Elijah the Prophet traditionally visits every Passover seder to partake of a sip of a special wine cup reserved for his enjoyment. During the telling of the story of the Exodus, Jews open their door and invite Elijah to join them. Such an invitation is a symbol of Jewish hospitality and an acknowledgment of Elijah’s role as a harbinger of redemption.
When we open the door to him, we sing:
Elijah the Prophet
Elijah the Tishbite [from the village of Tishbe]
Elijah the GiladiQuickly and in our day
He will come to us
With the messiah son of David
For all the above reasons, this dark Passover joke circulated by anti-Occupation activists among Israelis is especially telling. A note of explanation: Gilead in ancient times was approximately where the northern West Bank is currently located:
ישראלים, אם אליהו הנביא לא בא אל שולחן הסדר שלכם, זה אולי בגלל שצה”ל מנע ממנו לעבור את המחסום
Israelis: if Elijah the Prophet didn’t come to your Passover table it may be because the IDF prevented him from crossing the checkpoint.
H/t Ali Abunimah, Sol Salbe
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