Now that we’re entering the fall harvest season, it’s time to highight some of the amazing and distinctive produce one sees at Seattle’s Farmer’s Markets. I attend the Columbia City market, where I always look forward to the offering from Tonnemaker Orchards. They have two extraordinary items right now: honeycrisp apples and yellow watermelon. Growing up in the Hudson River Valley, one of the State’s major apple-growing regions, I’ve always loved tart/sweet apples and I’ve gone through romances with Mutsu, Fujis and others. But HoneyCrisp is the best. They are large apples with firm flesh. The taste is sweet, but the tartness nicely balances the sweet. Eating them is a delight. Tonnemaker’s yellow watermelon is also a delight. They are heavily seeded, but it is easy to remove them with a fork. When you bite into the flesh–O man! It tastes like you’re eating a sweet fragrance, that’s the best way I can think to describe it.
If you’ve never partaken of either of these run, do not walk to the University or Columbia City Farmer’s Market and get them while they last.
Here’s the Farm’s contact info:
Tonnemaker Hill Farm
9098 Dodson Rd S
Royal City WA 99357-9718