For quite a long time I’ve felt that I should make more and better use of video technology to promote the work of Tikun Olam. I fruitlessly tried to interest BloggingheadsTV in including me in their wonk-heavy line-up. But if you don’t work for a Beltway think tank or write for an established media entity, they’re unlikely to be interested.
When I wrote to Israel’s Social TV, Ehud Shem Tov thought a video series would be a great idea. I’m so pleased to have them as collaborators. Social TV is an progressive Israeli media project broadcasting on cable and via its website. It offers videos that promote debate of important social and human rights issues.
My first video segment is about Chuck Hagel‘s nomination to be defense secretary and how it will impact the Iran nuclear crisis. These segments, which we hope to be regular, will be short (3-5 minutes in length). They are in English with Hebrew subtitles. Please promote this video and the coming segments through social media and your own networks!
One of my alternate goals would be to set up a progressive version of BloggingheadsTV that featured bloggers from Israel, Palestine, Egypt, Lebanon, Iran (and Diaspora), UK, and the U.S. paired to discuss issues of the day in the Israeli-Arab conflict. If you have the technical video expertise or are interested in helping fund such a venture let me know.
Richard — good to see and hear you at last! And a good format for the things we here care about.
Philip Weiss (Mondoweiss) thinks that Hagel “recanted” in his response to Sen. Boxer’s inquiries, that he is, alas, as much the Lobby’s man as any other, past remarks notwithstanding. Any thoughts of this, readers?
This is a question of whether he wants to be confirmed or not. He had to say what he did in order to gain confirmation. What he does later may or may not reflect the sentiments in his “recantation.” I’d wait to see how he acts as defense secretary before making such judgments.
Based on your maiden video blog on Social TV and your measured remarks about Chuck Hagel therein I look forward to more.
Sorry to say this, but you’ve got some serious lazy eye, and it really doesn’t lend itself to video. Blogging is your better medium.
@No Offense: Leave it to someone calling themselves “No Offense” to make a boorish, offensive remark. Thanks for being a total idiot. If I wanted your opinion I’d ask. I don’t recall doing so.
How does this impact your blog?
Will you be migrating everything over to Social TV?
@Bob Mann: Of course not.
Great initial TV moment. Keep it up.
As to Hagel, he will be like all other USA government people after being confirmed — a loyal servant of his boss and also an independent voice (at least as to private advice, and maybe inside the cabinet or even in public) to the extent not precluded by the powers swirling around Washington. What he probably will NOT be is the voice of neocon-ism inside the cabinet. That vocie will still be heard, all too loudly, but he may balance it a bit. Let us pray!
Amen to that!
Hagel gives Obama lots of options regarding the great strategic threat to the US posed by the neocons
Like what George HW Bush said about “one lonely little guy” up against “something like a thousand (pro-Israel) lobbyists on the hill working the other side of the question” – Obama picked Hagel to take care of that little problem.
Obama only needs a ‘few good men’ – or in this case – one good man to run interference for him and he will have it with Hagel.