12 thoughts on “IDF Soldiers Demand Prosecution of 5 Broken Cameras Director for Incitement – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Excellent article!

    The longer the film stays in the news cycle, the better it will be. So many more persons will wonder what the IDF soldiers’ beef is about. Israeli TV news is for domestic viewing and won’t change minds. The Oscar nominated film 5 Broken Cameras will continue to have an impact in 2013. Similar to the filming of the IDF incident with the Danish cyclist, the raw video (gun-butt) was viewed on YouTube, news outlets and social media. Wow, that’s weird. The original footage by palreportsnablus on Google (626,645 views) is hidden due to graphic image and age limitations.

  2. How stupid! If the film pisses them of they are best keeping quiet and waiting for the storm to blow over. BTW, you describe Betselem as “an insurgent NGO”, that’s inappropriate.They are purely a human rights organization, and as an Israeli I am very proud of them.

    1. “Insurgent” doesn’t mean “terrorist” in the context in which I used it. It means that they challenge the status quo and support alternative perspectives. Sorry if that was confusing.

  3. Let them do their worst. They look like fools. People will remember these two are from the same IDF who killed 1,400 Palestinians, most of whom were civilians, in Operation Cast Lead. They will remember that these two are from the same IDF that slaughtered 10 human rights activists aboard the Mavi Marmara. They will remember what happened to Rachel Corrie, Tom Hurndall, Tristan Anderson and others. When you remind people of one atrocity, they will remember the others.

    People will also begin to question why the US supports such a murderous regime. So, let’s give the film all the publicity we can.

  4. Correction:-) Five Broken Cameras was nominated for Best Documentary which contrary to Best Foreign Film doesn’t have to represent a country, it was in the same category as Gatekeepers.

  5. Can these soldiers claim that they have lost money due to ruined reputations? Are their friends turning their backs on them? Has their country jailed them? How were they hurt, again?

    Will Israeli companies or government or army refuse to hire these fellows because they were following normal orders of their government? Perhaps these man were hoping to emigrate to Germany or elsewhere and fear that their faces will be recognized? Is this an admission that Israel did not provide for them the haven that all persecuted Jews wish for?

  6. Actually, I sincerely hope that these soldier do indeed get their day in court. The best defense against libel, under Israeli law, is the claim “I spoke the truth”. The onus on proving otherwise is on the one claiming to have been libeled/defamed (i.e. in this case, the soldiers).

    True – the case may be prejudiced by the film being… ummm… not pro-conquest and occupation… but since at least one of the makers of the film is a jew, the rather (alas) racist israeli judicial system may be more flexible.


  7. Great, IDF soldiers demand to sue the Director of the Palestinian film… then we will demand to take the soldiers to the ICC as there is no excuse for the crimes inflicted on Palestinians. Fair deal?

  8. The role the bullies on the block also known as the ‘most moral army in the world’ love most dearly is that of perpetual victim. As Golda Meir said ‘We hate you not for what you do but for what you make us do’. They are without shame and since their prey is unarmed they do not have to fear anything except the contempt of the world. This is their reply which only exposes them to ever more disdain.
    Just wanted to make one correction though. One of the cameras was provided by a group to which I am a signatory, Jews for Justice for Palestinians, in the United Kingdom. We agreed to fund one of the cameras after visiting Bi’ilin as part of a delegation from European Jews for a Just Peace, getting tear gassed and hearing their story.

  9. RE: “Israeli TV news filmed an extraordinary 21 minute segment offering these soldiers a huge amount of time to air their grievances.” ~ R.S.

    URI AVNERY ON THE SORRY STATE OF THE ISRAELI MEDIA/PRESS: “Israel’s Weird Elections”, by Uri Avnery, Counterpunch, 1/04/13:

    [EXCERPTS] . . . The Israeli media are already to a large extent neutralized, a creeping process not unsimilar to what the Germans used to call Gleichschaltung. [SEE: Gleichschaltung @ Wikipedia – J.L.D. ]
    All three TV channels are more or less bankrupt and dependent on government handouts. Their editors are practically government appointees. The printed press is also teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, except the largest “news” paper, which belongs to Sheldon Adelson and is a Netanyahu propaganda sheet, distributed gratis.
    [Naftali] Bennett repeats the ridiculous assertion that almost all journalists are left-wingers (meaning traitors.) He promises to put an end to this intolerable situation. . .
    . . . In the coming four years, the official annexation of the West Bank to Israel may become a fact. . .
    . . . If the government continues on its present course, this will lead to certain disaster – the entire country between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River will become one unit under Israeli rule. This Greater Israel will contain an Arab majority and a shrinking Jewish minority, turning it inevitably into an apartheid state, plagued by a permanent civil war and shunned by the world.
    If pressure from without and within eventually compels the government to grant civil rights to the Arab majority, the country will turn into an Arab state. 134 years of Zionist endeavor will come to naught, a repetition of the Crusaders’ kingdom.
    This is so obvious, so inevitable, that one needs an iron will not to think about it. It seems that all major parties in these elections have this will. Speaking about peace, they believe, is poison. Giving back the West Bank and East Jerusalem for peace? God forbid even thinking about it.
    The weird fact is that this week two respected polls – independent of each other – came to the same conclusion: the great majority of Israeli voters favors the “two-state solution”
    , the creation of a Palestinian state along the 1967 borders and the partition of Jerusalem. This majority includes the majority of Likud voters, and even about half of Bennett’s adherents.
    How come? The explanation lies in the next question: How many voters believe that this solution is possible? The answer: almost nobody. Over dozens of years, Israelis have been brainwashed into believing that “the Arabs” don’t want peace. If they say they do, they are lying.
    If peace is impossible, why think about it? Why even mention it in the election campaign? Why not go back 44 years to Golda Meir’s days and pretend that the Palestinians don’t exist? (“There is no such thing as a Palestinian people…It is not as though there was a Palestinian people and we came and threw them out and took their country away. They did not exist.” – Golda Meir, June 13, 1969) . . .

    ENTIRE COMMENTARY – http://www.counterpunch.org/2013/01/04/israels-weird-elections/

  10. I love that the IDF soldiers want to ‘Sue’ what compensation do they want ? to take the village perhaps, Oh that’s right they’ve already done that.

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