Bush, who used his family connections to avoid Vietnam, told troops serving in Afghanistan on Thursday that he is “a little envious” of their adventure there, saying it was “in some ways romantic.”
Can someone tell me where the ‘romance’ is? Only a guy who’s never served in a war could say wartime service was “romantic.” The closest this guy’s gotten to combat is watching Saving Private Ryan in the White House living quarters. He probably didn’t even watch that as it would’ve put him off the notion of war being jolly good manly fun. I won’t ask whether the guy’s taken leave of his senses because clearly, if he was ever in touch he hasn’t been for about the last seven years or so. But every day brings new confirmations of this like the passage above quoted in Maureen Dowd’s NY Times column today.
The romance is in the eye of a beholder.
It is no accident that the US Army has released and supports a FREE game, called ‘America’s Army’. It is a very good FPS to be honest, but is also a recruiting tool.