Wild Ginger is a sad example of a formerly extraordinary & inventive restaurant which outgrew its charming waterfront location & tried to move to a big, impersonal space in the heart of downtown. The transfer simply didn’t work. Now, Wild Ginger is loud, crowded & cooly formal. Everything that was wonderful in the old place is lost. The food too has suffered because they are trying to serve 3 or 4 times as many customers as before. Wild Ginger–R.I.P.
Loud – part of the atmosphere. Makes it feel alive.
Crowded – because the food is so good!
Food has suffered? – Have you tried the Fragrant Duck or Seven Flavor Beef? I haven’t found anything like it anywhere else in this city.
It’s ok. Sounds like you’re not the kind of person who should leave the house, anyway.
@sherifffruitfly: Nor are you the kind of person who should be leaving comments on blogs.