such horrors”. The same is true for Palestinian parents!!

    Chat Same’ach

    1. @ Israel:

      This is a great example for lies offered by the Oalestinians

      Go immediately and read the comment rules here. You MAY NOT accuse anyone of lying about anything unless you provide credible evidence to support these charges.

      There is no such thing as an “illegal” Palestinian village. If you try that shit again I’ll ban your ass. Understood?

      You are a settler. I despise settlers like you. You have been warned.

  8. @Israel

    Among the many types of harassment the settlers subject the Palestinians to is the stealing of water. This often takes the form of blocking Palestinians’ access to springs that they have used for centuries. These springs are then turned into touristic spots, archaeological sites etc., in short anything that provides a pretext to prevent Palestinians from working their land.

    You read this UN report buddy:

    “In recent years, a growing number of water springs in the vicinity of Israeli settlements throughout the West Bank have become the target of settler activities that eliminated, or put at risk, the access to these springs and their use by Palestinians. A survey carried out by OCHA in the course of 2011 identified a total of 56 such springs, the large majority of which are located in Area C (93 percent), on land parcels recorded by the Israeli Civil Administration (ICA) as privately owned by Palestinians (at least 84 percent).”


    You wrote:

    “By the names on the video you can tell the father is from the illegal Palestinian settlement near Susya archeological site.”

    In this settler logic no chutzpah is too outrageous. A thief declaring his victim who is trying to get his property back to be a thief.


    Susya is an ancient village in the South Hebron Hills. Its 340 residents of the extended Nawaj’a family were forcibly transferred from their village in June 1986 for the establishment of a settler archaeological site in the same location. The villagers have been forced 500 meters away from their original village.

    According to information obtained from Rabbis for Human Rights (RHR), who are representing the case in Israeli courts, one night in 1991, soldiers surprised the villagers again, loaded them onto trucks, and dropped them 15 km away from their first relocation. The villagers refused to remain distanced from their place of origin and came back to live on their lands.

    The third forcible eviction took place in 2001 when settlers, supported bysoldiers, attacked the
    villagers and destroyed their houses, forcing them again off their lands. The declared reason was the enforcement of planning laws and lack of building permits for the village houses. Following the villagers’ court petition against settler violence, the State issued demolition orders for approximately 100 structures, amounting to all of the village houses.

    The direct implication of the execution of these orders is the total elimination of the village and forcible transfer of its residents to the unknown. While the cases are under consideration of the Israeli High Court of Justice, as of today, the village residents are still under threat of the fourth forcible transfer by the ICA, following the expansion of the settlement jurisdiction.”


  9. Arie – you start the story in 1986 but the question is – did they have any right by Israeli, British, Ottoman or Palestinian law to be there?
    And the answer is NO. The Nawajas are from Tel Arad region and have no legal claims for the land while the Jabers have only recently provided some papers that MIGHT proof some right for some land.

    The Nawajas actions are no better than those of the most extreme settlers who take land which they know belong to an individual Palestinian. Their theft is glorified bc it clashes with Israel but otherwise the would have been kicked out by the PA or any other government who in charge of keeping order.

    1. @ Israel: You clearly have ignored my very explicit direction to read the comment rules carefully. You may not replace your opinion with truth or accuracy. You may only make claims based on credible evidence & sources. You have not done so here. I warn you that you are now on notice. The next comment rule violation will result in moderation.

      I will not permit any Israeli, especially not a settler like you to claim that Palestinians have no legal claims to their land. That is a profound moral affront. Yet more Palestinian denialism. It is no better than anti-Zionist extremists who say Israelis should return or be forcibly returned to Europe.

      1. Richard – Susya question has little to do with the broader Israel-Palestinian conflict or sovereignty right over the land.
        It is about the right of individuals to claim for themselves land they have no legal right for. Have they done it in the US, they would have received similar treatment.

        Whether or not Israel has the right to enforce it is a rather political question where I understand the position of Israel critics. But like I wrote, bringing kids into it is a mindful act by the parents who can’t complain latter of the damages caused to their children.

