8 thoughts on “Israel Exposes World’s First (Alleged) Facebook Espionage Ring, Claims Golan Druze Spied for Syria – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Richard, If yours is really and often the only website/media reporting these Israeli “gag” matters, then you serve a very important (and I hope also a really valued) service to Israel. There should be an easy way for people to search this website for “gag” material.

    As to allegations of spying via FACEBOOK, there are two parts (I suppose) to spying: [1] obtaining secret info and [2] sending it onwards to enemies. If the videos were not state secrets, where’s the spying? If they were secret, how does FACEBOOK matter? BTW, one would hope that “state secret” means something formally and known-to-the-Israeli-public-to-be a “state secret”. Not something determined to be a secret after the fact. If photographing this-and-that is forbidden, wll and good. If not, the accusation of spying seems to be a fraud.

    However, the FACEBOOK aspect is a bit like the Wikileaks and Snowden and Manning affairs in the USA: if the information is made fully public, then it may be argued (though to little or no avail before a court as a rule) that the publication was done in order to serve the nation by revealing crimes (etc.) of the government and NOT to aid an enemy. Reveling an open gate in a security fence could be aiding the (or “an”) enemy, but is more likely to either aid the Israeli military to correct its own lapse or to embarrass it for deliberately endangering (as they would have it) the country (or the state — not the same thing).

  2. I can’t comment on the particular issues reported. It just appears as though the Israeli concept of justice does not extend very far, that it does not extend to the Israeli “Security” apparatus, select Israeli citizens (the Palestinian Supreme Court Judge), to conquered peoples (the occupation) or foreign nationals (Mavi Marmara, Rachel Cory), MK’s (endless scandals not prosecuted fully), the IDF, etc. I conclude that power is represented by the SEcurity sector and, without oversight, is probably corrupted by moneyed interests, domestic and foreign. It is a sad state but a picture of where the US is headed in great haste, and for no good reason.

  3. “The Declaration of Independence adopted when Israel was established in 1948 says that it “will foster the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants; it will be based on freedom, justice and peace … ; it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion race or sex; … and it will be faithful to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations”.”


    “Here at New York University I was teaching this past month a class on post-war Europe. I was trying to explain to young Americans the importance of the Spanish Civil War in the political memory of Europeans and why Franco’s Spain has such a special place in our moral imagination: as a reminder of lost struggles, a symbol of oppression in an age of liberalism and freedom, and a land of shame that people boycotted for its crimes and repression. I cannot think, I told the students, of any country that occupies such a pejorative space in democratic public consciousness today. You are wrong, one young woman replied: What about Israel? To my great surprise most of the class – including many of the sizable Jewish contingent – nodded approval. The times they are indeed a-changing.”

    The late Tony Judt In Haaretz May 2 2006


  4. The comparison between east Jerusalem and Golan Druze is out of place. The Jerusalemites hope to get their own country one day and accepting Israeli citizenship can further this possibility. Druze religion doesn’t seek sovereignty thus it is between Israeli democracy and the ‘Syrian one’. In the Golan, Druze refused Israeli citizenship mostly out of fear of being return to Syria which is likely to see newly ‘Israelis’ in unfavorable way (to say the least). Reportedly, the number of Druze seeking Israeli citizenship has been on the rise in the past few years as Syria falls apart.

    1. @ Journalist:

      The Jerusalemites hope to get their own country one day and accepting Israeli citizenship can further this possibility.

      I have no idea what you’re talking about & I’m not sure you do either. East Jerusalem Palestinians, almost none of whom have done so, should accept Israeli citizenship because it furthers the possibility of “getting their country one day???” Are you joking or crazy?

      If Palestinians want a single country rather than two states, they’re certainly not going to take Israeli citizenship is the country as it’s structured now, which offers them little or nothing in return. If there was ever a single state, it would have to be a truly democratic one in which every citizen had equal rights regardless of religion or ethnicity. There’s absolutely no hope of that currently.

      But I even dispute your claim regarding this since Palestinians are divided about which outcome they prefer. You least of all know what they want or prefer.

      Druze refused Israeli citizenship mostly out of fear of being return to Syria

      Now that’s rich. You’re now channeling Syrian Druze? You know how they feel? You’ve done a study of them? You’ve interviewed them, their leaders? No? I didn’t think so. Did it ever cross your mind that Syria Druze in occupied Golan don’t accept Israeli sovereignty for the same reason Palestinians don’t. They don’t accept being a conquered people. Syrian Druze want to return to being Syrian & Palestinians want national sovereignty, whether it be in their own Palestinian state on in a unitary state.

      Reportedly, the number of Druze seeking Israeli citizenship has been on the rise in the past few years

      And ‘reportedly’ you’ve been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.

      1. Even if you don’t believe Druze support of Syria is out of fear, you can’t compare hopes for Palestinian independence to hopes of being return to another country (not to mention this other country is Syria).
        Also, Palestinian claim they were Palestinians for centuries but not the Druze. Their only recent state was “Jabal Druze State” and as a group, they don’t have claims (or request) to a certain piece of land.

        “Reportedly, the number of Druze seeking Israeli citizenship has been on the rise in the past few years”

        1. @ Journalist: You’re spouting utter nonsense. If Jerusalem, including its Jewish citizens were conquered & occupied by Jordan for 60 yrs, those Jews would want nothing but return to Israeli sovereignty. THey would resist Jordanian control and use violence to do so. You know it & I know it. So don’t give me crap about not understanding why Syrian Druze would want to return to Syrian sovereignty. They are Syrian, they want to be Syrian. They (many of them) oppose Israeli occupation.

          As for your cock eyed notion that because Druze have no concept of a Druze state (a claim which may be entirely fabricated for all I know) this means they can’t want to be part of the Syrian state, that’s utter nonsense.

          I challenged you to offer a single piece of evidence showing your authority in matters related to the Druze. Never heard back. Where does your “expertise” come from?

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