One of the purposes of this blog is to expose those who abuse the Holocaust and anti-Semitism for cheap political gain. To that, I’d now like to add a new campaign against those who exploit the Hebrew Bible for the purpose of making moronic analogies to their own personal peccadilloes and predilections.
Sanford then compared himself to the Bible’s David, who slept with another man’s wife, had him killed and then married the woman.
“He fell mighily. He fell in very significant ways but was able to pick up the pieces,” Sanford said.
About the only thing you can say on behalf of Sanford is that his inamorata was already divorced, so luckily there was no competing husband for him to kill off. Imagine if there were??!
But does this King David analogy mean that after Sanford resigns, we can expect to see him reborn and newly remarried to his Argentine Spitfire and living somewhere out on the Pampas? Maybe he can earn his living organizing Argentine trade missions for U.S. state governments. Though I think he should eliminate the R&R portion of those junkets.
A ridiculous self serving statement to be sure…. of course this blog only likes to talk about those it selectively chooses who does both things set forth….
Of course, you don’t want to hear about the sanctimony and self serving nature of the left which is often greater and worse due to the self wrapping of moral superiority and over the top flame throwing used to smite and silence a debate….
While you’d love to think of yourself as the “enlightened one” open to debate perhaps you should just stick to your narrow focus and deleting or selectively publishing comments… that works better for you I’m sure…..
No, we’re pretty tired with the same old boring pablum coming fr. “critics” like you. One wonders why you even bother. Wouldn’t you be much happier at NRO, Middle East Forum, Frontpagemagazine or any number of right wing sites??
And thanks for the unsolicited advice. I’ll treat it with the same respect you show for me.
And btw in taking the name “Samson Gompers” did you have to defile both the name & memory of one of America’s great early labor leaders, Samuel Gompers??
Sanford’s King David analogy is even weirder than it seems at first blush. It’s completely illogical, even in terms that might appeal to Christian fundamentalists. (I am not one, by the way.) Sanford is not a king, and South Carolina is not a kingdom! David was anointed by God, and kings in the ancient world were not expected to resign when
they transgressed. We don’t live in that world.
The behavior of a polygamous monarch who lived 3,000 years ago is no guide to proper conduct of an elected chief executive of a modern republican state. The divine right of kings was one of the concepts our forbears rebelled against in 1776, and our constitutions make it clear that our elected officials are answerable to the people. Sanford may think he was anointed by God, but no one else has to believe that.
Governor Sanford has broken several laws and breached the trust of the people of South Carolina. If he will not resign, he should be impeached.
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It takes a lot of audacity to betray your wife-the one who fought for your cause, especially in front of the whole world!