14 thoughts on “BREAKING: Palestinian Who Killed Two Israelis Was Shabak Informer, Gag Order Imposed – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Thanks for another important story. It’s amazing that Shabak wants to block the information, after all the artciles, posts and twitts about the guy in the last 2 years.

  2. Collaborator or not, the gag order is appropriate.

    This guy wasn’t some goof ball kid with a knife. He was a ‘made man’, with all sorts of contacts with militant organizations. Where did he get the firearm he used to murder these two Israelis? From Hamas or from the criminal underworld. Why tip anybody off?

    Shin Bet needs to sort out who to target in their investigation. The gag order is one tool at their disposal.

  3. [comment deleted: Read the comment rules. Comments must contain substantive information and a real argument with substance. Accusations & opinions are the opposite of that unless bolstered by credible fact & sources. If you disrespect the comment rules you may lose your commenting privileges.]

  4. Why don’t you also comment on the attack itself (and use the word murder instead of kill) and more about the the victims, showing pictures of them with their family instead?

    1. John F:

      Yawn. They weren’t “murdered”. An occupation police officer and a Palestinian-hating “settler” in East Jerusalem?

      Not murdered. I would say they got what they got due to their implicit and explicit support of a apparatus that murders, steals from, and abuses Palestinians in far greater numbers and to a much more severe degree.

      I don’t want to ever see pictures of the dead cop. No sympathy for the “settler” either, even if she was a “senior citizen”.

      Go away, nasty little hypocrite.

        1. Richard,
          If Kyle and Toivio, applauding the death of others and dancing on their blood, are your supporters, and while blocking the comments of other you only ask them to “tone that down”, shame on them and shame on you.

          1. “If Kyle and Toivio, applauding the death of others and dancing on their blood, are your supporters, and while blocking the comments of other you only ask them to “tone that down”, shame on them and shame on you.”

            Please point out where in their posts Kyle and ToivoS were “applauding the death of others and dancing on their blood”. Thanks.

      1. [comment deleted: Still haven’t read the comment rules. Your next comment rule violation will result in moderation]

      2. I do use the word murder if that happens. But you use it to include Israel killing a terrorist. So your use of the terms murder and kill are the opposite of mine. When innocent Israelis are murdered, you’ll use the word killed, because of your overall interpretation of the conflict (i.e. old lady walking down the street is an occupying settler etc) but when the terrorist himself is killed you’ll use the term murdered (i.e. he’s just haplessly reacting to/resisting the occupation and is in a sense the real victim in the attack, hence your use of the word murder and general reversal of criminal and victim stemming from your (in my opinion!) twisted view of the situation.

        1. @John F: I use the term “murder” when 40,000 Palestinians are killed by Israel since 1948 compared to roughly 6,000 Israelis killed by Palestinians. That disroportion & Israel’s massive superior weapons lethality, & the huge proportion of civilian dead indicares a willful campaign of murder.

          You are done in this thread. Do not comment further here.

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