Pompeo offered Iran freedom from the barrel of a gun. And mighty persuasive it was too. He...

.חשיפה: מחר (ד’) בבוקר יוסר האיסור שהטילה הצנזורה הצבאית במשך 11 שנה על דיווחים בנושא תקיפת הכור...

When is a terrorist not a terrorist? When he’s OUR terrorist. This just about knocked my socks...

What do Howard Berman, Brad Sherman, Jane Harman, Gary Ackerman and all the other Congressional water-carriers for...
While the wages of sin are reputed to be death, the wages of Stuxnet will be unforeseen...

Based on interviews with unnamed IAEA inspectors, AP is claiming that virtually all the centrifuge arrays used...
The N.Y. Times offers some intriguing theories and reporting on the Stuxnet worm affair. Among the tantalizing...
A Bloomberg interview with Richard Falkenrath, former counter-terrorism official in the Bush administration points specifically to Israel...

Might Stuxnet have been the preemptive first strike in Israel’s campaign against Iran’s nuclear program? My post...

The ACLU and Tariq Ramadan won a major legal victory in their campaign to allow Ramadan entry...
Bill Clinton and George Bush Jr. spoke in Canada yesterday, each earning more than $150K for the...
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu considers the lifting of the Iranian nuclear threat his life’s mission. Before coming...