Is anyone surprised? The N.Y. Times reports that Anne Coulter has likened Barack Obama to Hitler and people like her to the dissidents who tried to warn the rest of their fellow citizens about the danger of Nazism before it was too late:
[On FOX News] the news media is portrayed as papering over questions about Mr. Obama’s past associations with people who have purportedly anti-American tendencies…(“I feel like we are talking to the Germans after Hitler comes to power, saying, ‘Oh, well, I didn’t know,’ ” Ann Coulter, the conservative commentator, told Mr. Hannity on Thursday.)
Isn’t it so comfortable and self-righteous of her to be able to see herself as the patriot and the rest of us as Nazi sympathizers? I don’t want to go all Rovian in our hour of triumph, but at this rate these bozos may be out of power for a decade or more if they keep it up.
Coulter is a reliable Republican pitbull who can be relied on to attack the target of the day. Perhaps a disastrous showing on Tuesday at the polls will temper Republican enthusiasm for her views.
Fe fi fo fum, I smell the blood of desperation.
I think Coulter, when pointing the finger of Nazi-detection, should turn it toward herself next time.