        1. @Israel

          Richard asked you for documentation – but once again you came up with this unsupported claim that the people of Susya did not own their land and were therefore removed. The Rabbis for Human Rights point out that the State did not claim that these people did not own their land. The whole point of the exercise seems to have been to force these Palestinians from Area C into Area A, to make room for settlers and, of course, the always present background motive: harassment.

          I find your insinuation that the parents in that video deliberately involved their kid in the fray extremely offensive. These kids are involved because they happen to live there and because your lovely country is trying to make that life impossible.

          “The State raised no security arguments nor did it argue against the petitioners’ ownership of their land. The only basis for erasing the village is supposedly planning claims but in fact it is a political decision.

          Now the State wishes to destroy the 100 flimsy structures and sheds the evicted residents built on their private farming land after their caves were destroyed, and to throw the residents into the desert.

          The residents petitioned the HCJ against the rejection of the plan and requested an interim order to freeze demolitions until the petition was heard. Expulsion of the village residents would be a grave breach international law. The High Court of Justice refused to grant an interim order. This means the army can destroy the village at any moment.

          Destruction of the village would create a severe humanitarian crisis. 340 people, including 140 children, would be thrown out without any social or public network to absorb them.

          Evicting the residents from their agricultural land will facilitate the settlers’ takeover of their land, as already happened on about 400 dunams of agricultural land surrounding the Jewish settlement of Susiya.

          Demolition of the village is part of a larger initiative to squeeze Palestinians out of Area C and into areas A and B.”


        2. @ Israel:

          Have they done it in the US, they would have received similar treatment.

          False, as is almost everything you say. Actually indigenous peoples like those in Susya have claimed territorial rights in the U.S. They are called Native Americans. And many tribes have negotiated special rights & relationships with the federal government because they too have been cheated out of their ancestral lands, as Israel is doing to the Palestinian residents of Susya. In some cases, tribes here have negotiated payments for the theft of their lands and other compensation or reparation for their mistreatment. Though of course, not enough has been done on that score by the government.

          Whether or not Israel has the right to enforce it is a rather political question

          Nope, it’s only a political question if you wish to ignore far more powerful arguments like legal and moral ones, which obligate Israel to recognize all indigenous peoples in Israel & their territorial rights. That includes Bedouin, Palestinians, etc.

          bringing kids into it is a mindful act by the parents who can’t complain latter of the damages caused to their children.

          When you complain about settlers who dress their children with bulls-eyes on their backs & parade them before Israeli media cameras in order to shame the Israeli government into permitting them to remain on lands they’ve stolen from indigenous Palestinians, then you can complain about alleged Palestinian abuse of their children. Let me know when you plan to complain about that.

  10. @Israel

    You wrote:

    “Arie – you start the story in 1986 but the question is – did they have any right by Israeli, British, Ottoman or Palestinian law to be there?
    And the answer is NO.”

    The question is rather does Israel have any right to be there. And the answer is most assuredly NO.

    The story of Israeli occupation of the West Bank is one of land theft on a large scale that has been given a legal veneer.

    I have written earlier about this at great length here:


    It has made in its operations scandalous use of the fact that in many ex-colonial traditional agrarian societies there is incomplete registration of land ownership. I presently live in a society (an ex Spanish and American colony) where if Israeli policies were applied the government could expropriate many traditional land owners tomorrow because either they have no papers at all or only a tax declaration.

    And Israel has. in addition. where people have some legal documents, made the official recognition of these extremely difficult. I have detailed that in the piece of which I gave the link above.

    Israel has also based itself on the legal fiction that it is in the West Bank the successor in law to the Ottoman State which it assuredly is not and has applied the Ottoman Land Law of 1858, that has been rescinded in Turkey itself, in a very arbitrary fashion. See for a very extensive discussion of this topic this B’Tselem report:


  11. I should add that it is clear that Israeli policies there do not seem to have the exclusive, or even the main, aim to create space for settlements. No – the main idea is to harass traditional Palestinian land owners, and to make life difficult for them to such an extent that they will ultimately leave “voluntarily”.

    I am virtually sure that the arrest of the Palestinian shown in the video with that traumatised little boy was part and parcel of that policy of harassment.

    “Legally” steal their land and water – and arrest them for theft when they try to get some of it back.

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